Lu Mingyuan accepted this little spell and did not check it in a hurry. Instead, he looked at the snow-haired Taoist nun in front of him. It seemed that she had just benefited from others and always wanted to compliment others, so he couldn't help but feel concerned. asked:

How's your injury?

Yun Qinghe was not so appreciative, and kept his calm expression of not letting strangers in. He replied: It's okay, it's just that the Confucian mantra has eroded the mind. Just recite the Taishang Wuwu Sutra for a few days and take a few pills and it will be fine.

Her willow eyebrows noticed something was wrong and frowned slightly: By the way, aren't you looking forward to my leaving? This tone doesn't sound like it, and I am clearly telling you now that I will leave in three days at most.

Do you want to kill the fifth prince? Lu Mingyuan asked again without forgetting the purpose of his visit.


Yun Qinghe responded calmly: In both public and private matters, he must die.

She left her hometown at a young age, traveled to all the major immortal clans, mountains and rivers, worshiped at Longhu Mountain, devoted herself to studying Taoism, and slaying demons. She lived a rather rough and casual life, with few friends in the Tianshi Mansion. If Unless Lu Mingkong was a bitch and dared to touch anyone from the Taoist sect, she would not come to the capital, and Lu Mingkong would not be targeted by the Taoist sect and killed as a warning to others.

Have you been living comfortably during this time?

It's okay, but it's too noisy at night. I admire you for being able to keep going for so long.

Yun Qinghe had always only focused on practicing, meditating, and practicing swordsmanship, so he didn't feel any discomfort with Lu Mingyuan's Leng Gong courtyard.

When Lu Mingyuan heard this, his face turned red.

As people are highly cultivated, they can naturally hear every move in the room, and they almost forgot about it.

Don't mind, I'm a straightforward person. Yun Qinghe poured himself a cup of tea, sat on the bed with an upright posture, and said seriously:

However, a drop of kindness will be repaid by a spring. This is how I behave. Since you saved me, I can guarantee that you can stay safe and sound during this turbulent period. Don't look at the situation outside now. Singing and dancing, laughter and joy, when you wake up tomorrow morning, something might happen.

Lu Mingyuan saw that what the Taoist nun said was so mysterious, he couldn't help but added: What about after this incident?

Yun Qinghe glanced at him: After that, of course you have to rely on yourself. You have to understand that even a saint cannot say that he can protect a person for decades or hundreds of years. You have to be content.


Yun Qinghe found that the other party just nodded slightly, and his desire to talk suddenly dropped, and he said angrily: You save my life, the most I can do is guarantee that you will not be implicated by the Taoist sect, plus give you a chance, because we met by chance, and we still have a chance. It’s not that deep of a relationship.”

What chance?

Lu Mingyuan's eyes brightened slightly and he asked quickly.

Yun Qinghe slightly raised his jade chin, and took out a finger-thick brush from his sleeves. The barrel of the pen was jet black, and green light emerged from the tip of the pen, embellished with a wisp of vermilion.

This Fulu Suzaku Pen is a Taoist magic weapon. As long as you draw the ground as a prison when encountering danger, it can form a shield of energy that even the Nine Realm Dragon Sect warriors cannot destroy. However, it only has three effects, so use it with caution.

That's enough to protect you for a while.

Lu Mingyuan took the Suzaku pen and words appeared in front of his eyes.

[Opportunity, Fulu Zhuque Pen, has been triggered]

Only then did he realize that he had never had the opportunity to trigger it, and it had always been Yun Qinghe.

Thank you Miss Yun.

Lu Mingyuan thanked him and wanted to say some blessings.

The words came to his lips, but nothing came out. He realized that he actually didn't understand the other person at all.

The two of them were just passers-by between heaven and earth.

Completely two worlds.

He could only ignore his bastard brother and added sincerely: I wish you a successful assassination.

Yun Qinghe lowered his eyebrows slightly, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked at the other person.

