In the next few days, Dayan Dynasty was unusually quiet. After experiencing the Eastern Expedition, palace changes, and cabinet changes, the situation suddenly calmed down.

But two things, neither big nor small, happened.

First, Emperor Yong'an announced that he would be out of court for a month, and all affairs would be handled by the new cabinet. The reason given on the surface was that he was tired from the war and needed to rest for a while.

But in fact, no one knew what he was going to do.

Second, the eldest prince Lu Changfeng requested a retrial from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment, demanding innocence. He was framed, but was repeatedly refuted by the cabinet on the grounds that there was no evidence.

In the end, this is the embarrassing situation. If the Holy One does not issue an imperial decree, no one will dare to behead the eldest prince. Whether it is death or exile, everyone is waiting for the Holy Glory's fate. Until then, the eldest prince has to stay in prison. .

Leichi Taoist Temple.

When an ordinary woman entered and exited the Taoist temple to receive her salary and training resources, she was stopped by a man in white with a peach wood sword on his back.

Fairy Yun, you are indeed still in the capital.

Xu Changqing smiled slightly and saw through the other party's disguise technique at a glance.

The face of the ordinary woman suddenly changed, revealing a head of hair like a waterfall of snow.

It was Yun Qinghe who had been missing for a long time and had no news at all.

When Yun Qinghe saw the young Celestial Master in white, he did not show any happy expression. Instead, he frowned: Why are you chasing me here?

you guess.

Xu Changqing smiled mysteriously.

Yun Qinghe's face changed again, and he said calmly: I'm not in the mood to play with you. I've already gone back to resume my duties, but I didn't expect to be sent to the capital again. I heard that the Taoist Alliance has taken new actions recently. What is it? Why can't even I You know, Tianji was also deceived by the Patriarch.

Hearing this, Xu Changqing smiled and said: As the saying goes, heaven's secrets must not be leaked. This is exactly the truth. The fairy will know it when the time comes.

I can only tell the fairy that this matter is related to whether the Taoist League can surpass the Confucian Temple and the Buddhist Shengtian and become the leader of the three religions.

You don't want to take action against Dayan, do you? Have you forgotten what happened to the Taoist sect two hundred years ago? You tried to depose the emperor, but the fate of the country backfired. Unless the gods take action, even the founder of the three religions cannot compete with the destiny. Otherwise, the three religions will not be able to co-rule with the Middle-earth dynasty for thousands of years.

Xu Changqing shook his head and denied: How could he do such a stupid thing? There is no fighting or killing. He is not a martial artist. Fairy Yun, please rest assured.

How about we play chess with Takeshita and drink some fine Taoist tea?

It's all mysterious, and if you don't say it, you won't say it.

Yun Qinghe said no more. After curling his lips and commenting, his whole body turned into a puddle of water, melted on the ground, and disappeared.

Qingzhu Palace.

In the courtyard, there was a large wooden basin filled with green juice. It was steaming. Lu Mingyuan took off his clothes and was sitting cross-legged in it, closing his eyes to absorb it.

Hongwan is on the left, tall and with slender legs.

Ziyun is on the right, with a graceful figure, bulging forward and backward.

Both of them held their hands and waited aside, forming a beautiful scenery.

Lu Mingyuan suddenly opened his eyes, took out a green vial from nowhere, poured out three drops of green jade liquid and drank it.

After taking it, the green juice in the barrel began to boil.

A magical scene happened. The originally green juice slowly became transparent and the color gradually faded.

Instead, there was the panel in front of Lu Mingyuan.

Blood Eater's Meteor Sutra: Pyrrhic Eclipse Chapter (Fifth Floor: 5500/8000)

Blood Eater's Meteor Sutra·Picacity (Fifth Level: 6000/8000)

Blood Eater's Meteor Sutra·Picacity Chapter (Fifth Level: 7500/8000)

Seeing this scene, Lu Mingyuan secretly thought.

The effect of this medicinal bath is far inferior to the essence of heaven and earth condensed in the Palm Sky Bottle. These days, he has been practicing. The Blood Gluttonous Paper Man can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on his behalf and refine the acupoints. The progress has not been slow. He can increase one hundred and twenty points a day. He is practicing all the time. In addition, he has the nourishment of the Sky Palm Bottle. , the progress is also very fast.

A drop of green jade liquid can increase the price by five hundred points. After three days of storage, the total amount will be one thousand and fifty points after three drops.

