Turning misfortunes into good fortune starts with seizing the direct descendants in Kowloon

Chapter 17 The fifth prince was assassinated, and the gods stopped.

The light of the glazed lamp shines under the golden palace surrounded by dragons. In the main hall of Changle Palace, hundreds of bookcases are placed on both sides. Many Confucian scholars in scholar's robes are sitting in their seats, writing furiously. The great scholar looked around.

In the center, there is a singer playing and dancing, phoenix-headed harp and harp, mandarin duck pipa, misty and magnificent ancient tunes, which are the sounds of nature coming from Dayan.

From time to time, someone would hand over a poem draft to the eunuch, and when a masterpiece came out, it would be read out on the spot by a great scholar.

Most of the people were sitting upright, chatting with each other. For example, what are the good talents in the academy this year? Can they be the number one talents and recruit them to the Confucian temple to contribute to the saints? The Taoist sect has produced several peerless sword cultivators. Three years ago, Among the teachers, who are the masters and among the younger generation, which one can take on the big responsibility?

The poetry meeting is just a form of banquet, not the main purpose.

Lu Yunqing carefully picked up the pen and wrote a poem on the rice paper, without any resistance or thinking, as if everything fell into place. When Lu Guangyao stepped forward and took a look, he couldn't help but sigh, what a neat and neat handwriting!

When I looked back at myself, I saw that the black characters were actually fighting, looking like a dog crawling!

With a calm expression, he put the brush back on the inkstone, handed the poem manuscript to the eunuch beside him, drank a cup of tea eagerly, and began to wait.

Glancing around, I saw many envoys from other countries, such as Dashuang Dynasty, Koryo Kingdom, Jinwu Kingdom, Borneo Kingdom, and Southern Zhou Dynasty.

Only the Great Frost Dynasty can barely take a look at it. On the surface, it is a big country that can compete with the Great Yan. It is located in the southwest of the territory of Middle-earth. In fact, it is internally divided. Under the Great Frost Emperor, there are also the Little Frost King and the Jin Shuang King. King, King Yinshuang and three princes.

The purpose of coming to pay tribute this time is not just to borrow troops, but to use the troops of other countries to recover Dashuang.

You can tell by looking at their sad faces, but Emperor Yong'an is calm and calm, but he doesn't act rashly, obviously he has taken control of his sovereignty.

I have long heard that Baijia Arhat of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is the most outstanding Zen master in Buddhism. I wonder if I can honor him and come to my country of Brahma to give lectures?

On the seat, the Borneo envoy was a middle-aged man with wheat complexion, a gauze scarf on his head, and a beard. He bowed to a young red cassock monk with his hands clasped together.

The young monk said calmly: If the poor monk remembers correctly, Goddess Brahma is also a deity under the seat of Sakyamuni, the seventh ancestor of Buddhism. Why should we be so strict about priorities? We have the same origin, so there is no need to be so polite.

To be honest, he still looked down upon a small place like Borneo.

Messenger, don't be discouraged. Why don't you let me, Shantian Master, go to Brahma to preach on Sutras?

Master Yunxu from the Five Elements Temple on the side suggested with a smile.

When the envoy from the Borneo Kingdom heard this, he looked startled and forced a smile: Thank you so much, Master Taoist, for your kindness. Let's forget it.

Lu Yunqing looked at this scene and saw the embarrassment of the envoy.

The Kingdom of Borneo was founded on Buddhism, and the royal family has always wanted to be recognized by the Great Yan Buddhist Sect. In this way, whoever can get all the help from the Buddhist sect will have the right to inherit the throne.

This head cannot be opened easily.

Because it involves the diplomacy between the two countries, issues such as sovereignty and the abolition of monarchs still need to be discussed with Emperor Dayan.

Dayan established the country with force, governed the country with culture, and ruled the world with the three religions, achieving a perfect balance with each other.

The three religions need the Great Yan court to maintain stability and peace in the world, to ensure destiny, and to maintain the incense among the people.

Great Yan also needs the top combat power of the ancestors of the three religions to maintain the stability of the four directions and repel the invasion of demonic obstacles and monsters.

Taoist ancestors, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and Confucian temple saints should be the most powerful people in the world.

Lu Yunqing glanced at the representatives of the three houses and knew clearly.

These people are the leaders of various immortal forces. Each of them is in the middle five realms, and one person can destroy a city.

It can definitely have a huge impact on a small country.

Compared to the Buddhist disciples, who were orthodox in the Taoist sect, the Confucian temple he was in was more humane, with a righteous heart, advocating assisting the king and educating the world.

