Tsundere Queen Takes Home

Chapter 450: Save Li Shuqin

Fang Qing glared at Fang Zhengyang angrily, "If you don't tell the truth, it's been taken care of by others for so long, how can you still be as tight as me? I'll let you really feel it now, and you'll know the difference between us."

"Fang Qing, what are you doing!"

"Giggle, isn't this a well-intentioned question?" Fang Qing giggled, reaching out and pulling Fang Zhengyang's trousers down.

"Fang Qing, please." Fang Zhengyang kept begging, he was about to collapse.

Fang Qing moved as if she hadn't heard it.


Fang Zhengyang closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, "It's time to let the lunatic go!"

"Brother, why do you bring up such a disgusting topic." Fang Qing raised her head and stared at Fang Zhengyang with a sad face.

"Let him go." Fang Zhengyang glared at Fang Qing and roared.

"Well, I was very comfortable to serve me just now, and I'm in a good mood, so I'll agree to your request." After Fang Qing finished speaking, she picked up the phone and called out, "Let the lunatic go."

After hearing Fang Qing's words, Fang Zhengyang breathed a sigh of relief. He glared at Fang Qing, "Don't untie my handcuffs yet."

"Untie? Gee, it's still early! You can rest here in peace, I still have some things to deal with." Fang Qing smiled, put on her clothes and turned to leave.

"You lunatic, hurry up and let me go." Fang Zhengyang roared hoarsely, but Fang Qing had already walked out of the room and closed the door.

She went outside, picked up the phone and called out, "Hey, I have caught Fang Zhengyang, and Li Shuqin has lost the role of bait. Let's catch her, and get her money out as soon as possible."

Someone on the phone agreed, "Okay, eldest sister, I understand."

After the man finished speaking, he hung up the phone and led him towards Xiulijiayuan Community.


At the same time, the madman also came to the beautiful homeland by relying on the mobile phone location.

According to the guidance of mobile phone positioning, he went directly to the 5th floor of Building B, took out a thin wire, stabbed it into the keyhole of the security door, opened the door directly, pushed the door and walked in.

On the sofa in the living room, a woman is sitting, looking at her mobile phone.

Li Shuqin.

The madman has seen Li Shuqin's photo, so he recognizes her.

Seeing someone come in, Li Shuqin stood up abruptly. She glared at the lunatic and shouted in horror, "How did you get in? Who are you? What are you doing?"

"Li Shuqin, you made me find it very hard," said the lunatic staring at Li Shuqin, gritted his teeth.

"How do you know my name? I don't know you!"

"It's a trivial matter whether you know me or not. Tell me, where is the money that you swept away?" The madman stared at Li Shuqin.

Hearing the madman's words, Li Shuqin's pupils suddenly shrank, what should come is still here!

But that thing, I can't say it myself!

Looking at Li Shuqin who was speechless, the madman's eyes suddenly widened, "Li Shuqin, do you think you can hide from your affairs? It is better to hand over the money honestly, and then you can be freed."

Li Shuqin still did not speak.

At this moment, the madman heard a sudden screeching of brakes from outside.

He hurried to the front of the window, frowning suddenly.

Several men in black clothes were rushing towards the building.

The madman hesitated for a moment, his eyes suddenly widened, he turned around and grabbed Li Shuqin, and ran out.

"What are you doing? Let go quickly." Li Shuqin was still struggling.

"If you don't want to die, just listen to me." The madman shouted at Li Shuqin, then picked her up by the waist, and rushed outside. When he got to the door, he closed the security door with his feet and quickly ran down the stairs to the sixth floor. , then hide at the corner of the stairs.

They had just hidden, the elevator door on the fifth floor opened, and the big men in black came out of the elevator.

A big man held a thin iron wire and directly opened the security door, and several people filed in.

It was not too long, and a deep voice sounded below, "Eldest sister, Li Shuqin is not at home."

"I'm not at home, then look for me nearby. She has no relatives or friends here, so she can't run very far." A woman's hoarse voice sounded.

"Okay, I understand." The man hung up the phone, took a few people, and turned back to the elevator.

Seeing that those people left Li Shuqin and fell to the ground, she knew in her heart that there was absolutely nothing good for these people looking for her.

Hearing the sound of the car starting outside, the madman was relieved. He turned his head to look at Li Shuqin and said, "Li Shuqin, you are no longer safe here. I will take you to another place."

"You won't hurt me." Li Shuqin said with a trembling voice looking at the lunatic.

"If I hurt you, I would just push you down and be taken away by those people. Do I need to bother? Come with me. When those people react, they won't be able to leave if they want to." Fengzi said unceremoniously.

Li Shuqin gritted her teeth and said, "I'll go with you, you let me go home and pack some things."

The madman nodded and returned to her home with Li Shuqin.

Li Shuqin packed up hastily, carried her satchel, and left the community with the lunatic.

They just came out of the community, and the car just came and rushed into the community.

The madman's cold sweat broke down in a flash.

If this is a little later, it really won't be able to go.

He pulled Li Shuqin into the side quietly, and an alley disappeared quickly.


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