Turning misfortunes into good fortune starts with seizing the direct descendants in Kowloon

Chapter 101: The past feud is settled, Marquis Wu sees that the sword is as powerful as a dragon

Between the bamboo groves, the moist air of earth and grass clippings hits the tip of the nose, and the summer breeze blows gently.

Two people stood looking at each other.

Huo Hongling's beautiful eyes were piercing. She clenched her fist in front of her body and pressed her palm to her side. She took a vigorous step and suddenly had the aura of a martial arts master.

Seeing this scene, Lu Mingyuan also nodded slightly.

The other party is worthy of being the leader of the younger generation of imperial generals, the daughter of a champion, and has entered the seventh realm of Grand Master at the age of eighteen. It can be said that she has a bright future.

In the future, he will definitely be able to reach the fifth level of martial arts.

From his eyes alone, he could tell that the opponent had more than 365 acupoints opened up on his body. He was by no means an ordinary great master, but one who had been in this realm for a long time.

As usual, I will still suppress my realm to the fourth realm and fight with His Highness.

Huo Hongling said with her red lips.

Okay, in that case, let's show off.

Lu Mingyuan smiled softly and took the same steps, but his steps were like rushing water in a stream, flowing slowly by, giving him a sense of transformation.

Huo Hongling was not bad at martial arts. With just one glance, he could tell which martial arts Lu Mingyuan was learning in this simple step.

This is the mountain-shaking fist in the military.

Why would His Highness use such basic martial arts?

Although Huo Hongling was puzzled, she did not underestimate the enemy.

Although Shanshanquan is basic, it is not ordinary. The body-refining boxing method that can be widely taught in the Great Yan Army is not a weak and weak method.

Lu Mingyuan moved his hands around his body and stretched out his mountain-shaking fist. The punch was not released, it was just a fist stance.

The fist intention, which can only be condensed after cultivating to perfection, is like the rising sun, breaking through the sea, rising quickly, shining on all living beings.

It turned out to be a martial arts atmosphere.

Huo Hongling was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the Sixth Prince actually had martial arts aura. It was strange that he could use this fist. This fist had been perfected in the opponent's hands and had reached the ultimate state. Attacking from below would not be a problem.

Only those with extraordinary potential can condense this fist in the fourth realm, symbolizing the potential of martial arts.

As a result, in her mind, the unstable suspicion that Lu Mingyuan took the Qi and Blood Pill to break through the realm was self-defeating.

Because this image will appear as soon as you take action, it cannot be faked, and it is difficult to conceal it.

Your Highness, please punch!

Huo Hongling took the lead in punching and shouted sweetly. Lu Mingyuan did not show any weakness and accepted the attack silently.

Both of them punched out.


There was a loud noise, and his fists froze in mid-air. Two completely different and powerful air waves splashed out, causing the surrounding bamboo forest to squeak.

After the move ended, the two quickly separated.

The two stood still, neither taking a step back.

I knew it.

Huo Hongling's eyes were full of energy. During the previous martial arts competition, she discovered that Lu Mingyuan was very powerful from the beginning, and almost knocked the sword out of her hand with one strike. At first, she thought it was because her strength was weak, but after repeated thinking, she found that this was not the case.

Even an ordinary martial artist of the Four Realms would find it difficult to take a punch from him when facing an enemy, even if he is in a state of aggression.

No matter how bad it was, she couldn't be shocked by the knife.

Therefore, she judged that the sixth prince was not as weak as she thought, and maybe he even hid his strength.

She just wanted to test Lu Mingyuan's true strength today.

Thoughts passed in a flash.

Huo Hongling stepped on the ground and disappeared instantly.

However, Lu Mingyuan could detect the slightest movement in his vitality.

A wisp of air fell from above.

Huo Hongling's punch was like water flooding a golden mountain, and a mountain of tai came over him.

Lu Mingyuan raised his arm to block the punch that could destroy the rock.

Makes a pop sound.

Lu Mingyuan's physical body was indestructible. Except for the middle and fifth-level warriors, no one in the lower seventh level could break his body.

Huo Hongling's body was suspended in the air, and she kicked out from the side with lightning speed.

Then both fists rushed forward, leaving no room.

Lu Mingyuan didn't expect that the opponent was coming so fast and violently. It didn't look like a sparring match. He wanted to test the bottom of his pants. He felt a little regretful about accepting this competition.

However, these few attempts did not make any waves.

They were all blocked by him one by one.

