Traveling at the same time, creating the door of truth

Chapter 220 Dry Bones, Yinglong, Cocoon

"It feels like a tomb robbery." Bai Mo held up a bronze lamp in his hand, looked at the bronze door in front of him, and said to himself: "I don't know if there is a ghost blowing the lamp inside."

After Bai Di reviewed the remaining documents of the Chen family, the history of the Chen family was dug out.

An ordinary mixed-race family without a Dragon King or Odin is inferior to Lu Mingfei's Lu family.

If it weren't for Chen Motong, maybe Bai Mo would think that the Chen family was just a relatively ordinary family that relied on the power of the mixed race.

But Chen Motong's bronze door shows that her identity is definitely not a simple mixed race, and there are many secrets hidden behind it.

Bai Mo took a deep breath, held the spiritual power from the deity in his hand, and then reached out to press it.


The bronze door was pushed open, and inside was a skeleton nailed to a cross.

Bai Mo walked into the bronze door, took a few steps to reach the withered bones, and relied on the bronze lamp in his hand to see its appearance clearly.

The withered bones are a young form, resembling an underage boy. There are countless nails driven into the body, and the entire bone frame is almost filled.

"Who are you…"

The boy raised his head and spoke spiritual "language", looking at Bai Mo with his head wrapped in dry leaves, and the silver flames dancing in his pupils.

"Fire Lord, no it's not."

"Priest, no it's not."

"New God, no, it's not."

The boy spoke one word after another, and his tone was like that of an emperor in a cold palace, pronouncing an imperial edict.

"Izanami, you finally woke up."

Although he didn't understand why he was called Izanami, Baimo waved his hand and chatted casually: "Who are you?"

"You are not Izanami." The boy shook his head, then twisted his stiff neck and spoke slowly with a clicking sound.

"Who are you!"

The silver flame turned into golden light, and dark gold wings spread out from the boy's back, with broken bones on the wings.

It is broken and missing, but it still contains the majesty of the divine residence.

"Who are you?" Bai Mo looked at the boy calmly, not affected at all.

The time was quiet, the boy folded his wings, and the flames in his eyes returned to silver.

"New God, what do you want?"

"I have a lot of questions about what the history of the world is."

"History, hahaha."

I don’t know how the boy laughed, but he looked at Bai Mo wildly amid the vast laughter.

"What do you think history is?"

"The Black King created the four dragon kings, used his power to create the priest White King, established the Dragon Clan, and ruled the world with tyranny. The Dragon Clan created humans. The theory of evolution is wrong.

The White King rebelled and led a third of the dragon clan to launch a war against the Black King. He was finally killed by the Black King and took back the power he had given him. "

"Then the Black King was killed, and all traces of the dragons disappeared. Humans relied on women to mate with the dragons, and sacrificed saints to give birth to controllable hybrids."

"The hybrid killed the dragon clan and killed the four dragon kings."

"On the throne, the Dragon Kings are twins, each holding power and power. This was specially divided by the Black King when he gave birth to their children."

"In 2012, the Black King returns."

The boy was silent. He looked up at Bai Mo, feeling sad for some reason.

"Has history been changed like this?"

"Yes, history is just a little girl who can be dressed up by anyone. Today's hybrids rely on ice sea fragments and Nordic mythology and history to study dragons."


"What do you think history is?"

Hearing Bai Mo's question, the boy remained silent.

Baimo waited for it to slow down for a while, then continued: "This is the history of the mixed race. The history I know is not like this."

"Hybrid species once had a glorious past. Ten thousand years ago, hybrid species inherited the alchemy of the dragons. They built a holy dynasty and achieved miracles that are impossible now through alchemy."

“The Kingdom of God, the Nibelung was built, and then there were iterations of gods, from old gods to new gods, and the process repeated.”

“Myths are the historical stories of hybrids.”

The boy spoke.

"You know, it's not surprising that you can come here..."

“When God gets involved in the realm of souls, he will definitely know this history.”

"So, what's the real history?"

Bai Mo revealed the problem he had been exploring.

"Why was the Dragon Clan destroyed?"

"Humanity killed the [Black King]. This is a complete lie." The boy said with a bit of sneer.

"Human beings are like this. They like to force things that do not belong to them to be their own. Fragments of ice and sea, Nordic mythology, what ridiculous words."

"History has a continuum that can be followed. You can't just take some random content and use it as your own history."

At this point, the boy obviously hated this behavior.

"I don't know the real history either."

The boy looked up at Bai Mo.

"Let me go and I will tell you everything I know."

"what your name?"

"Name..." The boy's body made a clicking sound, which was the nails stopping it.

"It seems that you can't tell your name, but I will help you."

After the words fell, Bai Mo pressed his fingers with the power of his own body.

Element, spirit, soul, or something else.

The boy didn't know what it was. He only realized that when the man in front of him pressed his fingers, the nails on his body became loose.

"I am——Yinglong."


Yinglong, the winged dragon, a character recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, assisted the Yellow Emperor in defeating Chi You.

"What is history."

Yinglong spoke calmly.

"The Dragon Clan does not exist."

"The Dragon Clan does not exist!"

This was a big thunder, and some of Baimo's other sub-bodies behaved incorrectly.

If the dragon clan did not exist, all the so-called preparations would need to be overthrown and started all over again. All work that has been completed, is in progress, and has not yet started must be re-planned.

"Yes, the dragon clan does not exist. If the four dragon kings and the white king really exist, then the power to control the elements will be an incomprehensible existence."

"This... is indeed true." Bai Mo didn't doubt whether it was true or not. Neither he nor Medea nor Naiya could understand it.

He has the authority to control one of the five elements of the earth, and the corresponding information index is not a memory that the "Dragon King" can carry.

"Humans evolved naturally."

"It seems that evolution is true, and Darwin might be grateful for your support."

"Who is Darwin?"

"An ordinary person who proposed that humans evolved from forest apes and that humans and gorillas are related."

"Sounds like a very good person who can do this, reveal such a truth in a world controlled by hybrids, and directly challenge hybrids."

"...If you think about it this way, he is indeed a tough guy."

According to Ying Long, what Darwin was challenging was the hybrid's cover-up of history. This was an act of courting death.

If Darwin was a macho man, then perhaps the scientists of his time were also a group of super macho men.

"If humans evolved naturally, then why do hybrids appear to control elements?"

"Because of the cocoon."


"Black King, Cocoon."

"The vessel for the Black King's resurrection?"

"No, the Black King's Cocoon is not the vessel for the Black King's resurrection, but the Black King."

"Black King and Black King's Cocoon are equal, why?"

"Let me go and I'll tell you the answer."

"You are out of context!" Bai Mo complained.

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