Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 308 Extreme Capital Relocation

"Um...are you okay?" Gray Feng looked at Russell's gloomy face and felt panicked.

"Ah~ are you talking about me? It's okay." Russell smiled and touched Gray Feng's head, but for some reason, Gray Feng felt frightened when he saw him like this. It seemed like he might as well just get angry.

"Statistics." Russell said softly.

Gray Wind spent 2 minutes summarizing the data sent back by each ship unit, and then said: "Due to the sudden opening of the subspace rift, 91 of the 10,086 Titan Fortress ships participating in the operation to seal Comoros lost contact, corresponding to Each of the escort fleets has suffered losses, and the number of missing persons has not yet been calculated..."

"Fortunately, the loss is not very big." Russell sighed softly and looked forward. As the three transcendental consciousnesses faded, he regained the dominance of the battlefield. The rift that exiled the entire Commorragh into the subspace had begun. Healed automatically.

Gray Feng increased his height and hugged Russell's shoulders from behind: "What are we going to do next?"

"Declare war on the Necron," Russell said softly.

"This is not a wise choice." Gray Wind said: "Although the Dark Eldar suffered heavy losses, they still retained considerable strength under the protection of the End of Reincarnation. It is only a matter of time before they develop back to their peak. At this juncture, they are also fighting against Necron hostility... declaring war on two fallen empires at the same time is something your enemies could only dream of seeing."

"At the same time, it's what I want to see." Russell gently held Gray Feng's hand and looked deeply: "We won't be able to determine where the main city of Comoros has drifted to for a while, but the war weapons produced in these years have always been It cannot be left to gather dust.”


"So give me the order to immediately change the combat objectives of all ships, re-formulate the combat plan, mobilize all the colossi mined by the Order of Truth, and immediately order the Serenity Black Domain Shipyard to start building the Burning Sky Divine Armament."

Russell closed his eyes, and the aura of chaos dissipated: "Activate the sentinel array to search for the tomb worlds of the Necron throughout the galaxy, and destroy them as soon as they are discovered. The Ark Eldar's Ark World Ship and the remnants of Commorragh must also be killed. ."

The Necron Overlord, who was hiding behind the scenes and secretly planning this farce, may have thought that the Star Bomber would focus on tracing the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes, but its calculations were wrong. Russell has no interest in the detective game of catching clues. What this extreme human being is really interested in is genocide.

The sparks of war have been ignited and the galaxy is burning.

"It's time to sweep those remnants of the old era into the garbage heap of history. In the name of the lifelong dictator of the Federation, I launch a war against all alien races, including the Necron and Eldar."

Following Russell's order, countless starship battle groups in the Webway quickly began to adjust their tactical goals. They all returned from the intricate Webway and returned to the real universe via the Ophelia node.

The advantages of the dictatorship in terms of efficiency were reflected at this time. Administrators from various departments of the Order of Truth held urgent discussions in a tense atmosphere. Based on the information provided by the sentinel array and further analysis results, they quickly identified 14 locations that needed to be attacked. The target was sent to Russell.

As long as the Federation dictator signs his name on this strike file, 14 galaxies will be wiped out.

Accompanied by Gray Wind, Russell briefly went over the basic information of the 14 galaxies on the hit list.

"There are 14 galaxies in total, 9 of them are confirmed to have Necron tomb worlds sleeping, 3 galaxies are confirmed to be the base of activities of the Necron 'Freemen' organization that believes in clay artists, and 1 galaxy is a network At the location of the Dao Gate, an Eldar Craftworld ship is anchored there.”

"Among the nine galaxies where tomb worlds are confirmed to be sleeping, three tomb worlds were colonized by the human empire and transformed into hive worlds. What should be done with these three tomb worlds?" Gray Feng rested his head on Russell's lap. , asked softly.

"Inform the local star district government of the specific situation, and give it 5 years, provide corresponding materials and transport ships to help evacuate the residents. After the evacuation is completed, use the Earth Explosion Sky Star on the three hives where the tomb worlds are buried." Russell He said calmly:

"There are a few technologically powerful Necron dynasties that will hide tombs in phase space. If no remains of the tombs are seen after the earth explodes, the commander is allowed to apply for the use of the Omega Coherent Array to freeze the entire galaxy into space-time amber."

Gray Wind turned over lazily: "What if 5 years is not enough time to evacuate all human residents?"

"Grant a certain period of time and ensure the supply of living materials for immigrants."

"What if the people above just refuse to move?"

"Blast the stars together with the people above."

"Okay..." Gray Feng silently conveyed his decision, and buried his face in Russell's thigh and coquettishly for a while, then sat up and said, "By the way, there is one more thing that needs to be reported to you. oh."

"What's the matter?" Russell looked at her.

"The scout fleet where Magnus belongs has just arrived at Macragge, the capital of the Great Ultramar Star Territory not long ago." Gray Wind said.

Russell hummed slightly.

Now that Magnus has arrived at Macragge, the next step is to see how Magnus will use to enter the temple of the Primarch, which is strictly guarded by the Ultramarines, in order to sleep in the stasis field. Robert Guilliman dons Khorne's Helm of Command.

"But Magnus didn't find Guilliman there?" Gray Wind continued.

"Oh?" Russell was a little surprised: "What's going on?"

Generally speaking, the Ultramarines would not allow anyone to remove their genetic father from the Primarch's home world.

"When the scout fleet arrived at Macragge, it was already a scorched earth." Gray Wind said thoughtfully: "There is no trace of green on the surface of Macragge's planet, and even the atmosphere has been drained away. The entire planet has only Exposed bedrock and the deep marks left by weapons of mass destruction that shattered the earth’s crust.”

Russell understood immediately: "Macragge was eaten up by Tyranids and wiped clean..."

"We actually have a fleet parked at Parmenio near Macragge on standby. When Macragge was attacked by the ether giant worms, the Chapter Leader of the Ultramarines tried to ask us to dispatch a fleet to help them resist. Tyranid attack."

"Then why didn't you do that?" Russell was a little confused: "You didn't even tell me about Macragge's Tyranid attack."

"Because the Ultramarines only tried to ask for help, but did not actually ask for help." Gray Wind said matter-of-factly: "There was a very eloquent Imperial Admiral who convinced everyone with an impassioned speech. Many people felt that if Markkula If Ge has to rely on the power of the federal pseudo-regime to protect himself, he will have no face to see the emperor."

In order to prove that they were powerful and aware enough to protect the primarch's homeland, the Ultramarines fought against the etheric worm until the last moment, almost destroying the group.

"The Ultramarines were almost wiped out in the war against the Aether Giant Worms. Only one reserve company escaped from the fallen Macragge with the scarred Macragge's Glory and the body of Guilliman, and sent the Great Ultraman to The capital of the Rama Star Territory was moved to the 'Connaught' star."

That was the planet named after Robert Guilliman's adoptive father, 'King Konnor', and it is now the new capital of the Ultramar Sector.

Gray Wind stretched and said: "I originally wanted to send out that fleet to support Macragge, but when the Federation diplomat called Macragge to ask if he needed help, he was scolded by the naval marshal. Had a meal..."

I'm so angry, I won't help.

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