Turning misfortunes into good fortune starts with seizing the direct descendants in Kowloon

Chapter 95 A little awe-inspiring energy in the chest, the world is full of joy

The next day, daylight dawned, and the bright sunshine shone into the cold palace.

Lu Mingyuan was still hugging him from left to right, nephrite in his arms, the fragrance was lingering, and he slept very sweetly.

Last night I completely fell into a ditch and it took me most of the night to crawl out.

Men, after all, they must return to their roots. Wherever they come from, they will return to where they came from.

Lu Mingyuan woke up early, washed up, put on simple martial arts training clothes, and wore a long sword on his waist. He felt refreshed.

Ziyun and Hongwan on the bed were still lazily sleeping. Their pure and beautiful faces were tired after hard work, but also rosy and gorgeous after being watered. There was a faint smile on the corner of their mouth, and they didn't know what they were dreaming about. .

Seeing this, Lu Mingyuan couldn't help but walked to the bed and leaned down to kiss them both on the cheek. Unexpectedly, Hongwan woke up first and opened her eyes in confusion.

His Highness would go to the mountains behind the cold palace to practice martial arts at dawn every day. They knew this.

Lu Mingyuan opened the window and found that there were remnants of golden clouds in the sky, which were quite dazzling. The bright golden clouds slowly dispersed last night, and the remaining light curtain was like a thousand-mile morning glow, lingering, making it an extremely beautiful scenery.

In addition, the palace is shrouded in many strange phenomena, such as golden divine lotus, Tianmei fairy tree, ink-wash Tianhe and other magical phenomena one after another.

At the same time, he felt an invisible aura on his body, which became very active, like threads coming from the veins of the Great Flame Dragon.

The dragon luck on his body became active, and it was obvious that something had happened.

What's happening here?

Lu Mingyuan was very puzzled.

Hongwan rubbed her eyes and said, Your Highness, it was so lively last night. I was awakened by this slave. Seeing that you were sleeping soundly, I didn't disturb you.

What happened last night?

In the direction of Wenyuan Pavilion, there are strange phenomena of heaven and earth, golden pillars ascending to the sky, as if something auspicious has been born, and black birds are looking up to the sky.

Ah? Wenyuan Pavilion?

Lu Mingyuan looked puzzled and thought, rubbing his chin, a little uncertain.

Why is it the Wenyuan Pavilion? I just happened to go there yesterday and even gave Chen Ke a gift. There should be no relationship between the two.

It shouldn't be such a coincidence.

After daybreak, it was still not peaceful.

Many mountain chiefs and deputy mountain chiefs of the three academies, including the Taoist Master Jingshui Zhenjun, the young Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain, the mad monk from the Siyuan, the Arhat who subdued the dragon and subdued the tiger, and the Confucian gentleman from the Drum Academy, were all looking at the direction of the palace.

The monks of the three academies were all alarmed last night, because there were powerful auras approaching the Imperial Capital, but they did not stop them because they were all acquaintances, and they were famous figures from all over the world. The golden divine lotus, the Tianmei fairy tree, the ink and the Milky Way, and other magical phenomena followed one after another. And arrived.

What's that noise?


Suddenly, a brilliant wave of light appeared in the sky.

Multiple figures came from the sky.

A newly promoted Jinshi, serving as a scholar in the Hanlin Academy, pointed to the sky and shouted:

It's the sage! The sage has come to the imperial capital in person!

What a rich cultural atmosphere! Many great scholars are here!

He is truly a great scholar!

Many students shouted with great excitement.

The rich literary spirit appeared in the sky, accompanied by the arrival of many great scholars, which really surprised the students of the Imperial Capital.

Are they here because of the Confucianism and Taoism in the Imperial Capital?

It can't be wrong, it must be like this!

How can this person actually allow sages and so many great scholars to come to him?

Wenchang Pavilion.

As usual, the eighth prince Lu Yunqing got up early every day to offer incense to the stone statues of saints in the temple. He was always accompanied by an old slave holding a sword.

This old slave was worshiped by the military strategist of the Confucian Temple, and was sent by the Master to protect him.

Ever since he saw the rising black bird of cultural fortune last night, an unconcealable horror flashed through his heart, because he noticed that Great Yan's national destiny was already glowing with vitality.

As a prince, he is very sensitive to the fate of the country. Not only him, but other princes should also be aware of the increase in national fortunes.

With the blessing of the black bird of cultural luck, the originally weak national destiny has become more vigorous.

This can be regarded as a special connection between Confucianism and major dynasties.

If one loses, both will suffer, if one gains, both will prosper.

Sir, Black Bird is born, what should I do?

Lu Yunqing knelt at the stone statue and asked.

A stone statue of a saint gave off a faint light, and a disembodied voice echoed in his mind: This is the image of a saint, which shows that the person who established the destiny has the appearance of becoming a saint. If you can, you can take him under your command, which will be of great benefit to you in seizing the throne. .

Lu Yunqing's eyes still showed confusion: Sir, do you really want to do this?

If you want to put an end to the struggle for heirs in Kowloon, spread Neo-Confucianism, and display your talents, you have to fight by yourself. Bloodshed and sacrifice, as well as the ruthlessness of the Tian family, are inevitable. It is the most appropriate way for you to end this mess. .

I understand, sir.

A look of determination appeared in Lu Yunqing's eyes.

Above the towering palace of Shengming Palace.

The Black Bird of Wenyun fell from the sky and disappeared after escaping into Wenyuan Pavilion last night.

The sky sends luck to Great Yan, and I, Great Yan, will prosper at the top of all countries in the future!

