Tsundere Queen Takes Home

Chapter 353: Annoying Fang Qing

Fang Jingtian was stunned when he heard this.

What kind of people are these two women, why do they both like to do things?

But no way, both parents have no choice.

"Okay, I'll persuade your mother when she calms down." Fang Jingtian sighed and said.

The elevator opened, Fang Jingtian and Fang Zhengyang returned home.

"Brother, you're back." Fang Qing, who was sitting in the room, saw Fang Zhengyang, quickly ran over happily, and reached out to hug Fang Zhengyang.

Fang Zhengyang hurriedly avoided her, frowned and said, "Fang Qing, don't do this, you are a big girl, do you know that?"

"Hee hee, I'm your sister, what's the matter!" Fang Qing said with a smile.

Fang Zhengyang was really not in the mood to talk to her, so he turned around and went back to his room, laying on the bed with his clothes on.

Fang Zhengyang was depressed to death, thinking that when he came back this time, all the problems could be solved, and he could finally be with Yang Xinyan justifiably, why did he suddenly run out of a paternity test?

And now the mothers of both sides are on the point of Maimang, and neither of them will give in. What can I do? All worried.

At this moment, the door was gently pushed open, and Fang Qing jumped in. She came to Fang Zhengyang's bed with a fruit plate in her hand and sat down. Then she squeezed a grape and stuffed it into Fang Zhengyang's mouth. , "Brother, try it, it's very sweet."

Fang Zhengyang directly turned his head to the side, "I don't want to eat, you go out, let me be quiet for a while, I'm so sick of it."

Fang Qing smiled and said, "What are you worried about? A day is spent worrying, and a day is spent laughing. Why don't you live with a smile!"

Fang Zhengyang turned his head and ignored her.

Fang Qing ate a grape, looked at Fang Zhengyang, and then asked, "Brother, are you still suffering because of your anger with Mom!"

Seeing that Fang Zhengyang didn't speak, Fang Qing said to herself, "Brother, it's not easy for your mother to raise you, so don't make her angry, do you remember when we were young, when you had a stomachache and my mother carried you on her back? Go to the village hospital to find a doctor. The village doctor sees that you are serious, so let my mother take you to the hospital directly.

Without saying a word, my mother ran to the hospital behind your back.

It was still raining heavily that night. He went to the town hospital with one foot deep and one foot shallow. He didn't know how many falls on the way. In the end, when she arrived at the hospital, her knee was broken, and the trouser legs were stained red with blood.

And after you were admitted to the hospital that day, my mother had a high fever. She endured the discomfort to take care of you. When you were discharged from the hospital, she was admitted to the hospital and lay there for half a month, so mother's love is the greatest love. ! "

Fang Zhengyang was stunned for a moment, then sighed.

Mother's love is great, why doesn't he know that he has always let Fang's mother, why not because of this.

But if he wanted to obey her wishes, then Mother Yang didn't agree. Didn't he separate himself from Yang Xinyan?

Fang Zhengyang felt that his head was about to explode.

"Okay, go out, I want to be quiet for a while." Fang Zhengyang closed his eyes tiredly.

A hint of slyness flashed in Fang Qing's eyes. This time, she didn't say anything. She obediently took the fruit plate and turned and left the room.

Fang Qing came to the living room, hesitated for a while, then turned and came to Fang's mother's room.

Mother Fang was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt and sulking.

Fang Qing came to her bedside, reached out and lifted the quilt, took a grape and stuffed it into Fang's mother's mouth.

"Bah," Fang's mother spit out the grapes directly, "I'm so **** off, I'm not in the mood to eat now."

"Mom, don't be angry, anger is really bad for your health, and it can cause any kind of disease." Fang Qing rubbed Fang's mother's heart with her hand and persuaded softly.

Fang's mother exhaled, gritted her teeth and said, "Hey, why did I raise such an unfilial son, it's better than a girl I picked up."

A gleam of light flashed in Fang Qing's eyes, but she was quickly covered up by her, she looked at Fang's mother, rubbed her heart, and said affectionately, "You used to be so kind to me, how could I not be filial to you! "

Mother Fang stared at Fang Qing for a while, her brows slightly wrinkled.

Seeing that Fang's mother hesitated, Fang Qing said while the iron was hot, "Mom, I see, that Yang Xinyan is not only mad at my dad, but what kind of anger is he even with you?"

Fang's mother said coldly, "Angry at me? She doesn't have that kind of Taoism yet."

"No, she doesn't get mad at you directly, but she pushes my brother to get mad at you from behind, isn't that the same?" Fang Qing fanned the flames again.

"That is, before you met this bitch, your brother was more filial and obedient, but now what I say he doesn't listen to, it must be the result of her fanning the flames behind." Fang mother said angrily.

"That's right, so Mom, what I mean is to let my brother get married as soon as possible, and stop Yang Xinyan's thoughts directly. Isn't all the problems solved." Fang Qing said with shining eyes.

"Yeah, that's what I thought at the beginning, that's why I asked your brother and Xi'er to get married as soon as possible. I really didn't expect to get engaged, but such a monster appeared again. When I come back to be with your brother, will people agree?

Even if Xi'er likes your brother, he agrees, but will his father agree? Will her stepmother agree? "

"Mom, Qiao Xi'er won't agree, you think about it, I'm already engaged, but my brother left them and turned around to take care of Yang Xinyan's child. Isn't this a joke.

You say which girl has experienced such a thing once and would be willing to experience it a second time? "

Seeing Fang's mother in a daze, Fang Qing went on to say, "Mom, actually, you've made things complicated, why do you want to be far away, isn't your daughter-in-law right in front of you?"

Fang Qing finally revealed the fox's tail.

"You?" Mother Fang stared at Fang Qing.

Fang Qing nodded quickly, "Mom, you watched me grow up, you know how I am, and I will always remember your kindness to me, will you say that I will not be filial to you and my father in the future?

Why don't you agree to such a safe thing? "

Mother Fang hesitated again.

The last time I rejected Fang Qing, it was because there was Qiao Xi'er, but the matter of Xi Xi'er was obviously yellow!

Mother Fang looked at Fang Qing, pondered for a moment, and said, "Fang Qing, whether I agree or disagree is trivial, the key is that your brother doesn't agree with you at all! More importantly, he always thought that Yang Xinyan was pregnant with him. If this is true, according to your brother's kindness, how could he abandon Yang Xinyan and choose you?"

"I'm pregnant with my brother's child!" Fang Qing murmured, then turned her head to look at Fang's mother and said, "Mom, as long as you agree, put some pressure on my brother, and I'll do the work again. It's done."

"Your brother's stubborn temper, it's not that you don't know, you will do his job well?" Fang's mother said with a frown.

Fang Qing saw Fang's mother just about to speak, but Fang's mother waved her hand, "I'm a little tired, I want to rest for a while, you go out."

Fang Qing thought about it and nodded, reached out and tucked the quilt for Mother Fang, turned and walked out of the room.

Fang Qing rolled her eyes, and a smug smile appeared on her face.

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