After Huo Hongling ended this offensive, she felt that the energy and blood in her body were surging, and the energy in her acupoints was like a flood dam, and her cultivation in all four realms was almost unblockable.

These few fights can be said to be hearty. If they had been in the army for these two fights, the other disciples of the Hou family would have been defeated long ago when faced with her strong and boring body. How could they still persist until now.

There was a sense of competition in her eyes, and she smiled and said:

Your Highness, the warm-up is over, let's use our energy.

The previous fist and kick skills are just the beginning. As a martial artist, how can you not use Gang Qi and Yuan Qi?

How about we stop here today.

Lu Mingyuan didn't really want to continue fighting. If he continued fighting, his secret would be revealed.

No! If you don't use your full strength during a martial arts competition, it would be extremely disrespectful to your opponent.

Huo Hongling's dantian opened wide, her steps sank, and in an instant, she was punched with fists, and her fists glowed with bright red vitality, as powerful as an ox.

Some of the peak boxing stance of a top master was revealed. This was the White Crane Fist Intention taught by her father, which raised her entire spine like a crane.

Without saying a word, he turned into a sharp sword and escaped.

Lu Mingyuan had no choice but to take it seriously.

The move he used was still the Mountain Shaking Fist.

As the saying goes, martial arts does not depend on the level, but on the martial artist himself.

Even the most common Mountain-Shaking Fist technique, once used by a person, will still explode with frightening power.

Even a trump card killer move like Tiangang Fulong is not strong enough and cannot exert its power.

Lu Mingyuan also began to use his martial arts energy.

As soon as he took a step forward, powerful energy and blood suddenly rose from his body.

The martial arts furnace in his body roared, and a snow mountain erupted.

A huge amount of energy and blood flew out like an angry dragon and wrapped around Lu Mingyuan's body.

The strong power was like a blazing sun, piercing straight out.

On the mountain behind the bamboo forest, there was a collision of red Gangqi, and the terrifying air wave swept in all directions, destroying all the large rolls of green bamboo, leaving the mountain behind in a mess.

What is the fourth realm? Carrying the energy of the furnace and building a martial arts furnace, it is clearly the fifth realm of building a furnace.

After Huo Hongling noticed it, he directly raised his level again, to the fifth level, to fight against Lu Mingyuan.

But soon, she discovered something was wrong.

What's going on? Why can't I beat him?

Even if she raised her cultivation level by one level, she still couldn't defeat Lu Mingyuan.

The other party was like a bottomless pool. No matter how much she exploded, the other party would catch up without even a splash.

She bit her red lips and once again improved herself to a higher level.

The sixth realm, Grandmaster.

The acupoints are wide open and transformed into shapes.

This time, there have been earth-shaking changes. He can confront Lu Mingyuan, gain an advantage, and overwhelm the opponent.

Lu Mingyuan was speechless. This girl must have been hit in the head.

Just now, I was able to suppress Huo Hongling in every situation, showing off the mountain without revealing anything.

Now it's okay, it's directly the fifth realm versus the sixth realm.

I can barely play, but the pressure is great.

It was said that the situation would be overshadowed, but the speed of climbing was really unbelievable.

After Lu Mingyuan withstood the powerful and heavy blow, he took a few steps back, spread his hands and said:

Miss Huo is so awesome, you won.

How about we call it a day?

However, Huo Hongling didn't appreciate it. He held the pear blossom gun condensed with red red energy, pointed it at Lu Mingyuan, and said angrily:

Your Highness, please don't let the situation go any further. I've said before that it won't end until we use our full strength today.

After saying that, the spear was like a dragon and stabbed straight towards Lu Mingyuan.

Lu Mingyuan moved very quickly and ducked away.

But the opponent's attack was so fierce that he was overwhelmed. The gap between Zhu Lu and the Grandmaster was still too big. One had opened most of his acupoints, and the other had just opened them. There was no comparison at all.

A certain moment.

Huo Hongling used a carbine, and the martial arts atmosphere of a white-scale flying python spitting out messages appeared behind him, like a swimming dragon, it shot towards Lu Mingyuan like a beast.

This move has a huge range, covering the entire hillside, and it is impossible to dodge it in a short period of time.

Lu Mingyuan stood there but did not move.

After using this move, beads of sweat appeared on Huo Hongling's forehead, but after seeing Lu Mingyuan on the same spot, unable to resist, a flash of regret flashed in his heart. This was the limit of the opponent's difficulty.

