Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 349 Everene and Mortarion

Sea of ​​souls.

Dense shrubs grow on the rotten earth covered with thick humus, and there is no end as far as the eye can see. Hanging from the short bushes were highly decayed zombies of the plague. Their pale skin was swollen with pus, and swarms of Nurgle flies were hovering on the red flesh.

The bushes are densely covered with branches and leaves, and each leaf is covered with yellow spots. The twisted roots and carnivorous vines are intertwined, exuding a gloomy twilight atmosphere.

This is the garden of the loving father, the territory of the Great Demon Nurgle, the Blight.

The vibrant green and the decaying yellow coexist here, and the disease does not die. This is the love of a loving father. The lives loved by Nurgle will continue to exist in this decaying posture forever.

But suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in the dark clouded sky, illuminating the blighted shrubbery that was filled with gloomy and lifeless atmosphere.

A huge and illusory silhouette squeezed through the thick clouds. It was the bow of a huge war flagship, protruding from the horizon.

A straight beam of light shot out from the bow of the ship and penetrated the decaying earth. The Boundary Breaker set up a cannon called the 'Plane Ripper' and blasted open the side door of Nurgle Garden.

The roar of a loving father came from the black magic house deep in the garden.

Illusory shadows from higher dimensions appeared in the sky above the Garden of Nurgle, silently shooting beams of light that could tear apart the plane towards the corrupt earth beloved by the loving father. The Breaker's fleet is already in the sky, but the target of their attack is not the demons and Nurglings living in the Nurgle Garden, but the garden itself.

The behavior of the Boundary Breakers is not like a serious invasion war, but more like humans breaking up hard bread that cannot be chewed and throwing it into hot milk to soften it before eating.

Nurgle, angry.

The groans of billions of creatures resounded through the sea of ​​souls. A group of huge void whales with gutted stomachs emerged from the foul-smelling cloud of flies. Their stomachs were filled with angry Nurglings and plagues. The zombies swim towards the high-dimensional battleship of the Boundary Breaker.

At the same time, in the plane torn apart by the Boundary Breaker's weapon 'Plane Ripper', Nurgle's power suddenly rose and fell, and a rotten green planet was directly pulled into the garden by the power of the loving father. .

This is not an ordinary planet, but a demonic world completely soaked in the unclean power of Nurgle.

After being pulled into the battlefield, the planet's crust immediately cracked and was shaken off like eggshells when a chick hatched, revealing its original appearance: an overweight, abscess-covered, pale-skinned creature. Naked baby.


Facing the high-dimensional fleet that continuously fired out decomposition beams, the rotten giant baby let out its first cry.

The planet-sized rotten baby cried loudly and staggered towards the invaders who destroyed its home. The demons in the garden were furious, and Nurgle's followers also launched a counterattack against the boundarybreaker.

In this critical time of life and death, the loving father Nurgle himself left his black devil's house and faced off against the Boundary Breakers who were eager to eat him clean.

But what Nurgle didn't notice as he hurried out was that when he was leading the children to resist the invasion of higher dimensions, some unflattering and clever shadows quietly slipped into Nurgle's garden.

It was a stealth team composed of Dark Eldar and Ark Eldar. There were 36 Dark Eldar wearing black cloaks, and only 30 Ark Eldar wearing white spirit bone armor, for a total of 66. member.

The leading female Eldar War Witch squatted half-crouched in the decaying bushes, waving to her companions behind her, conveying in a subtle way that "the loving father has left."

Afterwards, the 66 spirit team raced against time and quickly passed through the thorn bush full of disease and death, and quietly arrived at the outer wall of the black magic house.

On the distant horizon, the rotting baby was still crying, its swollen little hands waving to catch the high-dimensional warship hovering on the horizon. The skin and flesh on its hands had been peeled off by the matter decomposer, revealing pale bones, which made Nurgle feel distressed.

Nurgle didn't notice that the 66 spirit team that had sneaked into the garden had already found the entrance and climbed into the magic house through a half-closed window.

The Eldar team also didn't notice that there was an empty figure standing in the bushes behind them, watching silently as they sneaked into their loving father's house to steal something.

This figure is none other than Russell.

Russell pinched his nose and looked at a scalp hanging on the bush next to him with disgust, thinking in his heart: "The female warrior who was leading just now seems to be Efrenie?"

Relying on the psychic skills taught by Magnus, he had just eavesdropped on the spiritual communication within the 66 spirit team and heard the remaining 65 spirit stalkers calling the leading female warrior 'Everene'.

"Is it the Everenee I thought of?" Russell was a little unsure.

It is now the 40th year of the 40th millennium, and the Death Chosen named Efreyne does not yet exist at this point in time.

It was at the end of the 41st millennium that Ifreni became the God of Death. She should still be a dancer or war witch on the craft world Bietan.

But now Russell sees her operating alongside the Dark Eldar along with 29 other Ark Eldar warriors.

"If she is really the Everenee that I know, seems that before I knew it, the Ark Eldar represented by Bietan had already established communication and cooperation with the Dark Eldar. "Russell knew it in his heart.

As for the reason for cooperation, he had already heard it in the eavesdropping just now.

Russell had just helped Guilliman block Khorne's attack, and when he was about to leave the Eye of Terror, he happened to see the Boundaries invading the Garden of Nurgle in large numbers, so he temporarily decided to come in and stir up the troubled waters to see if he could fish in the troubled waters. .

The purpose of the stealth team led by Everene is the same as Russell's.

They slipped into Nurgle's black magic house and the fish they wanted to touch was called 'Elsa'.

"Going into danger and sacrificing your life to save your mother is so touching." Russell sighed softly and decided that he had to join in the fun.

But just as he was about to take a step to follow, he stopped again. Russell calmly cast his gaze toward the thorn bushes covered with carrion and intestines outside the black magic house, and a faint footsteps came from it.

A tall armored giant wearing a hood, pale skin, and a pair of rotten insect wings slowly walked out from the thorns, holding a huge scythe in his hand.

He stared at the window through which the 66 spirit team had just entered the devil's house. He was silent for a moment, then walked in through the front door with his sickle in hand.

Russell clicked his tongue slightly, regretting that he didn't bring a bucket of popcorn with him when he came.

"...Forget it, I probably won't be able to eat it if I bring it with me." Russell looked at a pair of maggot-infested intestines hanging on the bush next to him with disgust.

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