This guy, it turned out that he knew Yan Xie, but his mind was still on the string. Before, he was not on the string at all.

The sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

For the entire Yandi Palace, it is still relatively important.

In the early morning of this day, the imperial capital's brocade clothes cleared the road from the imperial city to the outer city early, and all the civil and military officials came to the top of the Shenwu Gate to see them off.

After a lapse of ten years, Emperor Yong'an once again went on an expedition in person, despite all opinions. No matter how the Wen Guan Group and the Jian Tai Division tried to persuade him, they could not stop the emperor's determination to go on an expedition.

Almost everyone is determined to win.

Dayan's personal army consisted of a hundred thousand soldiers, with neatly scaled armor and airtight iron helmets lined up in a row. On top of the tall dragon-scaled horses were generals with high martial arts skills, including young generals and middle-aged veterans.

The cavalry formed by the Qilin Guards are so powerful that the world is afraid of them. Just ask the world in Middle-earth.

Who doesn’t know the reputation of the Great Flame Qilin?

People who did not go out along the way were discussing the matter at home. Due to the extensive publicity, the people more or less knew the purpose of sending troops.

There were also some scholars who made unreasonable comments and denied the dispatch of troops, but they were all arrested by Jin Yi from the Ming Deng Division and given a warning.

On top of the city tower, the princes came out to see them off. Just by walking out, they were already divided into three groups of people.

The eldest prince, Lu Changfeng, was the leader, followed by many guards, forming the first flow of people.

The second prince Lu Guangjing, the fifth prince Lu Mingkong who was sitting on a wooden rolling chair with one arm and a decadent face and a pale face, and the ninth prince Lu Yunhuang who had always been unknown and had no sense of existence.

The Seventh Prince and the Eighth Prince were even less crowded among each other. They were wearing red brocade robes and standing at the top of the city, silently staring at the Great Yan army below. They were the last stream of people.

The third, fourth and sixth children are not here.

The third prince, Lu Guangyao, held a military position and also participated in this battle, so he was in the army at this time.

As for the fourth child, Lu Guangren, as always, he stayed at home and refused to go out.

Lu Mingyuan was trapped in the cold palace, so he naturally missed the farewell ceremony.

The eldest prince, Lu Changfeng, took the lead in using his martial arts vitality and spread it into the air, shouting loudly: I wish my father a victory and a triumphant return!

The second prince, Lu Guangjing, glanced at the eldest prince with a half-smile, and said imitating his example: I wish my father a victory and a triumphant return!

The other princes agreed together.

Emperor Yong'an was in the center of the army, surrounded by a bright yellow canopy and glazed jade beads, which was very conspicuous. He looked back at the people on the top of the city and waved gently.

The ancient remnants of the formation that have been passed down to this day are in operation, and the army finally moves forward, creating a sea of ​​smoke and dust.

Seeing their father leaving the capital, Lu Changfeng and Lu Guangjing were on top of the city. They no longer concealed their hostility towards each other. The eighth prince Lu Yunqing's expression changed slightly when he saw this, and soon returned to normal. The seventh prince smiled foolishly and said, Yuanyuan rubbed his hands in front of his belly, wondering what he was thinking.

The two of them were facing each other with astonishing momentum.

However, Lu Guangjing took a step back, took the lead in extending his hand to signal, and said with a warm smile: Brother, please go first.

Let the other party go down to the tower first.


Lu Changfeng snorted coldly and walked away, thinking that he had taken advantage and walked away.

Seeing the majestic Imperial City, Lu Guangjing's smile grew thicker and thicker, and his slender fingers repeatedly tapped on the centuries-old mottled city wall.

At this time in Qingzhu Hall, Lu Mingyuan had just woken up, broke free from his jade arms, and yawned lazily.

Don't keep reading, everyone, start reading. New books can only be updated twice a day. When they are put on the shelves, they will definitely give back to everyone!

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