Book school and bamboo forest.

The breeze blows and the wind chimes and bamboo ring.

An old man in a Confucian shirt was sitting and playing notes. On the chessboard was either a famous game that had been passed down through the ages, or a legendary chess record left by a chess master, or the old man was just playing it casually.

He was about to drop a white stone on the chessboard, but he sighed, and all his original plans were disrupted.

So the next second, he began to hesitate, not knowing which move to make.

After putting away his palms, Bai Zi was suspended, still staying in mid-air.

Qi Xingyan sat upright with an indifferent expression. Even though he was an eleventh-level Confucian in the Confucian temple, only one step away from the twelve levels, and was also the former Prime Minister of Great Yan and the head of the Confucian Shengjing Academy, he still had many injustices in his heart. Things, unfulfilled wishes.

The lineage of Lisheng was directly passed down to him. Except for the descendants of the seven major disciples, most of them were unknown.

If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely just want to restore the glory of the Lisheng. However, his experience of wandering around as a young man made him understand one thing.

The rise and fall of a lineage cannot be achieved by just one person.

Therefore, An Shijishi, teaching and developing schools is what he has always done.

He raised his head slightly, looked through the layers of vermilion palace walls, and saw a rather handsome young man in a python robe walking towards him.

He had already passed the school entrance examination before, so he thought his daughter's words would be a bit exaggerated, but he really showed off his good demeanor.

This shows that what his previous teacher taught him was indeed correct.

People cannot be judged by their appearance.

He has met too many people, including ordinary-looking scholars who study hard, who are rich and powerful, but still don't forget the kindness of a drop of water, and there are also evil people from poor families who don't know a word but disdain for studying literature. Famous families also have their own futility, and small families also have their own viciousness.

After all, he is not one of those stone statues of saints enshrined in Confucian temples. He only needs to be like a clay Bodhisattva to enjoy the incense of scholars all over the world. He has too many concerns for the common people.

At this time, Lu Mingyuan stood tall and straight in the small courtyard. He had a handsome face and a graceful pace. He often practiced martial arts. His body was in excellent shape and his temperament was more sharp than before.


Qi Xingyan's eyes were calm and he thought to himself.

Although he had met the sixth prince once before, it was inevitable that he was in a hurry. He was not a rotten scholar who only looked at people on the surface, but looked at their hearts.

Now that we have officially met, we have a different feeling.

Although the other party has a wanton smile on his face, his piercing eyes are never deceptive. There is elegance between his eyebrows, which is definitely not the laziness of an illiterate martial artist, nor the arrogance of being careless and ignorant. It's the laziness and leisure that comes after reading poetry and books and getting tired of the disputes.

Lu Mingyuan arrived here for the first time, and he was quite solemn. After all, the other party was a famous scholar and Qi Muxue's father, so he bowed lightly: Lu Mingyuan has met Mr. Qi.

Qi Xingyan raised his hand casually: Your Highness, there is no need for such false courtesy, please just sit down.

After Lu Mingyuan sat down, he saw the white piece hanging in the air and asked curiously: Sir, why does this piece not fall for so long?

Qi Xingyan smiled and replied: With my own strength, I can't even do it.

Sir, you are a great Confucian at the eleventh level. He is one of those people who are at the top of the world in terms of knowledge. Is there anything you can't do? Lu Mingyuan asked in confusion.

Qi Xingyan laughed and looked at him with a smile: Even a saint can't do many things, let alone me.

Have you ever seen the outside world, Your Highness?


Lu Mingyuan shook his head honestly. Even though he was the original person, he grew up in the Imperial Capital and had never seen the magnificence of the Great Yan Mountains and Rivers.

There are differences between good and evil in this world. There are immortals, spirits, monsters, good people and evil people. There are grudges and causes and effects. Even a saint can't control them. Qi Xingyan said slowly.

I've heard of some and seen them in books, but I haven't really seen them. What does the difference between good and evil mean when you talk about it? Is it true that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil? Lu Mingyuan replied.