During the early morning court, some cabinet ministers went out of the city to greet many great Confucian scholars and sages. Their expressions were excited, their eyes were shining brightly, and many officials from the court came to join in the fun.

Imperial Master Yuan Xuangang, Wang Hefu, Qi Xingyan and other ministers were all present.

Many people had already secretly gathered outside Wenyuan Pavilion, observing silently without making any noise.

But Chen Ke was still in the pavilion recuperating the awe-inspiring righteousness in his chest, and had no idea about the external affairs.

Because he found that a ray of black bird energy in his body seemed to come to life, spitting out a stream of spiritual fire to help him refine his literary energy.

Luck feeds back, and Xuanniao condenses his literary spirit for him. This is really a great opportunity!

Many great scholars who came from outside the pavilion were filled with envy when they saw this scene.

Cultivating oneself in the first level of Confucianism and Taoism requires a lot of accumulation of literary spirit. In addition to accumulation, it also needs to be tempered. It is very difficult. The further you go, the harder it becomes to temper.

Nowadays, Chen Ke reads and collects too many books, and his literary style is inevitably complicated, which makes his body unable to bear it.

Now, isn't it a great opportunity for Xuanniao to use divine fire to help temper it, solidify it, and build a foundation?

Chen Ke only felt a mysterious and powerful flame spiritual power entering his body, steaming the sea of ​​literary energy, and his realm instantly climbed from the entry level of the gentleman's realm to the peak of the gentleman's realm.

Wen Qi continued to condense and was tempered by the divine fire, gradually turning into a spring.

The fountain of literary spirit.

It condenses all the literary energy given by heaven, just like a real spiritual spring, and can make literary thoughts spring up. This means that the literary energy he gained from entering Confucianism and Taoism is as majestic as the sea, which is unmatched by any other Confucian cultivator in the Qi-nourishing realm.

The average first-level Confucian cultivator has no obvious strength. If his literary spirit is exhausted, he will be like an ordinary person, with no means at all and can only be slaughtered by others.

But if you are a Confucian cultivator like Chen Ke, who has a spring of energy from the sea, you are not afraid of this situation at all. You Wenquan continuously outputs literary spirit, which far exceeds 99% of Confucianism cultivators.

And he felt that the awe-inspiring righteousness in his chest was continuously pouring out.

The realm of the gentleman is the seventh realm of Confucianism and Taoism.

This state is a symbol of the peak spiritual power of Confucianism cultivators. With an impeccable tongue, they can control external objects, use the void to write, and even influence the consciousness and values ​​of others. They can speak and output, and what they say can make people No excuses.

So just know a little bit.

Confucianism cultivators are not like warriors and qi practitioners who use physical strength and magical powers to fight monsters and suppress evil spirits.

Instead, he uses his own awe-inspiring righteousness to guide the heavenly phenomena and kill those who disobey the Dao.

Just as everyone outside the pavilion was watching Chen Ke's Confucianism and Taoism, several figures descended from the sky, accompanied by various visions.

Especially that golden divine lotus, like the sun, saving all living beings and shining on all souls.

The air surged in the hall for a moment, and many officials stared at this scene in a daze.

I don’t know who is coming.

Rentu, one of the four major worshipers of Dayan, stood in front of the imperial palace, calm and unflustered.

Since the national fortunes reacted, it meant that it was not demons and evil spirits who came here, but people from within Dayan. Being able to enter the palace meant that they had the permission of the monks from the Three Imperial Palaces and the approval of the cabinet.

Hahaha, what a 'great protector of all the poor men in the world and a happy face', let me see who he is, he has such courage!

A hearty laughter stepped out from the vision.

A thin old man in a dark blue gown appeared in the hall, attracting everyone's attention.

Many people felt that the person in front of them looked quite familiar, especially the free and cheerful aura.

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered.

This is Liang Wengong!

Meng Wen is here!

A cabinet minister looked shocked, as if he were seeing an idol. He was a second-rank official after all, and he hurriedly came forward to pay homage:

Students have met Mr. Liang!

As soon as these words came out, the door suddenly became lively.

Liang Wengong, is this Liang Boyan who is 'just like Gu Yan Wanren Mountain'?

This is a great scholar from Xiangnan Academy! The title of Duke of the Kingdom was bestowed upon him by the late emperor.

Meet sir!

Soon, officials were saying hello one after another, just to look familiar.

Liang Boyan was a great scholar at the Xiangnan Academy. Who doesn't know that Xiangnan Academy is the most powerful academy in Dayan? Every year, Xiangnan Prefecture and Yuzhang Prefecture win the most Jinshi, accounting for one-third of the scholars in Dayan. Xiangnan Academy plays an important role. Many officials in this court are his students.

When Chen Ke saw this kind old man in Wenyuan Pavilion, he was surprised and strange.

He hurriedly wondered when so many people had gathered outside the pavilion.

Surprisingly, these great Confucian masters have not swung their tails. You can only see them when they are giving lectures in the academy. And most of the time, these great Confucian scholars will not give lectures in person, but will personally select the disciples who can be molded.

Now, he actually saw a world-famous scholar at the door?

real or fake?

Chen Ke felt like he was in a dream, everything seemed unreal.

This is very strange. What is a great scholar doing here?

Could it be that he was lured here?

Chen Ke guessed in his mind.

When Liang Boyan saw everyone welcoming him so, he stroked his beard and said with a smile:

I am not the only one who came today. I am accompanying others. One of them, even me, cannot take away his face.

See Liang Wengong’s humble words.

All the officials in the imperial court looked at the sky curiously.

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