Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 314 The Endless and the Endless

Humanity's perfect control of war gave Trazin a sense of déjà vu, a feeling that was both very familiar and very annoying.

Because the last being who gave Trazin this feeling was named ‘Aurakan’.

Or to give it a more popular name - 'astrologer'.

Aurakan the Astrologer, the most famous astrologer among the Necrons, is famous in the sense of notoriety, not fame.

Astrologers calculate the future through data such as the movement patterns of different stars and spectral changes. The prediction accuracy of this technique is terrifyingly high:

——As early as tens of thousands of years ago, astrologers accurately predicted the fall of the Eldar, the birth of Slaanesh, the war for the unification of Terra, the Emperor's Great Crusade, the Horus Heresy, the invasion of the Great Devourer, and... The Milky Way will be torn in half by the Great Rift.

Of course, this is not actually the exclusive ability of astrologers. Any necromancer astrologer can perform calculations of this level.

What really makes astrologers infamous is when they discover that actual events are not in line with their own predictions - which happens frequently, because the necromancy's future calculations cannot calculate timeless events. Subspace - whenever this happens, the astrologer will use the forbidden time secret to transfer the present consciousness to the past self, correct the timeline before it deviates from the track, and let history be calculated according to it future development.

What the Astrologer does is disgusting, but it is so thoughtful that it always hides what it does very well. So far, no one has been able to produce conclusive evidence that it has secretly rewritten time.

As a result, Trazin never openly expressed his distaste for astrologers.

Now, Trazin saw in humans the shameless shadow of the Astrologer.

"Humans have mastered the technology to restart time?" Trazin speculated.

Immediately, it denied the idea: "The technology of rewriting time is the highest level secret skill even for the Necron. How can a mere human being break through such a deep technical barrier?"

What's more, as far as Trazin knew, human technological development had long been locked by Tzeentch.

"No, wait, if it's a star bomber..." Trazin thought of another unstable factor.

Trazin has always suspected that the so-called star bomber is actually a complete Star God with consciousness. If this conjecture comes true, then it is not impossible for humans to have such a technological explosion with the support of the Star God... …

After all, the Star God is the incarnation of the most essential laws of the universe, and the various subversive technologies of the Necron were only developed with the support of the former Star God.

"It seems that I have to treat the current human beings with caution." Trazin clenched the empathic annihilation staff in his hand, and it had roughly guessed the whole story.

The Star God named Star Bomber chose to support mankind and established a human regime called the Federation outside the Empire. He spared no effort to help the Federation's technology develop... After the technology developed to a certain level, Star Bomber ordered the Federation to die. The spirit declares war.

After thinking about this, Trazin understood the nature of the current war.

Just like the war in heaven thousands of years ago, this is not a war between humans and the undead, but the revenge of the Star Gods against the rebellious servants who once destroyed themselves!

"Ha... Star-Buster, your hatred is not worth mentioning."

Trazin's expressionless metal face burst into disdainful laughter: "We could destroy you in the past, and we can do the same now."

On the surveillance screen in front of him, flying artillery fire continued to light up. The Necromancer warship made of living metal was penetrated by electric arc. The weapons of mass destruction were destroyed on time one second before the charging was completed, taking advantage of the pulse generator's attack. Ships are always accurately targeted and killed while aiming at the target...

Humanity's control of this war has reached an extreme level. They completely dominate the direction of the war like gods. The power of the Tomb of Solemnath is constantly being consumed. In the sky above the star, the charging progress of the Colossus weapon - the Earth Explosion Star has also been reached. Came to the very end.

When the war situation was in decline, Trazyn the Endless, the ruler of the tomb world of Solemnath, left his throne.

It no longer stared nervously at the red alarms that kept coming back from outside the tomb, but instead walked slowly and slowly to the depths of the tomb alone, arriving at the core of the giant museum it built.

Countless energy supply pipelines are connected to this room from all directions, like thousands of blood-stained chains, tightly confining the twisted and struggling pure energy body in the center of the room.

That was the old god, that personification of the Law, the being imprisoned by Trazin at the bottom of the tomb that powered the entire museum, a being as old as the universe itself.

This is a fragment, a fragment of God.

The Endless One (Iash'uddra), Ishtar.

Trazin came to the Endless One, and it could feel the anger of Ishtar from the distortion field emanating from that pure energy body.

"God is God after all. Even though your body and consciousness have been broken to this point, you still hate us."

Holding the scepter of empathic annihilation tightly, Trazin stared at the fragments of Ishtar who were constantly struggling. Even if the decision had been made in his heart, it still took enough courage to release Ishtar.

The Endless One Ishtar is also known as the 'Countless One', 'Endless Swarm', 'Eternal Plague'... It takes root in the mind of every mortal and peeks into the world through every pair of blinking eyes.

It was called the "most hated star god" by the King of Silence, no one else.

At the end of the War in Heaven, when Ishtar the Endless was shattered by the Necron, all creatures in the universe felt boundless pain.

The shattering of Isutra caused indelible and permanent trauma to all life in the universe, completely rewriting a certain rule in the universe.

The Star Gods are such existences. They are the embodiment of the laws of the universe. To destroy the Star Gods is to break the laws of physics and the cosmological constant itself.

And now, Trazin is about to unleash the being.

"Come on, Ishtuo, good dog, I allow you to go out for a walk on a leash."

Trazin whispered, and the pipelines that imprisoned the pure energy body fell off one after another, and the force field that suppressed the power of the Star God also became thinner and dissipated until it disappeared completely.

As the body of Ishtar the Endless stretched quietly in the depths of the tomb, at this moment, everyone in the fleet hovering over the Solemnath star felt a heart palpitation.

That is the fear that comes from the deepest essence of life, as clear and clear as the speed of light in vacuum = 299792.458M/S, and as unshakable as the stationary particles at absolute zero.

In the fear and trembling of all creatures in the universe, the Endless One awakened.

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