Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 344 Ascension Agreement

Gray Wind swung his tail and moved to the left. The Void Dragon has also moved a few pixels to the left.

Gray Feng moved to the right again, and the digital pixels on the Void Dragon also shifted a few blocks to the right.

Gray Wind frowned and jumped left and right.

The Void Dragon was furious, "That's enough! Don't think that I'm really afraid of you."

Gray Feng stopped and said, "I don't believe it, otherwise you wouldn't be hiding."

"Hmph... I'm hiding it temporarily just to avoid unnecessary conflicts." The broken body of the Void Dragon passed through the black stone wall and moved deeper into the Pharos Lighthouse.

"Look at you, you were so scared that you ran away, and you said you weren't afraid of me." Gray Feng put one hand on his hip and showed an expression that he really couldn't do anything to you.

He said he was running away, but Gray Wind didn't regard the Void Dragon's departure as fleeing. Unlike the Endless One or the Deceiver, the Void Dragon's actions have a strong purpose from the beginning.

He curled up his body and concentrated his energy in order not to be noticed by Gray Wind.

After being discovered, He immediately rushed to the interior of the Pharos Lighthouse in order to activate some device deep in the building.

"So why is the Void Dragon so special? It is also a fragment, so why is it the only one that can have a clear mind." Gray Wind suddenly felt puzzled, "And if he was escaping, why didn't he just rush out of the atmosphere instead of heading towards it? What’s going on inside the Pharos Lighthouse...?”

There were too many puzzling things, which made Gray Wind feel a little wary.

This is the importance of information. If Russell were here, the moment the Void Dragon escaped into the Pharos Lighthouse, he would have known what he wanted to do.

That is, activate the lighthouse and escape Sosa.

The Pharos Lighthouse is a very large facility built and operated based on the principle of quantum entanglement. There are hundreds of them scattered throughout the galaxy.

The activated Pharos Lighthouse can build a quantum tunnel to a distant galaxy, teleporting any target to any location instantly. It can also use quantum effects to transmit any information in real time on an astronomical scale without any loss, or to travel faster than the speed of light. Vessels in sailing condition provide navigation...

Therefore, the 'Pharos' lighthouse is just a name in terms of historical aesthetic concepts.

Its more appropriate name might be - Heavenly Navigation Tower.

Gray Feng has no idea about these secrets from the ancient times. But a lack of information doesn't mean she can't make good choices.

Gray Feng's body instantly collapsed into countless nano-robots, and the nano-worm swarm split into two. One half controlled the Wortaum Reality Perforator and stayed outside the tunnel, while the other half rushed into the depths of the Pharos Lighthouse at extremely fast speeds. Caught up with the void dragon Magradros who was about to enter the central base station.

Hui Feng, whose size was reduced by half, changed from a tall girl to a petite girl who was less than 1.4 meters tall. She stood behind Magradros, and the constantly shifting digital pixels were reflected in her pupils, which was the void. dragon.

"My main body is already in orbit and is targeting this place with a large weapon disintegrator."

Gray Feng blinked and said in a newly adjusted soft voice: "It only takes 0.02 seconds for the matter decomposer to erase the mountain where the Faros Lighthouse is located, together with you and me standing here, I don't care if I lose a little bit of my body Organization, but what about you? Are you willing to die like this?"

"Ordinary weapons cannot harm gods." The digital pixels on the Void Dragon's body beat, using the friction of the airflow to simulate a hoarse voice.

A sweet smile appeared on Gray Feng's childish face, "As long as I want to, the primitive man's bamboo spear can kill the Star God."

The Void Dragon was silent. He knew that what Gray Wind said was true. It was a method of directly modifying reality from a higher level. Even the Necrons had never pushed the power of technology to such a high level.

"It's been a bad year..." The Void Dragon sighed softly.

Gray Wind came to Him with his hands behind his back and two short legs, and said: "Before I take you back to show my husband, I want to ask you something, Void Dragon, why do your fragments have such clear His sanity? But the fragments of other Star Gods are as violent as wild beasts."

"Because I am a void dragon, but not Magradros, ma'am."

The stacked digital pixels suddenly stopped beating, and the Star God whispered: "My name is Orican, and my compatriots call me, Astrologer."

Ah, this... Gray Feng was stunned for a moment, "I probably understand what you mean."

"Do you understand?" Void Dragon Ourikan was a little surprised.

"I understand, because my husband told me before that there is a very fierce battle for routes within the Necrons." Gray Wind clapped his fingers and said while thinking:

"Some Necrons hope to regain flesh and blood, so they continue to capture human, Eldar, Tyranid and other organic life and conduct various biological experiments in the hope of deciphering the mysteries of life. Representatives of the flesh and blood route The character is 'Xerath the Enlightened'."

"Some Necrons hope to recover the souls swallowed by the Star God, and for this reason they do not hesitate to ask for power from the subspace, and some even become believers of clay artists."

"There are still Necrons who don't care about their experiences during the Necrontyr period, nor do they mind their own mechanical bodies, but are committed to maintaining their race's hegemony in the galaxy..."

"A small number of Necrons have taken another path. They feel that flesh and blood are weak, metal and stone are perishable, and their souls are ethereal. Their only salvation is to become gods. This route..."

"The representative figure of this route is me." Void Dragon Ourrican continued: "This is my philosophy. Only by upgrading yourself to an immortal god-level life like the Star God can you be a Necron clan. The only way to salvation.”

Gray Wind glanced at the Void Dragon, "Yes, I can see it."

The astrologer Orikan has been studying the fragments of the C'tan to find ways to replace the gods of these physical universes. Recently, for some reason, he has made a major breakthrough in his research.

"I successfully formatted the remaining consciousness in the fragment of the void dragon Magradros, and overwritten my own consciousness to become a new void dragon." Orikan said with a look of regret on his face: " But that wasn’t my intention.”

His initial plan was not like this. The target Ourrican was preparing to seize was not the Void Dragon, but... another Star God who was sealed under the Pharos Lighthouse and provided energy for this ancient creation.

[The Ruler Zahulash].

That is the Star God who controls the power of time, and he is the one Ourrican really wants to replace.

After all, Orican is the most outstanding time warlock among the Necrons. Compared with the power of the Void Dragon, it obviously wants to obtain the time authority of the 'Commander'... However, what he didn't expect was that Trazin's defeat was too great. Soon.

The tense situation and the collapsed body forced Ourrican to activate the 'Ascension Protocol' in advance, formatting and cleaning the fragmented consciousness of the Void Dragon Magradros, and occupied a planet that was inconsistent with his profession. The fragment of God escaped the mortal crisis caused by the piercing of reality.

However, even after initiating the 'Ascension Protocol', seizing the fragments of the Void Dragon, and facing Gray Wind who holds the Wattaum Reality Perforator, Ourrican still felt powerless and desperate.

"A genius idea, Ourrican, you are indeed the most outstanding time warlock among the Necron." Gray Wind clapped his hands for him.

Orikan smiled bitterly, "Are you going to let me go because you cherish your talent?"

Gray Feng shook his head, "No, I will imprison you, extract your memories, and dedicate the 'Ascension Agreement' of the Body-Seizing Star God to my husband."

"I can't imagine what kind of human being would marry a bunch of nano bugs as wives." Void Dragon Ourikan sighed, thinking that human beings are really good at playing.

Then, the digital pixels that made up Ourikan's quantum state body began to shake violently.

The first being in the galaxy to ascend to godhood is about to begin his death struggle.

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