Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 339 Dragon of the Void

After extending the detection range of sensors with different principles to the galaxy level and conducting multiple phase detections, Gray Wind finally determined this speechless fact.

Her Gestalt did not hallucinate, and they did not come to the wrong place. The tomb world Solemnas simply disappeared. It was not blown up, nor was it used to hide in phase space using phase shifting technology, but it was really 's disappeared. Together with the original observation station left in the orbit of the planet by the Human Federation's automatic hunting fleet, it also disappeared without a trace.

Who moved a planet?

Ask about the time.

For humans who have truly mastered time technology, the process of history is nothing more than clay in their hands, which can be manipulated at will without much effort. Because the star of the tomb world itself has left this galaxy, even if we go back in time within the galaxy, we cannot forcefully bring back the escaped Solemnas. However, we have to figure out what happened in the galaxy in the flowing time. But it's not difficult.

At Gray Wind's signal, the time weapons carried by the fleet were deployed. With four armed Titan ships carrying the Ring Theory as the four vertices, a huge tetrahedral space area encompassed the entire Solemnath galaxy. in.

Immediately afterwards, the synchronization began.

The flow of time is partially reversed, and the trajectory of celestial bodies is reversed.

Back in time, year 35 of the 40th millennium, about two and a half years before the Gray Wind arrived in the system.

At this time, the Tomb Planet of Solemnas has not disappeared. The silent star wrapped by the Angel of Peace is still silently running on its own orbit. The miserable thick barrier blocks the light of the star. The hunting fleet left behind The observation stations below are also operating automatically and conscientiously above the orbit of the planet.

"Okay, stop backtracking and let's see what happens next."

Under the signal of Gray Wind, the inversion process in the regular tetrahedron domain stopped, and the reversed time in the galaxy began to pass normally. After the tomb world of Solemnath had orbited its star for approximately 0.4 weeks, an outsider entered the dead system.

It was a small battleship formation composed of several 'Doomsday Scythe' and 'Shroud' class Necron cruisers, which crashed in directly from the vast space through inertial engines.

Obviously, this is not the original fleet in the Solemnath galaxy, but a foreign ship belonging to other Necron dynasties.

Through the dynasty emblems on the living metal hulls, Gray Wind identified that these ships came from one of the most powerful dynasties in the Necrons, the 'Sotek' dynasty. The Necron unit commanding this fleet was named - —The Astrologer, Orikan.

"Is that it?" Gray Feng was a little surprised as he observed the fast-moving undead fleet in the tetrahedron space.

She had heard the Marshal tell stories about the Necron, the Necrontyr, and the C'tan, and was deeply impressed by this maverick Necromancer.

Russell said this to her at the time: "Orican may be the most outstanding astrologer among the Necron. Long before the ancient humans flew out of the earth, he accurately predicted the occurrence of the Horus Heresy, which was related to the Horus Heresy. The unfolding of the great rift.

When the Necrontyr was deceived by the Star God into false mechanical ascension, Ourrican was one of the few high-level Necrontyr who saw through the Star God's lies and opposed abandoning their bodies and entering the biological transformation furnace. "

However, the opposition was ineffective, and the other Necrontyr refused to believe Orican. He was bound by chains and forced into the biological transformation furnace, where he was transformed into a Necron.

It is also worth mentioning that Astrologer Ourrican and Endless Trazin have been hostile to each other for a long time due to different political opinions and divergent ideas. Therefore, when Gray Wind saw Ourrican bringing the Sotec dynasty's fleet to Sortec, Lemnus, she was a little surprised.

Is Ourrican here to laugh at his old enemy in distress?

Obviously not.

On the 'Reaper'-class battlecruiser, Orican's personal flagship, in addition to Orican himself, there was also a Necron dressed in fine clothes standing beside it.

That's...Tarrazin. Trazin should have been imprisoned in the Angel of Peace.

Seeing this Gray Wind remembered that this Necron overlord named Trazin had many bodies. Once a body encountered a fatal threat, it would quickly upload its consciousness to other bodies, and Fabius... Bayer a virtue.

"It seems that Trazin uploaded his consciousness into his spare body elsewhere in the galaxy in time before the angel of peace descended." Gray Wind suddenly understood, "So is Ourrican the rescuer it moved to help? It’s really strange…”

Trazin would actually seek out his mortal enemy as a reinforcement, something Gray Wind never expected.

Gray Wind saw Orican standing on the Reaper battle cruiser showing an arrogant look. Trazin next to him felt as if he had eaten a fly, but he had to hunched over. You put on a flattering look, but what you're probably thinking in your mind is that I'll kill you when Solemnas gets out of trouble.

The way the Endless One is arrogant in front and respectful in the back makes people laugh when thinking about it.

Ourrican soon arrived over the sealed tomb of Solemnus, and its fleet began to use various instruments to try to unlock the barrier of the Angel of Ease.

Either bombard it with powerful weapons, use electromagnetic interference to try to paralyze the equipment that maintains the barrier, or use phase shifting technology to enter the phase space to check the situation... The Astrologer's fleet has been busy for hundreds of days without achieving any results. Angel of Ease is more rigid than expected.

Trazin stared at Orikan silently, with a look of contempt that seemed to say, Astrologer, can you do it?

The irritated Ourrican immediately said that I am much better than you. Does the shameful overlord who has been humiliated by humans in his hometown deserve to speak to me in this tone?

The two Necrons argued fiercely but nothing came out. In the end, Ourrican decided to use his secret method to deal with the Angel of Peace.

During the reverse time retrieval of the tetrahedron universe, Gray Wind saw Ourrican's flagship and the Reaper battle cruiser arriving over the Tomb of Solemnath, anchoring themselves firmly in the orbit of the planet.

Immediately afterwards, the four Omega coherence devices suddenly reported abnormal energy consumption at the same time. Gray Wind realized that what happened next seemed to be very special. Using reverse time to observe its behavior, it caused huge energy consumption.

Under the full power operation of the core singularity reactors of the four Titan warships, the Omega synchronization device struggled to present the situation of Solemnas to Gray Wind.

A clear, hazy, hard, formless, twisted...a pure conceptual body with a variety of indescribable abstract characteristics was released from the ultra-dimensional cubic cage of the Ourrican flagship.

The moment he saw him, Gray Feng felt that his extremely sober and absolutely rational Gestalt consciousness was shaken. It was an essential influence, as natural as 1+1=2.

It was a fragment, a fragment of God.

Named 'Void Dragon', a fragment of the Star God.

The void dragon Magradros, with its broken body shaking, came over the tomb of Solemnath and easily closed the Angel of Peace barrier that even the Necron Overlord was helpless against.

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