Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 328 Uninvited Guest

Strictly speaking, Guilliman wearing the Helm of Dominance can now be regarded as a little Khorne. As long as he secures the throne of the King of War with a glorious victory, then he will have the warriors under his command. Qualifications for granting blessings.

The runes of war ring for him, and all kinds of powerful enchanted equipment can be produced directly from the forge world of the human empire, and there is no need to worry about chaos corruption like the chaos weapons of the cultists - the Emperor Saint who has never heard of the state religion Things will be corrupted - even wearing war-blessed equipment can grant powerful spell damage reduction and warp resistance to the loyal warriors of the Imperium of Man.

So can Guilliman prevail?

Absolutely, easily.

With three major fleets, six Blackstone Fortresses, and tens of thousands of Astartes in hand, which cannot even defeat an ether giant worm, Guilliman can go to commit suicide in front of the Golden Throne now.

So will Khorne allow Guilliman to prevail? Won't.

This is why Russell is now drinking milk tea at the door of the Eye of Fear.

"The Brass Fortress is already preparing to move. It seems that Guilliman's pre-war plan has been completed and his fleet has set off to attack the ether giant worm."

Russell sighed softly: "I don't know what is holding the Emperor back now. His son, who has become a god, doesn't even come to see him. I still have to protect Guilliman."

With that said, he was about to leave the balcony.

"Where are you going?" Gray Feng stared at Russell's half-stretched leg warily.

"You can't follow." Russell immediately saw what Gray Wind was thinking: "Although your research on the Eldar and Necromancer technology has given you the ability to resist the influence of subspace, you are still not strong enough to face the four gods directly. Not caught, and I’m the only one.”

"Okay..." Gray Feng walked away holding the cup dejectedly.

Russell rubbed his waist with lingering fear. He would never tell Hui Feng the real reason why he didn't let her follow...

Gray Wind is not an organic life, nor does she have the constraints of human morality and shame. Once she is interested, she does not care about the situation at all. Russell is often sitting on the chair talking to people in a serious manner, talking about Gray Wind. On Feng's whim, the tiny tentacles made of nanobots inserted into the marshal's pants and climbed up his thighs.

Russell, who was being manipulated, had to keep a straight face on the surface and maintain a dignified look for his subordinates who admired him. This experience was called torture.

I can't stand it, I can't stand it at all.

Reason told Russell that he could not go on like this! Otherwise, sooner or later, he will be tricked by Gray Wind.

As if that would be good... No! Can't! Such behavior is unsound! Russell quickly pushed this dangerous thought out of his mind. After checking that there were no signs of Slaanesh contamination on his body, he activated the teleportation spell and left Cardia alone.

At the same time, in the Great Ultramar star field, a large number of fleets have gathered in the Danarch system through the star gate.

This is an important galaxy with a large population in the Ultramar star field. There are many imperial colonies such as hives and mining planets in the galaxy.

Under the orders of the Primarch, the Navigators of the Navigator family risked being driven mad by the shadow of the warp to observe the movements of the Sea of ​​Souls. After thousands of Navigators paid the price with their lives, Guilliman The intelligence department finally calculated the next target of the ether giant.

Two of the three major fleets were mobilized. The 1st Expeditionary Fleet and the Gothic Fleet quickly rushed to Danax through the star gate. Thousands of ships passed through the orbit of Danax in about half a standard Terran month. The assembly in the star port is complete.

——Half a month is already an unimaginable speed of support for the human empire in the past. After the empire's colonies were invaded in the past, it took about -100 years to several centuries from the time when the astrological request for help was sent to the time when the support troops arrived. Regarding the weather in the Sea of ​​Souls when they set out, and the mood of the evil god in subspace.

But now it only takes a few days, and even the assembly of thousands of warships only takes just half a month.

Before the war officially started, the star gate standing on the edge of the star's gravity well showed its vital strategic significance.

"Everything is as planned..."

Guilliman sat in the command post of his Glorious Queen-class battleship 'The Glory of Macragge', his eyes reflecting the deployment information from various combat departments. The existence of the star gate greatly improved the efficiency of his troop deployment. The Warrior Primarch's grand strategic planning abilities were already superhuman, and now they are even more powerful.

The six black stone fortresses were scattered in the asteroid belt outside the Darnak system and activated the force field to hide themselves. The sailors of the Gothic fleet were in their respective positions in the Darnak star port. They wanted to take the initiative after the ether giant jumped into the galaxy. Attack and lead this starry sky beast to the intersection of the attack ranges of the six black stone fortresses, creating conditions for quickly killing the giant insect.

The 1st Expeditionary Fleet, under the command of the Imperial Guard Bramimund, docked over the hive world of Secuntus in the same system. They were responsible for responding quickly when the spore drop pods of the swarm invaded the surface and annihilated them all. There may be as many insect swarm biological ships as possible to reduce the pressure on the ground defense forces.

As for the Ultramar Navy and the Ultramarines, they also have their own missions...

All the arrangements were in order, and the coordination of all aspects was flawless. For this reason, Guilliman even contacted a team of Gray Knights who were trapped in the Ultramar star field and unable to return to the solar system to fight against the possible incoming Khorne demonic army.

The Primarch was fully prepared for this crusade, to the point where it was beyond calculation.

Next, all we have to do is wait for the arrival of the ether giant worm.

Everyone in the Darnak system is nervous. Non-essential factories in the hive city have been shut down in advance. Residents have been organized to take refuge in underground shelters. Children are taken away by Thunderhawk gunships and transport planes first. Every community They are all under high pressure and martial law.

——In the past, during every war, various Chaos cults took advantage of opportunities. When the empire’s army focused on resisting foreign enemies and relaxed its internal suppression, the heresies that used to be dormant and hidden among the people became It will be extremely rampant and give every commander a headache.

But fortunately, this did not happen in the Darnak galaxy where the war was about to begin. The pre-war preparations arranged by the original body went smoothly.

In fact, not only in the Darnak Galaxy, but also in the entire Ultramar and even the entire Milky Way, the chaos problem has been much alleviated in recent years than before, and the influence of chaos on some planets has even completely disappeared.

The high-dimensional warships of the Boundary Breakers poured into the subspace like dumplings. The four gods who were busy defending had no time to care about the real world, which alleviated the chaos problem in the entire galaxy.

Guilliman didn't know whether the Breakers would become a more terrifying threat than Chaos in the future, but at least for now, the high-dimensional invasion had helped him a lot.

"I will use the blood of the alien to establish the glory of my father." An Ultramarines sergeant sat in the cabin of the battleship, wiping his plasma pistol and swearing secretly in his heart.

But what no one expected was that following a ripple of psychic energy that disturbed time and space, what appeared in front of the defenders was not a giant Tyran insect covered in dragon scale armor, but—

A dark castle.

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