Turning misfortunes into good fortune starts with seizing the direct descendants in Kowloon

Chapter 188 The speed of time, a night of gentleness in the countryside, and being slept together (a

Miss, you died so miserably!

Disciple, it's all my master's fault. It's my master's failure to protect you!

Master! How can I live without you?

Returning to Changle Palace, people from all the major dynasties were counting the casualties of the trip. The cries of ghosts and howls of wolves could be heard from time to time. They were all dead disciples or important figures in the kingdom who died tragically in the cave.

Many missions from small countries were destroyed, and only the powerful ones could survive.

Senior Sui, how long have we been in the cave?

Lu Mingyuan asked Sui Yuqing.

Sui Yuqing calculated: The flow of time in the cave is different from that in the outside world. You have also discovered that it is always daytime in the cave, so you cannot tell how many days have passed.

Actually, we only stayed in the cave for seven days, but outside, two months have passed.

two months

Lu Mingyuan was extremely surprised.

Sui Yuqing said seriously: His Highness's plan was very successful. Most of the demon army came to the Pearl White Sand Islands and held out until the saints of the three religions took action. At the same time, the only army in the Great Wilderness Tomb Canyon was not scary. It can be said that it was implemented perfectly.

In fact, she had to go through Lu Mingyuan's method after careful consideration.

It was finally determined because of Xu Changqing’s initial words.

When the three national masters blew themselves up, it was Lu Mingyuan who reminded Xu Changqing, so they were able to escape from danger.

The King of Huai'an seems to be able to see through many things, and disasters are always one step behind him.

Isn't Senior Sui curious about King Jin's affairs?

Lu Mingyuan took the initiative to bring it up.

But Sui Yuqing shook his head with stern eyes and said: It's not too late to talk about these things tomorrow, but it's not too early now. There are still many matters for me to handle in Leichi Taoist Academy.

I believe that His Highness will give me a suitable explanation when the time comes.



That's it.

Lu Mingyuan was very smart and immediately understood the meaning of Sui Yuqing's words.

As expected of a mature woman, she knows what to ask and what not to ask.

Very knowledgeable.

Oh no! His Royal Highness the Third Prince and His Royal Highness the Second Prince are not among those who returned!


The monks from the Third Academy who were responsible for the count took a rough look at the important candidates and were surprised to find that Lu Guangyao and Lu Guangjing were not among those who returned.

It means that it is very likely that it has fallen.

The death of two princes at once was undoubtedly a huge event.

You know, His Royal Highness King Chu is a top grandmaster with amazing martial arts talent. Even he died in the cave.

His Royal Highness, Prince Jin, wanted to condense the Nine-turn Golden Pill, which is rare in a thousand years. Such a genius died like this?

I remember, didn't His Highness Prince Jin leave in the teleportation array?

An older Qi practitioner sighed with emotion: It shows that things in the world are impermanent! The cave is too dangerous, demon kings can be seen everywhere, the demon kings are aggressive, and the demon kings are so overwhelming that the human masters cannot lift their heads. It can only be attributed to Bad luck.”

The news of the death of the two princes quickly spread throughout Changle Palace.

In the shadows, several invisible shadows left the Great Yan Palace, and Lu Mingyuan secretly guessed.

They should be Lu Guangjing's men.

When he came this time, he brought many experts with him.

The Wujiang Pavilion is leaderless, and it looks like another bloody storm is about to begin.

Luo Ying must be informed of the death of King Jin so that she can prepare in advance to face the change of power in Wujiang Pavilion.

Lu Mingyuan secretly spread out the Blood Shadow Corps.

On the other side, he left Changle Palace silently.

In two months, a lot of things can happen. I wonder what happened in Great Yan and other countries recently.

Qingzhu Palace.

As soon as Lu Mingyuan opened the door, he saw several beauties in palace attire who had been waiting for them for a long time, pacing back and forth anxiously.

The moment he opened the door, a gust of fragrant wind rushed into his arms.

He looked at Qi Muxue in his arms, smiled and comforted: It's okay, it's okay, I'm back.

Qi Muxue's eyes were red, and her delicate face was full of worry. She hugged Lu Mingyuan's shoulders and said, Husband, you are back, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

I feel relieved to see that you are safe and sound. The noble concubine Wang Zhaoyan was also among them. She was extremely relieved to see Lu Mingyuan returned unharmed.

In the past two months, she and her father had been unable to sleep every night.

Wang Hefu even regretted leaving Changle Palace first. He should have left with his grandson first.

