In the night, the people of the Imperial Capital did not seem to feel the tension coming from inside the palace. The lights in the streets were still swaying, and the children returning from the private school held the adults' hands and earnestly told the truth taught by the teacher in the school today.

The old farmer who had short-sold fruits and vegetables for a day pushed his wooden cart out of the capital with satisfaction, hoping that he could have today's business tomorrow.

The old woman complained about her husband and went home drunk again, forgetting her instructions before going out.

It's just that the Imperial City's Lighting Department acted more frequently, blocking many alleys and alleys, sealing up all the private houses of the fifth prince, and trying their best to minimize their influence.

But it is inevitable that there are still secretly aristocratic gentry, noble families, and high-ranking officials who heard a lot of gossip in their mansions, and they all stirred up their inner Xiao Jiujiu.

Tonight, at the entrance of the official office of Leichi Taoist Temple, a travel-worn guest came. But in his early twenties, a young man, Yushu Linfeng, handsome and unrestrained, with a slender figure, very clear facial features, a Bagua mirror hanging on his waist, a long sword on his back, wearing a white Taoist robe, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes The light is dazzling, and he has a good appearance that is not stained by worldliness.

The concierge heard that he was the new deputy mountain chief from Daomeng who took over the post of deputy mountain chief of Ziyang Zhenren. He saw the token from Daomeng and without asking about his identity, he quickly led him into the official residence and led him to the other courtyard where Zhenren Ziyang lived. He helped He knocked on the door and then said goodbye respectfully.

Walking leisurely in the other courtyard, Master Ziyang had been waiting for a long time. When he saw the young Taoist priest, he was both surprised and surprised, and asked with a smile:

Chang Qing, I didn't expect that the person coming to take over my affairs would be you.

The young man who was called Chang Qing said with a playful smile: What? You don't welcome me?

Master Ziyang shook his head and said: At your age, most of your peers are still fighting in the secret battlefield to hone their Taoist hearts. It is rare that the Taoist Alliance is willing to release you. You know, I am Xu Changqing. The youngest Celestial Master in Longhu Mountain, you are well-known in the Dao League for being suave, even Buddhist nuns covet you.

It's okay not to mention them.

Xu Changqing didn't pay much attention to those nuns. Instead, he scanned them with his spiritual sense and asked out of curiosity: Where is Master Jing Shui? Isn't he in the Taoist temple?

Go out, that Taoist nun from your Tianshi Mansion has made the water in the capital quite muddy.

Xu Changqing smiled softly: I can't control her. She is known to be decisive and decisive, and her background is deeper than mine. Am I not here to clean up the mess? Old Ziyang took the blame and returned to Ziyang It is absolutely necessary for the palace to enjoy its cleanliness and repairs.

So, what is the situation inside Dayan now?

Master Ziyang narrowed his eyes: It's a pool of stagnant water, and you can't see what's going on.

A while ago, there was turmoil in the Great Flame Dragon Veins, and then today, the Nine Kings were conferred.

Xu Changqing rubbed his chin with interest, Are we still on the side of the eldest prince?

Recently, the eldest prince has alienated the Taoist sect, and I am afraid that it will be unsustainable. I have not made it clear to him about the Taoist alliance's several actions. The main reason is that Lu Changfeng acts in a high-profile way and will definitely leak the news. No wonder we wait.

As the two of them talked, they both flew through the air and arrived above the Imperial Capital.

The young Taoist priest pointed to a mansion below and asked, Where is the second prince? Is he trustworthy?

Master Ziyang continued to shake his head: It is reliable, but there are also a lot of betting forces behind it. The Taoist support for him is just the icing on the cake, not a help in times of need, and it is difficult to get a share of the pie.

Xu Changqing suddenly lowered his voice and said: Actually, when I came here this time, the Dao League also entrusted me with one thing, which is to find new supporters. If the seniors have any suggestions, you can also talk to me.

Master Ziyang seemed to say casually: The fourth prince, Lu Guangren, is a good choice. He is dedicated to cultivating Taoism and has no distractions. Although he already has the attention of Taihang Mountain Five Elements Temple behind him, it doesn't matter if there are a few more. He is an extremely suitable candidate. He is a bit lazy, he is a Qi practitioner, his cultivation level is not low, he is a good hidden talent.

Xu Changqing nodded thoughtfully, then pointed to a palace deep in the palace below and asked, Where is this person?

Master Ziyang shook his head for the third time, and it was wider than before, This guy is the sixth prince of the Great Yan Dynasty. He has a bad reputation. He is a playboy. He has the support and attention of several Dongtian Paradise forces behind him. But Since being imprisoned, they have all been evacuated, and now they have no background whatsoever.

I used the Qi Observation Technique to see that he was thrown into the cold palace by Emperor Dayan. His luck was all gone, and his good fortune was still shallow and could not be relied on.

'People who are unlucky cannot be relied upon.' This sentence is the most basic requirement for selecting people when the Taoist League holds a Taoist meeting. If there is no great luck, there will be no opportunity. How can such a person? It can accomplish great things.”

Xu Changqing nodded: That's true.

In addition, the seventh prince Lu Yunwan has made contact with the five-fingered mad monk Fan Shen of Buddhism not long ago, and he may have received the support of Buddhism, and the eighth prince himself was a disciple selected by the saint from the Confucian temple. It is difficult for him to To win over people with shallow fortunes like the Ninth Prince, let’s not mention it, only the Fourth Prince is the best candidate.”

After Xu Changqing heard this, he laughed heartily: Thanks to Senior Ziyang for your advice. When I came from Beixiangzhou, I was still thinking about how to complete the tasks assigned by the Taoist Alliance. Now I am more confident. Let me investigate. I will definitely report it to the alliance, and when the time comes, I will record it together with the seniors’ share, and I won’t neglect it.”

Master Ziyang showed a smile on his face and said: Why should we be so indifferent between you and me? The only thing you need to pay attention to is that there must be no conflicts between you and Master Jingshui. It is true that there is a grudge between Longhu Mountain and Bodhi Temple. , but it is impossible to bring this resentment into the Taoist Academy.

Don't worry, it won't happen.

Master Ziyang had known this young Heavenly Master for a long time and knew that his unconventional character would not be vindictive.

In that case, it's almost time for me to leave. I'll leave the affairs of the Taoist Academy to you.

Without too many polite words, after some explanations, Master Ziyang took Xu Changqing to familiarize himself with the work of Leichi Taoist Temple. He was mainly responsible for managing the discipline of monks from all over the place, especially the Taoist monks. By the way, he defeated demons and defended the Tao, and encountered ghost monsters that were difficult to kill. , need to personally take action to maintain order in various places in Dayan.

These things are indeed nothing to this young Taoist who has sensed the soul since he was a child and awakened his natal flying sword.

Xu Changqing crossed his legs and looked at a certain distant direction. It seemed to be a pair of divine eyes that could see through the endless darkness and see through those who choose people and devour demons.

Fairy Yun, where are you? I've chased you all the way here.

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