Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 305 Time and Space Amber

Commorragh is the largest and most important node city in the entire webway system. It is also the central hub of webway transportation in the ancient Eldar Empire. Because its status is so important that any faction within the Eldar Empire They don't want to see it controlled by any other faction.

So Commorragh eventually took matters into its own hands, being granted full autonomy by the Eldar Council of the day.

Since it is not under the supervision of the Eldar Council, Commorragh has attracted a large number of criminals who wander in sensitive areas or dangerous elements who do not want their actions to be known to others. The people of Dark City (Dark City) This is where the name comes from.

However, although it is called a 'city', Comoros is not actually a whole city, but a large collection system composed of multiple webway ports, private territories, satellite areas... and even includes the Eldar. Use spells to pull into the webway the stars that power the Dark City.

The various components of the Commorragh system may be thousands or even tens of thousands of light years away from each other in the physical universe, and are loosely connected through the nature of the Webway system across time and space. The concept of its existence is very ambiguous.

Because of this loose nature, it is almost impossible for outsiders to capture the entire Comoros system. Even if the main city, the former port, is really captured, the large number of edge subsystems distributed throughout the galaxy are enough to make any The military generals were in dire straits.

But Russell is not among these people.

In the wide network channel, an uncountable number of starship battle groups are densely packed and occupy all the space that can move. Battleships that are rare in the human empire are here in units of "one hundred thousand", operating in battle group scale, in Gray Wind Under the command of the main consciousness, he went from various forks to destroy the known subsystems of Commorragh.

As for the main city of Comoros, Russell is personally responsible.

This made the officers who were ordered to assemble a little uneasy.

"To attack the main city of Comoros, do we really not need to gather more fleets? We have enough troops...perhaps too much."

A captain of the Titan ship slightly raised his head and looked up at the star bomber sitting in the main seat, and suggested: "Even if 100 million starship battle groups are invested in every known subsystem of Comoros to ensure victory, We still have the ability to ensure that tens of billions of starships will be launched over the main city of Comoros, but why..."

Why did Russell only summon less than a thousand Titans for this general attack?

This is too little...

The number of ships currently owned by the federal government cannot be said to be in the hundreds of millions. In fact, even Gray Wind does not know how many ships Anti-Entropy has built over the years. That exceeds her statistical limit. The only thing that is certain is that the current number of controlled starships can only be measured conservatively by using "one hundred billion" as the unit.

This is a rough statistic without including those starships that ran into dead ends during the exploration of the Webway and were lost in the subspace.

"One thousand Titans is indeed a little less, but it is barely enough to deal with Comoros." Russell said: "Before you came, you should have contacted the engineering department, right?"

"This has indeed happened." Another officer thought for a moment and gave the answer: "After locking the coordinates of the webway in the main city of Comoros, the Engineering Department urgently recalled a group of large ships to work overnight, and in about A large module called the 'Omega Coherence Device' was installed on the bridge of 1,000 Titan ships..."

"So it's not that I don't want to mobilize more fleets to attack Comoros, but that even if the efficiency of the engineering department is squeezed to the limit, it can only complete the modification of 1,000 Titans."

There were still doubtful looks on the faces of the officers in the audience, but Russell did not give any further explanation, only saying: "Only Titans that have completed modifications are eligible to participate in this mission. You just need to know this. Don't Let me hear any more questions you may ask me, now, let’s go.” and left here.

On the way to board the ship, Gray Wind followed Russell and asked puzzledly: "They are all confused about the current situation. Why don't you explain to everyone the specific function of the Omega Synchronization Device? At least let the captains know about their trip. What are you going to do?"

"Don't talk about it, save time." Russell said as he walked: "The principle of the Omega synchronization device is not something suitable to be made public. - Now is not the time to test the officers' independent thinking ability. They only need to do what I say. , don’t think too much about the rest.”

"But acting without a clear goal will lead to unstable military morale, right?" Gray Feng touched his lips with one hand and said softly: "Even the most loyal soldiers can easily be sent by their superiors to carry out missions with an uncertain future. To cause vacillation.”

"Kill those who waver."

"Okay~" Hui Feng nodded. She also felt that this was the easiest way.

A thousand Titans loaded with Omega synchronization devices carried a convoy through the webway and arrived near the core main city of Commorragh.

The Dark Eldar, who learned that their coordinates were exposed, had been on high alert, and the Titan formation was discovered almost as soon as it approached.

Comoros was ready for a full-scale war, but unexpectedly, the human fleet with superior firepower did not move in groups, nor did it approach the dark giant city entity.

The 1,000 Titans and their respective escorts spread out in all directions and took their positions according to the coordinates that had been decided long ago, forming a three-dimensional encirclement network that accommodated the entire main city.

"Six years are enough time for Comoros to revive a large number of the ancient legacies of the Eldar Empire. If we attack rashly, we will pay a huge price, so avoid direct conflicts and solve them remotely." This is what Russell said to the captains before the war.

After retreating in a defensive posture for a period of time, the Dark Eldar in the city discovered that this ridiculously large fleet really did not intend to attack them. Instead, reports of attacks came from various subsystems of Comoros, which made the city The consul sensed something was wrong.

"Do you plan to cut off our communication with the outside world by besieging the main city, and then send another army to eat the peripheral subsystems that have lost the support of the main city? The decision of the human commander is rational..." The Archon of the Dark Eldar Tribe said to himself I thought I saw the action logic of the federal fleet.

Then the next response is also very simple.

"Activate the 'Spear of Orkos' and prepare to break through the encirclement!"

The Archon gave the order, and soon, an elite guerrilla fleet was gathered, carrying precious ancient relics waiting to be activated, and headed straight for the giant human ship hanging in the sky, blocking the Dark City.

Although the forbidden weapons inherited from the heyday of the Eldar are extremely dangerous, and the small guerrilla fleet of the Dark Eldar can move quickly enough, at this moment, in the eyes of the Federation Navy sailors on the Titan Fortress, this fleet is moving slowly. Extremely.

So slow... you can clearly see the flame trail rising from the tail of the wraithbone battleship with the naked eye.

"The flow of time in Comoros continues to slow down. Everything is normal and good. The Omega Synchronization Device continues to be turned on."

An instruction was passed between the battleship commanders: "Let us freeze the main city of the Dark City into a huge piece of space-time amber."

The worm in amber knew nothing about it.

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