However, this military medicinal bath method, which brings together many great tonics, can only increase a total of 500 points in one hour.

After all the hard work, we are still five hundred points short of a breakthrough!

With only five hundred points, he could break through to the fifth level of furnace building and build his own human furnace.

Just when he was feeling annoyed, he rolled his eyes and saw the two women beside him.

Especially Hong Wan, her bright red lips are extremely moist, and her peach blossom eyes have a charming charm, which makes people's hearts flutter just by looking at her.

Without saying a word, Lu Mingyuan stepped forward and put his arms around Hong Wan's slender waist. The other person was not alert and was dragged into the water.

The water makes a plop sound.

Lu Mingyuan lowered his head and kissed Hong Wan's cherry little mouth gently.

Feeling the strong and warm chest and looking at the extremely handsome face, Hongwan was not disgusted. On the contrary, her face suddenly turned red, especially the warmth on her lips, which made her delicate body soften immediately.

She had liked to read some love story books written by scholars since she was a child. In them, there were often scenes of miserable women in the house being attracted by the handsome prince. She did not expect that it would be her turn today.

Your Highness, be gentler.

Lu Mingyuan held her waist, looked at her slender legs, and couldn't help but sigh: Wan'er, you are so thin.


The next second, several waves arose in the water, and both of them sank.

Ziyun on the side was full of grievances and a little inferior.

She was not angry because His Highness found other maids. After all, it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines in this world, let alone a few more maids. From the first day she served Lu Mingyuan, she never thought of monopolizing him. .

She just hated her appearance and why she couldn't hold her head high in front of other women.

As she thought about it, Ziyun's mouth couldn't help but pouted in grievance, and her smart almond eyes made people look at me with pity.

Suddenly, a big hand stretched out from the bucket and dragged her into the water.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the movement completely subsided.

Three heads emerged from the water, and the clothes of the two women were wet, almost visible.

But the aura on Lu Mingyuan's body has undergone amazing changes!

Blood Eater's Meteor Sutra·Picacity Chapter (Fifth Floor: 8000/8000)

He finally entered the fifth realm and built a furnace.

Many acupoints on the body began to loosen, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, transforming it into martial arts vitality, and then nourished and stored it.

The acupoints are wide open to warm and nourish the vitality, which is regarded as a furnace for casting martial arts.

The body is like a furnace, with deep vitality that can be transformed into steel and armor.

The martial artist in this state has great advantages, and his vitality begins to accumulate, producing quantitative changes.

The so-called Grand Master can often store fifty or one hundred years of martial arts vitality, and then burst out with a single move, with astonishing power, shattering mountains and destroying cities.

The meaning of one Jiazi's skill is roughly the same.

Lu Mingyuan found that most of the acupuncture points in his body were opened, and checked the panel again.

Destiny Master: Lu Mingyuan

Cultivation: Fifth level of martial arts (furnace building)

Kung Fu: Blood Taoist Meteor Sutra·Phantom (sixth level: 10/15000), Mountain Shaking Fist (Dacheng), Fiery Sword Technique (Perfection) Taihuang Longxiang Jin (Second Level: 1000/2000)

You need fifteen thousand points for the sixth level?

Lu Mingyuan secretly clicked his tongue.

If you want to break through to Grandmaster, judging from the current progress, it will take more than half a year without relying on the Sky Vase.

At the same time, another line of text appeared.

Green Life Style - Wu Chi, the refining degree is increased to 40%

With the improvement of realm, the degree of refining of martial arts fate also increases.

Unlock new destiny traits - Shen Xin (Elementary)

Shen Xin (Elementary): You can enter a state of selflessness and study the skills and martial arts seriously. The probability of learning them is very high.

Lu Mingyuan's eyes lit up when he saw the newly unlocked characteristics.

As long as you study hard, you can learn it?

Isn't that the drunkard's secret skill Tiangang Fulong, which he also learned easily?

The destiny of Martial Madman is still very powerful. With Shen Xin and Martial Arts alone, there is basically not much resistance in practicing martial arts.

Just as Lu Mingyuan was thinking, a female voice came from outside the door.

Qi Muxue asks to see His Highness the Sixth Prince.

Hearing this, Lu Mingyuan was very surprised.

Why did Qi Muxue come to his place?

Maybe it's my mother's side.

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