Qi Xingyan explained: The difference between good and evil means it is very simple. If a military swordsman accidentally kills a commoner who is possessed by a demon while killing demons, in the eyes of his fellow monks, this is also a good thing. , but for that family, it turned out to be evil.

I saw him saying seriously: In this world, everyone's definition of good and evil is different. The common people of Great Yan, emperors and generals, Taoists and immortals, and Buddhist Bodhisattva are all different, so they all draw different conclusions. This is why there is a difference between good and evil.”

Lu Mingyuan nodded in understanding.

Suddenly, I realized that I had almost forgotten what I was here to do, so I asked:

Having said so much, why did Mr. Qi come to me?

Qi Xingyan smiled softly and said, I want to know how His Highness views the world.

this world?

Qi Xingyan returned to the question just now and added: The good and evil in this world.

Lu Mingyuan pondered slightly, raised his head and said, I don't know myself. I only know that I will be grateful to those who treat me sincerely, no matter whether they are good or evil. I will retaliate against those who do something to me, even if they are gentlemen.

Qi Xingyan nodded, wondering what his attitude was: As you said, focusing on results is not a way of thinking.

Then I ask Your Highness, if one day you have considerable power and can do many things, but once you do it, many people will die, no matter the result, will you do it?

Lu Mingyuan was a little confused by this question.

Qi Xingyan smiled gently, pointed at the floating white piece and said: Just like this chess piece, it has a lot of weight. The whole chessboard is looking at it. Although it has not fallen, the overall situation has been decided. After it falls, it cannot be changed. What kind of reality is this chess piece still missing?

Lu Mingyuan didn't hesitate, and said with sharp eyes: Luo.

No one has a perfect path. As long as you want to walk, the road is at your feet. Believe in yourself and rely on yourself. There is no desperate situation in the world. There are only people who are desperate. Chess is dead, but people are alive. The answer to the problem It should be in my own hands, all the miracles and great power are within me.

good very good.

Hearing this, a happy smile appeared on Qi Xingyan's old face.

Seems satisfied with this answer.

Your Highness can go back.

Lu Mingyuan was a little confused when he heard this.

Not a word of what he said about preparations for this trip was used.

Qi Xingyan seemed to have asked him a few complicated questions. What kind of situation was this?


Then did he pass or fail?

With doubts, he still obeyed the instructions, bowed gently, and then left.

After Lu Mingyuan left, Qi Muxue, who was wearing a green undershirt, walked into the courtyard gate. She had obviously been eavesdropping for a long time.

She looked at the floating Bai Zi, took it off, rubbed it for a while, couldn't think of a clue, and asked:

Father, what do you mean by these words?

Qi Xingyan smiled lightly and said: This son's attitude towards the world is not confused. He has his own rules of conduct. That's enough.

What does this white guy mean?

And this white boy is like the throne of an emperor. Under the throne, there are all corpses. It is destined to be full of ups and downs and thorns. If you don't have great perseverance, you won't be able to wait for that day. If you don't have perseverance, you won't be able to reach that step.

It is equally difficult to sit on the throne of God. The struggle between the three religions is like a chess game, and everyone is like a chess piece. Even the emperor has difficulty in manipulating it and breaking the balance. The Holy Spirit has spent his whole life doing things, and has already failed, and this son The determination to overturn the chess game should not be underestimated.”

Then you agree to join the Sixth Prince?

Qi Muxue's eyes lit up.

Qi Xingyan nodded: Yes, but I see that this guy seems to be dormant. He is still hiding his power and biding his time. This matter is not urgent.

The old man stroked his white beard under his chin and said with a chuckle: You like him the most, don't you? Now that he is about to get married, why don't you fight for it.

Qi Muxue still feels bitter about the other party's words, and said with a sad look in her eyes: My daughter still doesn't understand his thoughts and can't make a decision.

The update is ready, please wait patiently for it to be released on the 26th.

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