In addition, Ziyun Hongwan and Huo Hongling were looking at Lu Mingyuan from the side, but their mistress, Princess Qi, was there, so they could only express their longing for Lu Mingyuan with pitiful and delicate eyes.

Although Huo Hongling's eyes were a little twisted, she was still eager to see him. After seeing that Lu Mingyuan was fine, she felt relieved.

Lu Mingyuan is her husband, so nothing will happen to her.

If something happens to Lu Mingyuan, it will be the end for her.

Wang Zhaoyan saw all the wives and concubines looking at Lu Mingyuan emotionally. She knew that it might not be appropriate for her to continue to stay here, so she said goodbye. She stepped forward to tidy up and patted Lu Mingyuan's dusty collar:

You should stay with them for a while. It's getting late. Mother will come to tell you something tomorrow.

Seeing that you have returned safely, my mother's worried heart is relieved.

great, see you tomorrow.

Lu Mingyuan looked at his mother's back and said silently in his heart:

Love you mom, see you tomorrow.

You're hugging me so tightly that you're going to strangle me to death. Why didn't I find you so clingy before? Lu Mingyuan said half-jokingly, with a slightly teasing tone.

Qi Muxue's face turned red, she let go of the other party, and said with a resentful look: You don't know how worried I am about you. I asked my father to ask people from the Confucian Temple for help, and I asked him many times, but the result was 'failed' every time. '.

Hearing this, Lu Mingyuan was deeply moved.

He took the initiative to move forward and took the exquisite and graceful body in front of him into his arms.

Thank you, Tuxue.

Seeing Wang Zhaoyan leave first, Ziyun Hongwan relaxed a little.

Your Highness.

Almond eyes and willow eyebrows, looking at the extremely charming Ziyun, her delicate and pure face was flushed with peach blossom-like blush, and her beautiful black and white eyes looked at Lu Mingyuan lovingly, her charm was fully displayed, and there was a flow that would make any man Enough to be intoxicated by the charm.

While you were away, not only did you miss me, but we also missed you.

Yes, yes, we are staying in the palace and asking for news about His Highness all day long. Hong Wan's beautiful girl nodded vigorously.

Me too, Huo Hongling bit her lip and responded with a red face.

Lu Mingyuan smiled with satisfaction when he saw the beauties in front of him, feeling extremely lucky.

I feel your affection. But let me feel who has the deepest affection.

Lu Mingyuan pushed open the dormitory door with a big hand, and the meaning of his words was self-evident.

All the girls' faces turned red.

Qi Muxue and Huo Hongling were still a little reserved and did not make any move.

Me first.

Ziyun, who had a delicate milky voice, volunteered and walked into the dormitory.

With a rustling sound, the purple skirt faded away.

Her plump and plump figure is on display, she is graceful and graceful, and her oval face is pitiful.

As the first woman Lu Mingyuan took under his command, Ziyun knew how to please His Highness the Sixth Prince best. She put her hands around his neck and took the initiative to kiss Lu Mingyuan.

Her lips were very soft, smooth and tender, with an intoxicating feminine fragrance.


After a while, with a soul-stirring chant, the two finally separated.

I'll come too.

Hongwan doesn't wear much to begin with, she has a slim figure, a pair of slender and straight beautiful legs that are simply out of this world, and every toe of her delicate jade feet like ice lotus is crystal clear, like jade carvings.

He kissed Lu Mingyuan on the neck, kissing him very seriously.

Qi Muxue and Huo Hongling looked at each other and felt that they should not be outdone.

Qi Muxue took off the hairpin that tied her head into a high bun. Her black hair fell vertically, reaching her waist. She took off her pink embroidered shoes.

Her skin is snow-white, her eyelashes are slender, and her lips are glittering and translucent, glowing faintly in the moonlight. She is full of bookishness, and her whole person has a temperament like a noble white swan.

Wearing a bright blue skirt, she couldn't hide her graceful and proud curves.

After a long separation, he was used to seeing her being cold and dignified. When he saw Qi Muxue being so bold and proactive for the first time, Lu Mingyuan was still in a daze. He felt that his wife was simply stunningly beautiful.

Huo Hongling was even more outrageous. He pushed Lu Mingyuan on the bed. He was extremely domineering and tore his clothes into pieces. This was something he had never seen before.

It seems that two months is indeed too long.

With the flawless jade body flowing with a moonlight-like white luster, the bedroom is dreamlike and stunningly beautiful, filling the entire Qingzhu Palace with a sense of spring.

This chapter is owed to the alliance leader, and it is now made up.

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