The people of this borderland called Falla have lived in long-lasting peace for hundreds of years, lacking the desperation that would drive them to the point of desperation and turning to the gods for help.

The state religious forces have no intention of increasing their missionary efforts here, and not many churches have been built, which has led to the diversification of ideological trends in the population. Both the God of All Machines and the Imperial Truth have their own groups of believers, rather than the same long live God-Emperor as other imperial colonies.

The diversity of ideas is not a good thing for the local people, because different ideas mean contradictory positions, and different forces often fight with each other.

And this is the opportunity Russell wants to seize.

"I need a force to follow me."

"I need their allegiance to me, not to the Emperor's Planetary Governor. I need them to subscribe to my ideals, not to the Ecclesiarchy or the God of All Machines."

"So what's my philosophy?"

When the Gray Goo carrier-based aircraft formation landed in the square in front of the Governor's Mansion, Russell walked out of the cabin door, looked at the two moons hanging in the sky, one large and one small, and had his own answer.

"Materialist Dialecticism."

After determining the path to take, he also understood what he needed to do next.

"From this point of view, the pursuit of the Imperial Truth Sect is the closest to my ideals. Winning them over and making some minor ideological corrections is the best choice at the moment."

"But this faction is relatively weak in Falla. If I want to support them, I need to use the power of the governor to suppress the state religion. This cannot be done too obviously, otherwise it will be easy to be labeled as betraying the emperor and the empire... "

"With sufficient mineral supply, the construction of the Cyberlux battle body requires 500 Stars. I don't know how long it will take to convert into Fallas..."

"Before the construction of the battle body is completed, proceed with caution."

After returning to Falla, Russell quickly arranged for people to suppress public opinion on the planet.

As expected, the so-called "human heritage of the golden age" rhetoric quickly caused an uproar among the upper class. Among them, the reaction of the forces of the Machinery Society was particularly violent. Their worship of advanced technology has reached the point of fanaticism.

Starports across the planet and the ancient ships parked there were originally owned by nobles as private property. Without support, the local machinery in Falla would be suppressed for a long time. They showed little interest in maintaining these ancient equipment and were often passive. sabotage.

And as the nobles were liquidated, all the ships with space capabilities were destroyed, and there was a beautiful ancient ship overhead waiting to be explored...

The fanatical Mechanicus Cultists began to work frantically day and night. Their desire for knowledge and technology drove them to use all their manpower and material resources to repair the paralyzed starport and the ships in it.

Several respected technical priests requested an audience with the Governor. They hoped to obtain permission to study this ancient giant ship. Naturally, all these requests were rejected by Russell.

He announced that he was going to give a global speech, and then closed the door and thanked guests.

During the time he was writing his speech, the situation in Falla, which had been a stagnant place, began to become active.

After learning about this incident, the state priest announced in a high-profile manner that the giant ship hanging in the sky was a sacred object passed down from ancient times and should belong to the supreme human emperor. He also held several large-scale sacrificial activities for the first lunar position.

The meaning is self-evident.

After several meetings with no results, the Robot Council began to turn its attention to the Gray Gu carrier-based aircraft that patrolled back and forth over the Governor's Mansion 24 hours a day.

The two forces began to fight openly and secretly, and competed to win over the planetary governor who had control of the ship.

After about a week of such undercurrents, Russell finally emerged from the Government House and announced that he would begin his speech today.

The Mechanical Society, who were eager to show their good will, had already made sufficient preparations for this. They worked day and night to build large-scale communication equipment in every important city on the northern and southern continents of Falla, so that Russell's image could be projected above everyone.

Not to be outdone, the state religion used its appeal to bring countless miners and farmers into the city, and every projector was overcrowded.

Under the spotlight, Russell rubbed the dark circles under his eyes, yawned, and began his speech.

The theme of the speech is: "Make Humanity Great Again."

The document in Russell's hands is not so much a speech, but perhaps it should be called a "Water-Ending Declaration" that can meet the needs of all parties.

At the beginning of the speech, the Titan ship, which had been hidden on the back side of the first moon during this period, also came to the sky above the planet, silently releasing its huge majesty.

With the theme and endorsement of "Human Heritage of the Golden Age", Russell began to loudly and grandly promote how powerful and glorious the past human civilization was.

The reason why he did not use the more formal term "dark technology age" was to make his words more convincing and provocative.

To the Ecclesiarchy, he claimed that he could find the ancient artifact that activated the battleship precisely because he was guided by the Emperor. He would respect the Emperor's will and use ancient technology to make mankind great again and return to that glorious era.

To the Mechanical Society, he stated that he was willing to share with them the various cutting-edge technologies stored in the battleship's main brain database, and disclosed many ancient human technological products and design drawings for the Mechanical Society to research and build.

For the planetary government, he vowed to open up more star systems, expand the borders of the empire, and expand Falla's authority to farther places, which also means more establishment and more allocations.

To the working people, he promised to use the great technology of ancient creation to increase productivity, so that farmland will have abundant harvests, industry will develop, and everyone will be able to have enough food and clothing, and no longer have to endure the pain of poverty and hunger.

As for the Imperial Truth Sect, they were not mentioned at all.

Ending with "Make Mankind Great Again" and "The Golden Spirit", Russell ended this speech that would completely change the interstellar situation.

The whole of Falla was boiling, and the same words echoed in every city like a roaring tsunami.

"Make humanity great again!"

The bishops of the Anglican Church and the technical priest representatives of the Mechanicus all sent out requests for an interview with Russell as soon as the speech ended, and rushed to the Governor's Palace to wait at all costs.

Russell threw the speech destined to go down in history into the trash can and entered the conference room wearing a bulky white ceremonial robe.

The bishop of the state church and the technical priest representative of the Mechanicus, "Gauss", have been waiting here for a long time.

The three leaders talked all night long in the conference room and quickly signed a series of agreements with an efficiency unimaginable by the Imperial Ministry of the Interior.

These include:

Russell allowed and supported the State Church to enjoy priority missionary privileges in Falla and all the new galaxies he would explore in the future, and accepted their application for nomination as a living saint. Of course, Russell felt that he would most likely not be nominated for such a mess. Yes, this is just a gesture.

In return, the state church will fully support his pioneering career and promote his great and upright image among believers.

Russell will hand over some ancient technological creations and designs to the Mechanics Association as soon as possible for research. The Mechanical Society needs to be loyal to him and put all its productivity at his disposal.

As for the so-called ancient technology and ancient design drawings, they are actually a complete set of human federal technology trees stored in Gray Wind's main consciousness.

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