Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 346 The Second Battlefield

"Give the four Star God fragments to the Marshal together. He will be very happy, right?"

Gray Feng was happily thinking about how Russell would reward him. Under her notification, the senior monks of the Order of Truth entered the lighthouse carrying the generating device of the extra-dimensional time cage. The CD has also been reset by the Ring Theory.

They are fully prepared to imprison the C'tan shard.

As the runes on the black stone tombstone turned from green to white, the data wires and psychic chains wrapped around the black stone coffin were disconnected.

In an instant, everything was silent.

Everyone present heard a distant sigh at the same time, carrying the vicissitudes and relief of endless years, as if an old man came to them through endless infinite time, lamenting the ruthless changes of the universe.

The black stone coffin shook violently. From the open gap, an illusory hand between the tangible and the intangible stretched out. It was the Star God who controlled the power of time...

We are now in year 38 of the 40th millennium.

[The Ruler Zahulash] lifted up the coffin and stood up.

Gray Wind's soft palms have been placed on the Wataum Reality Perforator. The psykers and Eldar banshees in the archaeological team are also ready to launch psychic spells to fight against this material god. A battle between mortals The conflict between technique and divine power is about to break out.

Then God disappeared.

At the moment when the black stone coffin was shattered and the ruler's arm stretched out of the coffin, behind Gray Feng, the time weapon 'Ring Theory' wrapped with her tail suddenly appeared without anyone's intervention. It started running on its own.

After that distant and vicissitudes of ancient sigh, everyone present heard an extremely sharp and miserable howl. The extreme pain contained in this howl was directly imprinted on the soul of the creature and lingered for a long time.

Gray Feng blinked, and there was only an empty coffin in front of him. The fragments of the Star God in the sarcophagus were missing.

"Did Zahulash escape?" Gray Wind was a little confused.

She looked back and saw that the Ring was slowly rotating, and the poems and prayers inscribed on it in praise of the Worm of Time were also flickering.

"No, I didn't run away."

Gray Feng finally understood: "Yes, was eaten?"

The high-level monks who were about to activate the extra-dimensional time cage were stunned on the spot. They were still confused about what had just happened. At this time, they saw Gray Feng put his hands on his hips, raised his eyebrows, and said to the principle of the ring behind him. : "That's the gift I want to give to the marshal. How can you eat it directly? It's so rude..."

Before everyone could realize who Gray Feng was talking to, suddenly, an ethereal, gentle, transparent voice that sounded like it came from the end of the abyss sounded directly in everyone's brain:

"After you give him the fragment of Zahulash, he will give this gift to me... The process is not always that important, and sometimes it can be skipped appropriately."

Gray Wind frowned: "How do you know he will give you the fragments of Zahurash?"

"Because I saw it." The Worm of Time said softly in his voice as gentle as a veil: "I saw it when Trazin stole the transcription device."

Gray Feng sighed helplessly, "There's really nothing I can do about you."

As a result of devouring the C'tan shard that represents the laws of time in this universe, the Time Worm can now communicate directly with the children he loves.

"Xiao Hui, can I ask you to find more fragments of Zahulash for me?" The gentle voice of the Time Worm was like a piece of weightless silk, gently brushing against the heart: "I will give you a gift. .”

"I, I have to ask the marshal..." Gray Feng was a little confused.

"He has already agreed."

"What you promised in the future doesn't count now!" Gray Feng was furious, "Don't always use the sword of future generations to kill the current officials!"

"Okay..." Time Zhichong felt aggrieved.

The scholars on the archaeological team looked at each other in confusion.

After much tossing and getting nothing in the end, Gray Wind left the Order's archaeological team and convoy fleet in Sousa, continuing to excavate and study the remains of the Pharos Lighthouse.

Her own body, the Gray Gu mothership, carried the extra-dimensional time cage imprisoning the three Star God fragments and jumped directly to the Konno system in the Great Ultramar star field, and returned to Falla through the star gate there.

Falla is now very different from when Gray Wind first came to this universe. In all aspects, whether it is economy, transportation, humanities, or other aspects, it is completely different from the original remote and desolate frontier galaxy.

But the biggest and most obvious difference between Falla today and its past is the starry sky above.

Standing in the wilderness of Falla and looking up at the sky, the starlight in the night sky is much sparser than before. Large black areas are solidified in the night sky. Occasionally, there are a few bright stars emitting starlight that cannot dispel the empty darkness around them. .

With the assistance of time technology, the Order of Truth's violent production capacity has completely drained and extinguished almost all the stars in the northern star belt of the Far Eastern Starfield in decades. The stars that still hang in the night sky of Falla are some that are at least located in Distant stars hundreds of light years away.

These stars have been extinguished long ago. When we stand on the ground and look up at the stars, we see what they looked like hundreds of years ago when they were still alive.

Many people in the Human Empire do not understand the behavior of the Star Destroyer, and do not understand why the Order of Truth uses such brutal methods to drain their own resources, just to build enough fleets to launch a sweep against the aliens across the galaxy. ?

Their doubts are destined to remain unanswered.

The Star Slinger never reveals his heart to anyone, no one knows what he is thinking, no one understands his true purpose.

Except Gray Wind.

The Gray Goo mothership first came to Falla through the Connaught Star Gate, and then turned around at the Emperor's Icon in Falla and came to the black hole horizon where the Serenity Black Domain Shipyard is located.

At the edge of the vast black hole horizon, in a gravitational equilibrium point that cannot be detected by any instrument, is the location of another star gate.

The Gray Goo mothership passed through this star gate and directly entered the body of the King's Landing Taixu, which was parked deep in the webway and above the original site of the Dark City of Commorragh.

And there is another independent star gate hidden in the belly of the Lord, which leads to the miniature galaxy.

In the 38th year of the 40th millennium, the armies of the Human Federation are still looking for traces of the Eldar and Necron throughout the galaxy. The hive planets and industrial hubs in the Far Eastern Starfield continue to operate, preparing for this Galactic-scale security warfare provides powerful logistical support.

However, neither the Eldar nor the Necron knew that the real center of this huge war sweeping the galaxy was not actually in the galaxy, but in a second battlefield called the 'Miniature Galaxy'.

"Destroy the 'warring party C', conquer the miniature galaxy, and seize complete control of the miniature universe. This is the true purpose of the marshal."

The gray goo mothership passed through the star gate in the master's body, and Russell's words echoed in the center of consciousness:

“Logistics is the foundation of war. No matter how much information is blocked, the mobilization of war and the operation of industrial machinery required to launch a large-scale war cannot be completely concealed.

Once the war machine of the Human Federation begins to operate, other forces will inevitably get the news, especially the Eldar who once obtained the miniature galaxy. Now they have been protected by the End of Reincarnation. The prophets of the Eldar are likely to learn from the clues. Calculate and predict our true actions. "

So how to perfectly hide a large-scale war on the scale of a star field?

The answer is to wage a larger war.

So big that it sets the entire galaxy on fire.

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