Koroniai tried hard to resist the desire to crawl out of the cave to eat the branches and leaves of Bao, and answered Gray Wind's question in a low voice:

"...I am very hungry. Every time I smell it and smell the taste of Bao, the feeling of hunger will become stronger. It is the desire on the genetic level, urging me to devour it, as if this can make me a little bit more hungry. Alleviate that eternal hunger..."

Gray Wind blinked, not quite understanding Koroniai's answer. She had never felt hungry before.

This is actually a very dangerous signal. It is impossible that only the hive fleet in Koroniai is hungry for Bao's body. The eternally echoing hunger signal comes from the Great Devourer and from the hive mind above all insect swarms.

One day in the future, the endless sea of ​​insects that covers the sky and the sun will eventually submerge Falla, and the shadow of the Great Devourer will inevitably surround the Milky Way and extinguish the starry sky... Russell knows this well.

But that was a long, long time later. As far as he knew, the main force of the "Leviathan" Hive Fleet would not begin to approach Terra until the 42nd Millennium.

Two thousand years is enough time.

In addition to Bao, who was the staple food, Russell also brought Koroniai some snacks that it didn't like very much, namely the corpses of the Perfect Warriors and the burned remains of the Son of All-Changes.

These dirty flesh and blood contaminated by Chaos may be disgusting to eat, but the gene seed sequence inside is still intact. It would not hurt Russell to let Koroniai collect some data about the Space Marines.

After doing this, Russell boarded the Gray Goo fighter plane and left Planet 2, but left the Gray Goo mothership in the orbit of the planet. It had other tasks.

Russell's help to Koroniai was not limited to providing biomass and genetic data. After the assimilation of the nano-planet and the construction of the L-star gate were completed one after another, the freed Gray Wind could finally do some additional work on Planet 2. infrastructure has been constructed.

For example, the stellar pulses that cause Coroniai the most headache can be solved by building a planetary shield generator at the north and south poles of the planet.

This thing is much easier to use than the atmosphere.

At the same time, the two adamantine keels of the Ark of Bliss and the Oracle of Truth have also been sent to the nano-planet in the innermost ring of the critical base galaxy.

In addition to letting the planet-scale nanorobot cluster analyze the composition and structure of fine gold, Russell mainly planned to build two brand-new warships of his own based on these two ready-made keels. He had promised to bring them with him after the L-Stargate was put into operation. Even if Gray Wind goes to Esbanese, there is no way he can let Gray Wind himself go.

There were a lot of things to do, but fortunately Russell didn't have to do it himself. With the help of automatic machinery, he only had to arrange the tasks in an orderly manner and then wait for the results. This is the way to farm. pleasure.

But there are some things that Russell still needs to handle personally...such as tariffs.

After leaving the critical base system and returning to Falla, complicated and various messages were delivered to the Governor's desk through various channels.

For example, the great purge launched by the Inquisition, the factional disputes within the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Ministry of Justice's pursuit of the whereabouts of the Chaos warship... Among the many events, Russell was really concerned about only two.

First of all, after the subspace storm dissipated, Faya finally received the star message from Nirvana and learned about the situation there.

Under the leadership of the Prophetess, the forces of Chaos that invaded the core galaxy have been repulsed. Nirvana's star gate is undergoing emergency repairs, and it will be restarted in about two years at the latest, and optimistic estimates will take less than one year.

The existence of the L-Star Gate was originally top secret, but there is no airtight wall in the world. After the actual construction of the Star Gate begins, there will always be vague information spread from various channels. As a result, the people who knew the inside story of this project were no longer limited to a few people who attended the prophet's meeting.

And if there were still people who doubted the authenticity and reliability of L-Star Gate before and took a wait-and-see attitude. Well, after experiencing two consecutive chaos invasions, anyone with a discerning eye can see the fishiness in it.

The old-school nobles in the core galaxy and the top executives of the trading guilds that control the major star regions have all begun their own actions. They know very well what unrestricted traffic means.

Especially the ship toll tax, which is also a tariff, that will be collected after the L-Stargate network is completed. Given the sheer size of the empire, even the slightest fluctuation in taxes and fees would bring astronomical amounts of wealth, and this was exactly what the nobles and merchant guilds needed to discuss with Russell.

It really gives me a headache just thinking about it.

Another thing is the reconstruction of the Penitent Fire Chapter.

This tragic battle group suffered heavy losses in successive battles. The home planet was destroyed and the organization was shattered. The thousand-man battle group now has less than 40 people left. Several of them died of serious injuries and need to enter the fearless army. .

If an ordinary small war group fights to this level, it will basically be destroyed, and the remaining soldiers will usually be merged into the parent group or other brother and sub-groups.

However, thanks to the Dark Angels' excellent gene-seed stability and Falla's important strategic position, the Penitent Fire Chapter, which retains a large inventory of gene-seeds, can receive strong support from the Adeptus Mechanicus, and can even request support from the parent group to rebuild. It's not difficult to compile.

The only problem that gave Milak a headache was the source of troops.

The training of Astartes monks is a long process, which generally requires rigorous selection and cruel training starting from adolescence. Only the best among them can be qualified to implant gene seeds and undergo a series of subsequent transformation surgeries.

Even after all the transformation surgeries are completed, a new recruit will generally not be awarded power armor immediately. Instead, he will need to serve as a scout or other auxiliary unit in the battle group. After a period of qualifications, he will be able to wear ceramite power armor. A has the honor of being transformed into a can.

Such perverted recruitment standards doomed the Astartes to not be replenished very quickly, and the blow suffered by the Fire of Repentance Chapter was even more devastating.

Not only the formal combatants, but also the recruits who had not yet put on armor, and the young candidates who had not yet been implanted with gene seeds, almost all were killed in the fierce and bloody battles.

The source of troops for the Fire of Repentance itself was completely cut off.

As a battle group stationed in Falla, in this case they should recruit young people with sufficient qualifications from Falla and select recruits from them, but there was a problem.

——Under the promotion of the state religion, the selfless achievements of the great living saint governor became known throughout Falla. From nobles to commoners, everyone recited the name of the saint chosen by the emperor.

The young generation has grown up listening to Russell's deeds since birth and regards him as a hero, an idol... and the savior of Falla.

Recruiting in such a place with an extremely strong personality cult atmosphere, even if the Astartes recruit training process includes mental hypnosis and other mind-training projects, it cannot truly avoid the influence of Russell's personal prestige on the internal ideological trend of the Penitent Fire Chapter. Influence.

Because they are not replenishing personnel on a small scale, but rebuilding the organization from scratch when the entire battle group is almost completely depleted.

The standard establishment of a battle group is 1,000 people. After reconstruction, there are less than 40 original members. The other more than 900 people are all natives here. Falla teenagers who have had deep respect for the planetary governor since childhood...

This is something that any imperial official should be wary of.

Especially Milak, who knew the relationship between Russell and the Star Destroyer, felt even more uneasy.

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