Jin Palace.

Lu Guangjing was sitting high up, and there were more than ten people standing below. They were all dressed in different clothes, but their faces and eyes were extremely indifferent.

A burly man knelt down on one knee and reported:

Your Highness, the soul lamp has been extinguished and the person is dead.

Lu Guangjing frowned and said, How did you die?

The corpse has been retrieved. It seems that it died from the sword's energy. The body was not injured, but the meridians, Dantian, and internal organs were all smashed. The mastery of vitality was at its peak, and the momentum was very strong. The clothes of the deceased were soaked with sweat.

Lu Guangjing's eyes were gloomy and uncertain: It's impossible for Lu Mingyuan to have such ability. Someone must be helping him behind the scenes.

He took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and laughed to himself: Why didn't I know that there were so many masters suddenly in the palace? In addition to the four major ministers, the monks of the three academies, and the major generals, there are also such masters beside Lao Liu. Already?

Or could it be that the king's eyes and ears in the harem have been cleared by my father, and he is not even aware of this kind of news?

Gongyang Hu came out and thought slightly: There is indeed something strange. The person who died is not a minor character. One is a great master who has reached the seventh level of martial arts. He is good at boxing and palm skills. He is a good hand in close combat and assassination. The other They are eight-level Taoist cultivators who practice military swordsmanship and Taoist talismans. They are the best among assassins. Both of them have assassinated the crown prince of the kingdom. They have committed countless murders and are hunted by many forces. They are ranked second in the Infernal Affairs Party. Master.

The cost of recruiting a middle-level fifth-grade monk is very high.

You must know that even if they are warriors, every sea-viewing warrior is qualified to command an army of 100,000 people, and they can even become a prince.

A martial artist in the Nine Realms of Longmen Realm can serve as a commander, guard a place, and take charge of a state.

As for the Vajra Realm and the Ascension Realm, these are the existences that respect and establish the sect.

There are not as many masters as you think.

If you have the realm of a great master, you can live at ease in the world without being provoked by anyone.

Not everyone understands the principle of hiding one's strength and biding one's time. This Lu Mingyuan is definitely not as simple as he appears now.

Lu Guangjing said thoughtfully.

Gongyang Hu quickly understood, Your Highness is saying that the Sixth Prince is weird?

Lu Guangjing nodded slightly: It's probably not a coincidence this time. I thought I would test it out and find an opportunity to get rid of Liuzi by the way, but I didn't expect such an accident to happen.

Regardless of whether there is a connection between the two, I always underestimated him. Since the simple method is useless, it seems that some other means must be used, and it cannot be so obvious.

Sir, you are right. After all, killing is just the lowest and most trouble-free way. If you want to truly end a person, you have to kill your heart.

Just a few sentences.

Gongyang Hu had already heard His Highness the Second Prince's reflection and conclusion.

After the assassin failed, His Highness felt that he should not underestimate the enemy, even the sixth prince who was in the cold palace.

He quickly came up with the next solution and responded with all his strength and response in a very timely manner.

Lu Guangjing thought for a moment and said: Fourth prince, let's postpone it for now. Let's take a look at Lu Mingyuan's side first. Get rid of it as soon as possible before it is out of control. Then it will be a problem to raise dogs. Wang Hefu and Concubine Yaoguang are about to aspire to be the second assistant. For the position of the Queen, one is the best candidate and cannot be left alone.

Gongyang Hu asked: What does Your Highness plan to do?

Lu Guangjing chuckled: Everyone knows that Lu Mingyuan is addicted to beauty and women from brothels. He will snatch up the women he likes, even if they are snatched away. Doesn't he like women the most? In this case, I will give it to him Send a 'woman' over.

The tone in the second half of the sentence is somewhat meaningful.

Gongyang Hu knew that His Highness had already thought of a way.

Besides, the Eighth Prince seems to be returning to the capital. Is Your Highness prepared?

Lu Guangjing rubbed his eyebrows and said, The most difficult thing to deal with now is the Eighth Prince.

Before, he was only somewhat related to the Confucian Temple. Now he goes to the Confucian Temple and has been officially accepted as a disciple by Li Sheng. Even if Mr. takes action, he must be wary of three points.

Old Man Zhu's 'Neo-Confucianism' of Li Sheng is really being implemented by small countries. I don't know if it is really stupid or fake.

