Tsundere Queen Takes Home

Chapter 363: Fang Zhengyang in lace

"Then are you going to find a presidential suite to take off? Hurry up, don't be long-winded, be careful of catching a cold, there is no one here." Yang Xiaoxue glared at Fang Zhengyang.

Fang Zhengyang reluctantly took out what was in his pocket and put it on the edge of the pool, then took off his shirt and then his pants.

Yang Xiaoxue originally had her back to Fang Zhengyang, but at this time she turned around and looked at Fang Zhengyang who was about to speak, but saw Fang Zhengyang still standing there shyly wearing small trousers.

"Why are you still wearing that thing? Keep it as a souvenir!" Yang Xiaoxue roared.

"No, I can't take you off here!" Zhengyang said helplessly.

Yang Xiaoxue's pretty face flushed slightly, and she glared at Fang Zhengyang, "Hurry up and clean up, I'll be waiting for you at 205 on the second floor."

Yang Xiaoxue turned around and left.

Fang Zhengyang breathed a sigh of relief, took off the trousers, and then took advantage of the faucet to wash the white light underneath him, then took the wallet key and mobile phone, turned around and walked towards the second floor.

He came to room 205, reached out and opened the door, and walked in directly.

Yang Xiaoxue turned around and glanced at Fang Zhengyang, but saw his big donkey, and was nodding slightly to her.

Yang Xiaoxue screamed and covered her eyes all of a sudden, "Fang Zhengyang, you are playing a hooligan."

Fang Zhengyang said with a gloomy expression, "Xiaoxue, didn't you tell me to take off my trousers?"

"Well, then you won't cover it with your hands."

Fang Zhengyang's face is depressed, can that thing be covered.

Yang Xiaoxue covered her eyes and held something, Fang Zhengyang threw it over, "Hurry up and put it on."

Fang Zhengyang took it and saw that it was a piece of purple lace.

Fang Zhengyang was stunned holding the lace.

Can you wear this yourself?

"Are you dressed yet?" Yang Xiaoxue asked while covering her eyes.

"Xiaoxue, you, are you sure you want me to wear this?" Fang Zhengyang was at a loss for words.

"I have that kind of inner, oh my, what are you talking about? Hurry up and put it on!" Yang Xiaoxue urged.

Fang Zhengyang had no choice but to put the lace underneath.

"I'm dressed." Fang Zhengyang said speechlessly.

Yang Xiaoxue let go, and when she saw Fang Zhengyang's funny appearance in lace, she couldn't straighten her waist with a smile.

"Giggle, I'm dying of laughter." Yang Xiaoxue shouted while covering her stomach.

"Stop laughing, quickly find me a coat and I will freeze to death." Fang Zhengyang roared angrily.

Yang Xiaoxue stopped smiling and took out her clothes.

But Fang Zhengyang couldn't put it on after trying for a long time. He could wear it. Yang Xiaoxue was petite, but Fang Zhengyang was a strong man. He could only wear one skirt of Yang Xiaoxue's clothes.

"Mr. Fang, why don't you just put on this dress and go." Yang Xiaoxue said with a strong smile.

"No, if I go out like this, people will definitely think I'm a goblin." Fang Zhengyang refused flatly. He took his wallet and took out a stack of money and handed it to Yang Xiaoxue.

"Please go out and buy me a set of clothes." Fang Zhengyang looked at Yang Xiaoxue and said.

"Hey, your money smells like feces." Yang Xiaoxue took a convenient bag, Fang Zhengyang put the money in, and walked out with the bag.

After a short time, Yang Xiaoxue turned back.

Fang Zhengyang saw his nose crooked, "Yang Xiaoxue, will you buy me a suit on this hot day?"

"It's okay, men are always handsome in suits." Yang Xiaoxue said indifferently.

"That's not a question of handsome or not at all, it will cover up prickly heat, do you know that?" Fang Zhengyang was about to cry.

Yang Xiaoxue stretched out her hand towards Fang Zhengyang, "Give me the money."

"What do you want money for?"

"Don't you want a suit? I threw the suit away and went out to buy you short sleeves."

"You think I'm a big one, throw away 1,000 yuan clothes? Forget it, I'll put them on." Fang Zhengyang pinched his nose, opened the clothes bag, took out the clothes and put them on his body.

"Hey, Yang Xiaoxue, why do you have more than a dozen trousers inside?" Fang Zhengyang was puzzled looking at the colorful trousers inside.

"Oh, it was so stinky that day, I didn't even want to touch it. I asked the waiter to give me something worth a thousand yuan. In the end, all these things were made up."

Looking at Yang Xiaoxue's indifferent look, Fang Zhengyang really wanted to put Nei Nei on her head.

But thinking that it was indeed someone who helped him out tonight, Fang Zhengyang had to hold back his anger and put all those insides aside.

"Why didn't you take your Nei Nei? What are you doing with me?" Yang Xiaoxue asked suspiciously.

"How do I take it away? Am I wearing a dozen inner linings? Or let me carry a few linings around on the street?" Fang Zhengyang said angrily.

"Oh, that's true, so let's throw it here. By the way, it's midnight, let's go out for a late night snack." Yang Xiaoxue said when she saw Fang Zhengyang.

When Fang Zhengyang heard it, he almost vomited, "Xiaoxue, don't give me anything to eat now, I feel sick when I hear it."

Fang Zhengyang looked at the time, it was already midnight.

He looked at Yang Xiaoxue and said, "Xiaoxue, it's too late for you, you should rest, I should go too, thank you for today's affairs."

After Fang Zhengyang finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the door, and Yang Xiaoxue's smiling voice came from behind, "Fang Zhengyang, owe me a favor!"

Fang Zhengyang didn't dare to speak, so he left quickly.

This elf Yang Xiaoxue is weird. If she agrees, who knows how she will toss herself.

Fang Zhengyang left Yang Xiaoxue's rental house and came to the street.

As soon as the cold wind blew, Fang Zhengyang remembered.

"Oh, bad. Zhuang Jiahui is still waiting to buy something to eat!" Fang Zhengyang shouted, and hurriedly ran towards Dongshan House.

When he came to the vicinity, he also looked around, and did not find Wang Zhenglong's group, and then he came to the vicinity of Dongshan House.

But at the door, Fang Zhengyang grinned.

People are already closed.

Fang Zhengyang had no choice but to go to the nearby convenience store to buy two buckets of instant noodles.

It's closed, so let's just make do with it.

Fang Zhengyang returned to the hospital with two buckets of instant noodles and came to Zhuang Jiahui's ward.

Zhuang Jiahui opened her eyes, glanced at Fang Zhengyang, and suddenly exclaimed, "What happened? Didn't you go to buy food? How did you get your nose bruised and swollen?"

Fang Zhengyang sighed, "Sister Zhuang, don't mention it, I was almost killed by your boyfriend."

"What's going on?" Zhuang Jiahui widened her eyes in surprise.

Fang Zhengyang recounted what happened.

When Zhuang Jiahui heard this, she trembled with anger, "That **** is too arrogant. It's okay for him to bully me. He even bullied you. No, you can't let him go like this, you should call the police immediately."

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