Did he test it too much?

Will one shot seriously injure the sixth prince?

She wanted to withdraw, but found that the man in front of her looked calm and showed no fear.

The pear blossom spear stabbed directly at the door, seeing that the opponent could force him to this point.

Lu Mingyuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

No longer hiding his cultivation, he grasped his fingers, and the rising sun rose slowly behind him again.




With the seven hundred and sixty-one acupoints wide open, the strong Qi and blood surge like rivers, condensing the surface of the body like substance, stepping into the fifth level of Taihuang Longxiang Jin, forming a scene of golden dragons and wild elephants ascending to the sky on the arms. .

With him as the center of the circle, within a radius of a hundred feet, the earth trembled, like muffled thunder, dust flew up, and the official guards of the Leng Palace held their swords unsteadily, and their armor trembled.

Huo Hongling thrust out his spear and froze it in mid-air, feeling only a terrible strong wind blowing.

The pear blossom spear formed by condensation of Gang Qi broke apart from the tip of the spear and turned into stars in the wind.

She was not worried but happy, she also let go of many restrictions, and her aura rose again!

Grandmaster of the Seven Realms.

Five hundred and thirty-six orifices!

But soon her smile suddenly froze, and the situation in front of her didn't seem to get much better.

She still couldn't resist the impact of this majestic martial arts energy!

Lu Mingyuan's figure disappeared in front of her, his energy soaring into the sky, like an avalanche in the Tianshan Mountains, and a heavy force hit her grandmaster's body.

Her whole body flew out uncontrollably!

Huo Hongling, who was also the Grand Master, was lying directly on the ground, and his whole head, which was hit the hardest, sank slightly into the ground.

Huo Hongling fell to the ground, completely dumbfounded.

There was a look of horrified shock in his eyes.

What kind of furnace-building martial arts cultivator, master martial artist is this?

He is clearly a great master! !

It is necessary to know that in the realm of a grand master, one can open 365 orifices and become an ordinary grand master. Those with more than 500 apertures can become a top grand master. Those with more than 700 apertures can be considered a supreme grand master. Those with 1,000 orifices can break through to become a great master. Sea warrior.

Huo Hongling lay on the ground, unable to let go for a long time.

She felt like a joke.

Didn't it mean that the sixth prince just started practicing martial arts not long ago?

Why is there such a great master?

Could it be that he was deliberately hiding his cultivation? !

So the other party didn't want to marry her before, but wanted to marry Qi Muxue. On the one hand, he also looked down on her?

When she was having random thoughts.

Lu Mingyuan came over gently, lowered himself, smiled softly and said, It doesn't hurt.

He had already reserved his hand this time and had controlled his strength. It should only have damaged the skin and flesh, not touching the roots. With the body of a master, it should only take half an hour to recover.

Huo Hongling immediately sat up, grinned and rubbed her butt, as well as her banged head. She blushed and gritted her teeth and said, It doesn't hurt!

Lu Mingyuan smiled when he heard this: You are so stubborn, go to the imperial doctor to get some herbal medicine, apply the medicine and stick a stick of incense and it will be fine.

Huo Hongling watched him turn his back and patted his back, not knowing why.

You hit your butt a lot, I'll carry you on my back.

No, I can do it myself!

Huo Hongling shook her head like a wave.

But she struggled for a long time and couldn't get up from the ground. It was obvious that her buttocks were very badly bloomed.

Lu Mingyuan took her hand and directly carried her on his back. He couldn't see her expression, but only heard her voice:

I still like to be tough-talking.

Huo Hongling buried her head on his back, her blushing face getting deeper and deeper. This move was too embarrassing for her.

She has never been carried on anyone's back since she was a child.

Smelling the strong masculine scent on the tip of her nose, Huo Hongling lay on her back, turned her face sideways, and couldn't help but ask:

Why does Your Highness want to hide his cultivation? He is so powerful and a great master, which is not common in Great Yan.

Although your father is currently in military power and at the height of his power, if my father recovers from his illness in the future, life and death will only be a matter of thought. Not everyone understands the principle of being prepared for danger in times of peace.

When Huo Hongling heard this, he thought for a moment. This was indeed the truth.

Now she seemed to vaguely understand what her father meant by not gambling.

Then there was a surge of admiration in my heart.

Then he thought of what he had done before, feeling very guilty.

She even felt that her previous self was too stupid.

By the way, remember to keep it a secret for me.


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