He really found a big roof to take shelter from the rain.

Even Lu Guangjing hasn't come up with any good ideas for the time being.

Going against a saint will not end well.

The existence of the third grade can move the heaven and earth with every word and deed, and be blessed by visions.

In the true sense, he speaks the Constitution of Heaven and educates all peoples.

In order to deal with the Eighth Prince, his husband must personally take action.

That gentleman is not a saint, he is better than a saint.

With his own efforts, he started the prelude to the victory of the Nine Dragons.

The previous ideas to win over the fifth prince and frame the sixth prince all came from him.

Everyone knows that the fifth prince died in an assassination, but who knows where the cause of the assassination came from?

If it hadn't been for this assassination, I'm afraid the eldest brother and Daomen wouldn't have had a rift so quickly.

Everyone knows that the Sixth Prince let go of the demon girl, but who knows how the demon girl got out of the imperial capital?

Zhao Xuanwu left and rushed to the north.

He said we couldn't live without him there.

Before leaving, he also took away a jug of good wine.

Lu Mingyuan was silent in the yard for a long time, drinking wine. The originally mellow wine didn't have much flavor for some reason.

He recalled Zhao Xuanwu's every word, which sounded like an exhortation.

To sum up, it is probably the following points.

Make many good connections.

the world is huge.

Practice martial arts well.

Live longer.

Halfway through his thoughts, there was a gentle knock on the door.

This time, he chose to open the door himself.

After opening the door, Lu Mingyuan was a little surprised to find Zhou Pingfu.

The two eunuchs disappeared into the palace and I want to report to you.


Lu Mingyuan frowned and murmured.

Then his eyebrows stretched, he chuckled and asked: Why did you tell me?

Zhou Pingfu clasped his fists and said respectfully: Since Your Highness can discover these two people, there must be something extraordinary. Although the younger one is a small person, he also knows that there are some things that should be said and some things that should not be said. Otherwise, in this huge palace, Even if you survive, you won’t be able to survive. This is the truth that I will sum up through the lessons of life and death.”

Lu Mingyuan used Recognize People to observe and found that he was not lying, so he nodded: Thank you for informing me, Zhou Pingfu, I will remember you.

Zhou Pingfu nodded slightly, then said goodbye and left.

Lu Guangjing.

Lu Mingyuan held the knife at his waist, his eyes sharp.

If it was just a simple suspicion at the beginning, now, he can say for sure.

The person behind this plan must be his good second brother, even the recipe is so familiar.

Get close first, then take action.

Reminiscent of the fact that Zhao Xuanwu left the venue in the middle of drinking not long ago, something was wrong. It was probably his old man's fault, so he said the following words.

He sighed, it seemed that some things would come early.

A sentence comes to mind.

Only the knife in the waist is the only truth!

The second day.

In the imperial capital, the military camp assembled.

A tall, burly soldier with an animal face and wearing red and black unicorn armor. They looked menacing. Each one of them was full of vitality. The dragon-scaled horse he held was majestic. There were three horses beside him. Carrying feed.

Three horses support one horse, which shows how valuable the dragon scale horse is.

The people who saw this scene knew in their hearts that another war was about to begin.

At the same time, another blue jade chariot and horse carriage drove slowly into the imperial city. A startling glimpse came out of the car window, which made many passing ladies excited, secretly wondering which noble family's young master was returning to the capital.

The Qilin Guards are gathering. Could it be that the imperial court plans to send troops to deal with Third Brother?

In the carriage, a look of deep thought appeared on Lu Yunqing's gentle and jade-like face.

He felt depressed and sighed: I didn't expect that the third brother would eventually become like this. Why did all my brothers become like this.

I haven't seen you for half a year. I wonder how Brother Six is ​​doing now.

Next to the car, there was an old servant holding a sword, his hands full of calluses, comforting him: Your Highness, there is no need to bother yourself, just concentrate on studying the emperor's mind. Senior Sage Youli is sitting at the rear, there is nothing to worry about.

Hearing this, Lu Yunqing's eyes were a little confused: If the emperor's mental skills are really cultivated, will I still be the same person as before?

The old servant holding the sword smiled and said: In this world, how many people are living for themselves, your highness should also think about yourself.

Don't worry, everyone, it will be released at 12 noon on the 26th, that is, next Friday. I will send a review at that time, as well as the rules for additional updates and explosive updates.

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