It's just that the disciples who came to the Taoist sect this time looked a bit strange?

Lu Yunqing turned his attention to a woman in green robes.

This person didn't touch a drop of the wine on the table, and he didn't miss a single chopstick of the delicacies, fruits and vegetables. He just looked down at the scabbard in his hand.

What was she thinking?

Could it be

Until he saw the flying sword coming out of his sleeve, his cerebellum shrank.

He wants to assassinate him!


While they were drinking wine and laughing, a flying sword shot into the sky with murderous intent, accompanied by ripples.

The green-clothed woman jumped up and flipped in mid-air, resembling an arc moon hanging upside down. She stood under the sword, caught the hilt of the sword just in time, and struck the fifth prince Lu Mingkong in the direction of his head with overwhelming force.

There are no magical powers, just a quick move.

Lu Mingkong, who was originally laughing, was frightened by this sword. He was dumbfounded, with a look of shock, confusion and despair on his dark face.

Watching the cold light coming towards your face, you wait for death to come.

Everyone present, including scholars, scholars, Taoist disciples, monks and mages, envoys from various countries, military commanders and ministers, only raised their heads for a moment, but no one reacted.

Everyone thought that the fifth prince would die in the next second.

However, at this moment, Emperor Yong'an was still sitting upright on the dragon chair with a calm expression, while an old eunuch standing next to Emperor Yong'an snapped his fingers.

Why kill people? At such a young age, you have cultivated to the ninth level of Taoist cultivation, golden elixir, and you are seeking your own death.

Emperor Yong'an asked calmly.

At some point, the woman in green found that her sword had stopped, and the shocked expressions of the people around her froze. Time in the entire Changle Palace seemed to have stopped, with dancing candlelight, evening breeze, and full moon. The brilliance has all stopped at this moment!

Two big words appeared in the woman's mind.


The twelfth realm of martial arts, the realm of heaven and man.

The eunuch next to the emperor is actually a martial arts cultivator in the Heavenly Realm?

Even if she is in the Heavenly Realm, she cannot make this arrogant and cold-hearted woman in green show any cowardice. She frowned her thin eyebrows and said in a cold voice:

Kill to pay for life, that's all.

The next second.

The still time is quietly broken.

Everything returned to the same state as before. The sword pointed downwards, but was blocked by a khaki talisman. The jade stone on Lu Mingkong's neck trembled crazily, but it was broken by the force of the sword in an instant, like paper. But in that moment, the jade around him was shattered. Many monks from the three academies found opportunities.

A white-haired scholar stretched out two fingers and shouted softly: Ding!

Just such a simple word, but it exudes amazing power, as if the words are followed by the law.

The woman in green's sword deflected and stopped directly. She hit it crookedly and fell ahead of schedule. She only cut off Lu Mingkong's entire arm and did not block his chest to take the lead.

Everyone around him felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, and they took action one after another. The magical power and energy overflowed in endless streams.

The woman in green flew backwards, spurting out a large mouthful of blood, and her body was covered in flesh and blood.

At the critical moment, a ball of talisman paper was crushed.

The whole person turned into flames and burned up.

The old eunuch next to Emperor Yong'an stepped forward to inspect the ashes and reported: I am reporting to the Holy One the Taoist Rebirth Spell and the Paper-cutting Technique.

Emperor Yong'an frowned when he saw this scene.

If it weren't for the blessing of the spell on the opponent's body, it would be impossible to break the method of stopping at this time.

If it weren't for this paper man's method of exchanging lives, he would never have been able to escape from Changle Palace.

It seemed that the other party was well prepared.

Emperor Yong'an said calmly: With the paper-cutting technique, the caster cannot leave the paper man too far. The other person must still be in the palace. Find it for me and find out this person's identity.

Don't worry, Your Majesty, Leichi Taoist Academy will definitely give you an explanation.

Taoist Yunxu of the Five Elements Temple was sweating profusely on his head. He took the lead in leaving his body, and like an immortal with fluttering snow-white robes, he separated from his physical body and flew towards the direction outside Changle Palace.

Not to be outdone, the cassocked Master of the Vajra Division on the side held up his body with a Sanskrit golden light mantra under his five fingers and rushed towards the sky.

The commander of the Ming Deng Division and the Imperial Guards on duty all took action.

Only the fifth prince, dripping with sweat and gushing blood, was left, wailing incessantly.

Don't criticize and question the book's combat power and lifespan [tears], it's only in the early stages, it hasn't started yet, and the time has not come yet [face covering].

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