The Star God Ishtuo possesses the power to affect all intelligent life. Even if humans use methods similar to the reverse Geller force field to forcefully break into the void dragon's exorcist death realm, they cannot escape Ishtuo's interference in the essence of life.

But Gray Wind was obviously prepared for this. She deployed all the human crew and Eldar banshees outside the Sosa system. At this moment, the only ones following her towards the World Engine were unmanned warships and automatic AI.

Isutra's biggest trump card has not achieved any results, but it doesn't matter, Trazin has other means. Although the Necrons have fallen into slumber for 60 million years, this declining behemoth can still not be underestimated even if it only provides a small part of its legacy.

Trazin gently struck the scepter of empathic annihilation, and the gravity turbine at the core of the world engine began to drive together.

The power of the Necron to dominate the galaxy finally revealed the tip of its iceberg in front of Gray Wind.

Before they had time to calibrate the main gun angle, every sensor of every combat ship in the human fleet felt a sudden 'force', interrupting the original route, and the strong gravity pulled them towards the center of the fleet. .

It was a twisted gravitational singularity, created by the gravity turbine at the heart of the World Engine.

The deadly gravitational singularity appeared directly in the body of the Gray Gu mothership, pulling the hull of the nanorobots to pieces and twisting. The strong gravity directly paralyzed the operating system. Those warships equipped with powerful weapons even fired a Gauss cannon. Before they could launch, they were forcibly dragged together and smashed into the Gray Gu mothership in the center of the fleet.

The world engine continues to run, and the gravitational pull of the singularity continues to increase. In a short moment, this human fleet that has rashly broken into the exorcism dead zone will be crushed into a dense iron ball by the unbelievable technological means of the Necrons, and then Annihilated into nothingness.

Logically speaking, the battle was over at this stage, but Trazin did not relax its vigilance. It continued to order the tomb technicians in the world engine to prepare to launch high-power star-destroying weapons without seeing the enemy being destroyed with his own eyes. , it will never be taken lightly.

Trazin's caution proved to be correct.

The gravity turbine in the world engine is still rotating, but the gravity singularity in the gray goo mothership has disappeared.

"Even if you understand the graviton control technology, it is not easy to annihilate the gravitational singularity in just a few milliseconds... interesting." Trazin cast his gaze forward, and in the deep sky in the distance, there were piles of The dilapidated fleet together slowly dispersed, and a huge mothership covered in silver-white armor and covered with dragon scale armor sailed out.

With a click, the scepter of empathic annihilation tapped gently, and Trazin's will was conveyed.

The densely packed armed platforms on the world engine turned accurately under the control of the tomb technician, huge energy was released from them, and a waterfall of light fell from the sky.

Without the slightest hesitation, Trazin directly activated the biggest killer weapon on the Solemnath World Engine - the gamma ray burst.

When the power of the world engine is fully turned on, this giant planet-sized weapon can create a directional gamma ray burst with the same energy level as a supernova explosion in just a few minutes, a large-scale attack close to the creation energy level. , enough to melt and destroy all Necron enemies.

While the brilliant gamma ray burst covered the entire Sosa galaxy with white light, the gravity turbine rotated again, and Trazin ordered to create a new gravitational singularity at the coordinates of the Gray Goo mothership.

It was cautious to the extreme, but not nearly enough.

Gamma-ray bursts continue to surge, but the feedback that should have occurred has not occurred.

Start the gravity turbine - the direction of gravity at specific coordinates is distorted - the distorted gravity converges at one point - the birth of a singularity - the hatching of a black hole

This is the complete process of the gravity turbine creating a singularity. It is an absolutely smooth and perfect formula, as smooth and natural as 1+1=2. But this time, after the gravity turbine is started and the coordinates are input, what should have been born The singularity was not born.

It's not that there's a problem with the machine, or that there's an error in the observation. The problem is the 'formula' itself that creates the gravitational singularity.

Some unshakable physical constant has been tampered with, so the twisted gravity doesn't converge into a singularity.

At this moment, 1+1 is not equal to 2.

" it possible...?" Trazin's mechanical hand holding the Scepter of Empathy and Annihilation trembled slightly.

The gamma ray burst that destroyed the world was still surging, and the unscathed Gray Gu mothership dragged a smart stream of light out of the blazing ocean of energy, and arrived at the orbit of the Sosa star at an almost teleporting speed. above.

"Change the direction of attack! Calibrate the angle! Change the direction of attack!" Trazin roared hysterically. It would never allow the Gray Goo mothership to successfully land on Sousa, which would make it break its promise.

Every component of the Solemnas world engine has been mobilized, all weapons have been activated, and any method has been authorized to unblock: particle whips, death annihilation energy beams, star-shaped pulses... countless light points and energy The clusters are flying all over the sky. It has been 60 million years since the war in heaven. The world engine has never been activated with such intensity.

Trazin used all the means at its disposal. In just 2 seconds, the firepower it output was enough to destroy a civilization.

Gray Wind silently watched the massive attacks flying towards him. In the cabin of the Gray Gu mothership, a dense sphere flowing with illusory star mist slowly rotated.

The gravity turbine in the center of the world engine is still rotating. Even if it cannot create a gravitational singularity again, Trazin still hopes that the distorted gravity can interfere with the actions of the Gray Goo mothership and lock it in place to withstand attacks from other weapons. .

However, as the girl's delicate palm gently brushed against the dense sphere, the legacy of the [Wataum Reality Perforator] was activated again.

Another physical constant has been tampered with, and this time the modification is more critical and fatal.

"When the other party's technological level reaches a level that it cannot understand, then in its eyes, the so-called advanced civilization will be no different from gods."

This sentence is often used by humans to describe the miraculous and magical technological means of the Necrons, but Trazin never thought that one day, he would also be able to use this sentence to laugh at himself.

As a key physical constant was tampered with, the gravity turbine in the center of the world engine suddenly stopped due to malfunction, and then a huge crack appeared in the indestructible living metal structure.

Such a fault would have been completely healed by the self-healing ability of living metal in just a few minutes, but in the cabin of the Gray Goo mothership, Gray Wind silently activated a beautiful ring-shaped device.

The Time Weapon from the Golden Age of Humanity, the Principle of the Circle, rotates, resetting the newly activated relic, the Wataum Reality Perforator, to its unused standby state.

So Gray Wind activated the relic again and tampered with another crucial physical constant into a negative number.

As a result, the material that constitutes the world engine and the Necron body, the living metal, disintegrated from the atomic level.

Until the second before his consciousness was urgently transferred, Trazin did not understand what means the other party used to destroy him. He was completely unable to understand the means used by Gray Wind, and the data center was a mess.

From the beginning to the end, the Gray Gu mothership did not fire even a single shot, and the war weapons that the Necrons were proud of disintegrated in front of her.

All these things, like gods.

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