Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 351 Mortarion is aware of it

During a burglary in his loving father's house, he accidentally ran into the primarch of Nurgle. Mortarion's condition was——


With an indifferent tone and swift slashes, Mortarion swung his scythe and drew a beautiful crescent moon in the corridor of the Black Demon Hall. Suddenly, the skin of the three Eldar stalkers who had no time to dodge was torn open, and the smelly flesh was sprayed. Scattered together with broken bone fragments.

The three corpses quickly rotted and grew maggots the moment they lost their lives. These well-trained elite warriors of the Eldar used their own lives to prove the strength of the original body.

However, the goal of this trip, the mother goddess Elsa who was trapped in the Garden of Nurgle, was right in front of her. She was only separated from them by a room and a cauldron. Now that the matter had come to this, there was no way Efreni could retreat at this time.

Then all that's left is to fight.

The remaining less than 60 warriors dispersed in an instant, forming a formation according to the ancient tactics left by a certain Phoenix Lord of the Eldar who was good at fighting, and surrounded Mortarion, who was holding a sickle in one hand. This is an Eldar warfare method called 'Water Wave', which is characterized by continuous attacks one after another like waves.

But Efreni did not participate in the siege against Mortarion. It left the large group and rushed straight into the room.

The Eldar warriors clearly knew the strength gap between themselves and the Ascending Primarch, so they chose a safe strategy. The remaining members formed a battle formation to temporarily hold back Mortarion, and they tried their best to seize the time to release love for Efreni. Sha creates opportunities.

"The body of a demigod? How about trying this sword?!"

An agile warrior wearing a black cloak suddenly jumped out of the water. The dagger in his hand was so fast that even the most elite Astartes couldn't see it, and stabbed Mortarion in the lower back. That's where the kidneys are.

clang--! With a bang, the broad blade of the sickle parried the dagger of the Eldar warrior, and then twisted it from the opposite direction, cutting its strong body into two pieces of rotten flesh.

"This sword is nothing special." Mortarion shook off the putrid blood drops on the scythe.

However, the action of shaking off the blood was not over yet. The original body's arm suddenly raised, and with a twist of the tiger's mouth, the scythe that had been with the blade downward just now turned upward, and pulled an Eldar warrior who was jumping in mid-air from his crotch. It split into two parts from bottom to top.

"Dirty bastards, if I kill you, you will stain my sickle."

Mortarion said in disgust, and spent another 3 seconds to kill a Dark Eldar Lich fighter who dared to approach.

——More than 2.99 seconds were spent waiting for it to muster up the courage to charge forward.

The scythe in the hands of the Ascending Primarch seemed to have eyes, and every blow perfectly predicted the attack and movement of the Eldar warriors, so much so that it looked as if they were actively attacking Mortarion's blade.

"Damn it! He seems to be able to predict our actions in advance and predict our movements!"

"I didn't expect that the original body would become so powerful after becoming a demon. Mortarion's psychic divination and future vision abilities are probably more powerful than our Ark's Supreme Prophet!!"

In the water wave battle formation, both the Lich Warriors of the Dark Eldar Tribe and the warriors of the Bietan Ark Eldar Tribe felt the suffocating oppression of the Ascension Demon Primarch.

They couldn't see any flaws in Mortarion and had no hope of winning.

"Bastard! What kind of psychic divination? What kind of future vision?" Mortarion was furious: "This is numerology!"

Mortarion's hands holding the scythe trembled slightly, and unparalleled anger climbed onto his pale face. The original body gnashed his teeth and roared: "Ignorant aliens, despicable fools... You ignorant bastards, I don’t understand the mysteries of numerology at all, so I can only use strange magic to misinterpret my greatness..."

He laughed in anger, and swung the giant scythe in his hand wide and wide, harvesting the lives of well-trained elite warriors of the Eldar clan as efficiently as clearing weeds.

Even the most elite Eldar warriors are nothing more than fish to be slaughtered in front of the Ascendant Primarch.


"Come, come, come, come, come... despicable things, low-level creatures, all die under my 'dance of death'...!!"

Mortarion used dance-like movements to slaughter the Eldar warriors who came forward, without paying any attention to Evelene who had already rushed into the room and was struggling towards the cage where Elsa was.

From Mortarion's perspective: I'm already fighting interlopers, why bother doing more? Regardless of whether Efrenie succeeds in letting Elsa go or not, her loving father cannot find a reason to blame him, and that is enough.

Working under the Evil God of Chaos and getting no wages, what kind of fate are you risking?

Even when Russell saw this scene, he could only say sincerely: "Wonderful."

As a bystander, Russell could see very clearly that Mortarion was not using his psychic powers to predict the future and predict the Eldar's position, but was 'calculating'.

Based on the number of remaining enemies, location, weapon type, movement speed, air flow... Mortarion used incredible speed to calculate the most suitable direction to launch an attack from a massive amount of information every second, and gave it in advance. fight back.

This kind of calculation requires extremely high information grasp. Once the sickle in the hand is emptied, it will actively expose a huge flaw.

However, from the beginning of the battle until now, Mortarion has never missed a single blow.

His movements were as graceful as a dance, nimbly dodging the Lich Warrior's assassinations and the War Witch's spell attacks. Every breath and every breath was as precise as the most rigid numerical equation.

Wherever you take action, you will see blood.

Russell turned his attention to the room.

There is a huge cauldron in the center of the room, and the dark floor is filled with saliva and pus from the pustules on the father himself. Nurgle usually squats in front of this cauldron to cook diseases and plagues.

A strange spiritual energy wave came from Efreni's body. She walked straight across the room and walked against the wall towards the cage placed in the corner.

Efreni obviously used some means to resist the corrosion of herself by the pus under her feet and the poisonous gas in the air, but this method could not last long. After all, this was the palace of Nurgle himself. Russell could clearly see that the psychic energy fluctuations in her body were getting weaker and weaker, and she could no longer hold on.

Seeing the spirit bone armor decaying and brittle under the erosion of Nurgle's poisonous gas, and the foul-smelling pustules emerged from Efreni's skin, and her life breath became weaker and weaker, Russell, as a bystander, watched They were all a little impatient.

"Where's the God of Death? Where's the God of Death? Can the God of Death save me?"

However, the God of Death did not appear, Efreni was not the God of Death's choice yet, and she did not hold the later Sword of the Crone in her hands. Nurgle's plague caused great damage to her body, and she slowly fell down under Russell's nervous eating mood.

In the cage in the corner of the room, Elsa sadly shed a drop of crystal clear tears.

"I'm just saying, someone with a name and a surname can't die easily." Russell applauded her.

Logically speaking, even if Russell is in a signal-shielded state and yells, others will not be able to hear or feel it.

However, at this time, Mortarion seemed to have sensed something, and stopped the death dance of harvesting life. He held the scythe in one hand and looked solemnly in the direction of Russell.

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