Nanorobots, or micromachines, is a very broad traditional science fiction concept; it is used to refer to various types of micromachines that act in groups. Its main characteristics generally include three:

1. Extremely small individual size

2. Highly unified cluster action

3. Accurate and unlimited self-replication

The Human Federation, once controlled by Russell, and the "Gate Builders", Gray Wind's creator civilization, have independently developed their own nanorobot technologies to help them carry out various difficult productions, and humans in this universe are no exception.

Humans in the dark age of technology were powerful and arrogant, with an unbridled desire for technology and more extreme actions; they created a nanoplague with sentience, an extremely dangerous technological creation that can modify the basis of matter at the molecular level. Nature, thereby infecting and assimilating all inorganic and organic organisms, achieving unlimited self-proliferation.

Such terrifying properties make people think of the living metal technology mastered by the Necron that can grow and repair itself.

When controlled by humans, the nano-plague that can arbitrarily modify material molecules is undoubtedly a terrifying weapon and useful tool. However, in the era of strife after the Iron Man rebellion, the out-of-control nano-plague has also become a major threat to human civilization. One of the hardships.

Until today's 39K Empire era, nanorobots are still used cautiously by the robots to perform various finishing tasks that require extremely high precision, but now human civilization has become extremely conservative and decadent. The Adeptus Mechanicus, which has mastered a large amount of technology, is nothing more than a bad school that cannot even produce nanorobots independently once it leaves the STC.

When Russell was discussing urban planet planning with the technology sage, he used various technologies as bargaining chips and exchanged some common but powerful practical STC standard construction templates from him.

Among them are nanorobots left over from the dark age of technology, whose ability to infect and multiply is restricted from the source code level.

Gray Wind is very interested in this stuff.

After nearly ten years of analysis and calculation, Gray Wind cracked the basic restrictions set by the Jinren or someone else in the nanoplague source code, allowing it to regain the ability to proliferate infinitely.

Russell thus mastered this terrifying nano-plague that can infect and assimilate all inorganic and organic matter at the molecular level and cross the boundaries of life.

When the exhausted Fordola rangers climbed out of the hatches at the outpost, they boarded the three Star Sail frigates in panic. However, the soul matrices carried by the three warships all showed subtle resistance and rejection to these returning tribesmen.

However, the Eldar who stayed behind on the battleship during the emergency situation did not consider that much. For the Ark Eldar, the life of every clan member is a precious treasure.

In the past, the souls of the entire race of the Ancient Spirit Tribe were linked together by a unified spiritual field. No matter how far apart they were, they could always feel each other. At that time, they could easily discover the strange things in these returning tribesmen. at.

But the birth of Slaanesh destroyed the ancient Eldar empire, as well as the Eldar themselves. Every Eldar individual was forced out of the soul connection with his own people, and has suffered endless pain and loneliness ever since.

Therefore, when the few Fodlan Eldar left behind on the battleship were anxiously concerned about the physical condition of the returning rangers and asked them what they had encountered at the outpost, they did not discover:

The tribesmen in front of him were actually dead long ago, and the corpses themselves had been transformed into brutal monsters by some evil force.

A pale-faced ranger knelt down weakly in the cabin of Star Sail One, while the tribesmen left behind were trying to heal its bleeding wounds.

However, the unstoppable blood did not flow down the body due to the simulated gravity in the battleship cabin. Instead, like some kind of soft-bodied creature, it crawled up the wall and met the last few Eldar who were in normal condition. Individual ankle.

The ranger then bit down on its neck.

With the death of the last living Eldar on the three Star Sail frigates, in the space outside the porthole window, the outpost running in close orbit of the star quietly collapsed.

One by one, huge or precise mechanical parts disintegrated in space and turned into endless nano-micromachines, gathering into a squirming hazy nano-cloud at the original location of the outpost.

The soul matrix of the Star Sail frigates wailed and struggled, but the nanocloud gently enveloped the three warships, and together with the nanoplague that spread from inside the ships, the entire warship was completely infected and swallowed.

The ambush in the Droven system is over.

"Nano plague is so scary..."

Russell stretched out and leaned in the semi-enclosed cockpit in the control room of the Ark of Elysium, looking up at the star map displayed above the computing array.

Most of the star map is still blurry, with only a small area in the lower left corner relatively clear, which is the known area that the Ark of Paradise scanned on its way deep into the Lost Dream Nebula.

A truth monk wearing a white robe came to Russell and whispered: "Leader, we will enter the next galaxy in half an hour. In this galaxy..."

"Tell me the point," Russell said.

"Yes." The monk could understand the bored mentality of his leader, because he was also a little bored: "Like the four galaxies he passed before, there are also plural numbers in this galaxy temporarily named 'Nancy'. A livable planet..."

Russell nodded in understanding.

Since entering the Lost Dream Nebula, every galaxy they have investigated is so perfect and so livable. Anyone with a little knowledge of astronomy can understand that such a galaxy group is by no means a natural formation. It is artificially carved. No traces are concealed.

Like the Delovin galaxy, the indigenous creatures living in these later discovered galaxies are also in primitive societies, some are already in the farming stage, and some are simply still eating hair and drinking blood.

Such a strange scene gave the Truth monks a strong sense of immediacy, as if they had built a small paradise world with a stable ecosystem by themselves, and then raised a group of monkeys in it.

"In addition, perhaps due to the interference of the nebula and the Eldar's own concealment technology, we have never captured any signals or traces related to the Eldar warships."

"This is the caution that the Ark Eldar should be. If they were discovered by us so easily, they would not be able to survive in the galaxy for so long."

Russell smiled and didn't mind the result at all:

"This will be a long war, but the outcome has already been determined. I know where the Eldar want to reach the end point of this trip, and all you have to do is to continue guerrilla harassment before they reach the end point, and destroy Fodlan's Ark. The flesh of the world is slowly being torn off bit by bit.”

"When the Eldar of Fodlan's Ark arrive at the 'Pure Land' they dream of after going through many hardships and dangers and suffering from scars, I will be there waiting for them."

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