Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 296 Terra asks for help

As time goes by, the progress of each network branch is in full swing, and the master of Junlin Taixu is also extremely busy.

This behemoth with a wingspan of more than 4,000 kilometers contains multiple complete industrial production lines, as well as star gates leading to the inner universe of the miniature galaxy. Zero-point furnaces endlessly process raw materials into parts, and are also receiving materials from them. The mechanical wreckage of the mothership was transported back to each network branch node, recast into a new body, and then sent to the front line.

At the same time, the naked mechas and a large number of parts produced in various ideal cities in the Far Eastern Star Territory are also being transported to Ophelia through the star gate in the master's body.

Behind the successive Steel Divisions is the powerful logistical support of the federal government. Only such an interstellar dictatorship without any means to restrict the power of the ruler can support a quality war of this scale.

After receiving an engineering report from Gray Wind, Russell got a rough understanding of the battle situation on the front line through logistical data.

"Based on the current attrition rate, the death rate of basic mechas is the highest. Even if they are equipped with self-destructive plasma cores and highly lethal melt weapons, it would take an average of about 6,335 basic mechs to replace one. The Ranger Cavalry of the Dark Eldar.

...This is the result of us catching the Eldar off guard with a sudden attack. After the Dark Eldar see through the weakness of the zero-element coating and adapt to the long-term attrition war, the battle loss ratio will only be lower. "

Russell looked up at the roaring production line opposite the conveyor belt and shook his head: "The price-performance ratio of humanoid soldiers is still a bit low."

Gray Wind agreed: "The quality of the Eldar's individual soldiers is indeed strong, and they become even more elusive after obtaining the spiritual power released by the End of Reincarnation."

Now the average loss of 173 giant battle bodies on the Webway frontline can kill one Eldar ghost titan. The battle loss ratio of armored units is not optimistic... Taken together, the unit with the best performance in the Webway war is' Swarm'Drones.

The drone swarm played a great role in the battle with the Eldar poison disaster fighters for air supremacy. They even used the swarm's suicide attack to kill a Ghost Titan that was injured by the Plasma Destroyer. After occupying the air supremacy, they could also attack the ground. Eldar units pose a great threat.

"Maybe we can try to allocate more production capacity to the drone swarm." Gray Wind suggested.

"Indeed." Russell nodded.

Although he has strong logistical support from the Far East Star Territory and the Overlord himself, this does not mean that Russell is willing to squander resources like a scapegoat and forcefully use units that are not effective enough to fill the lines.

If you try out a more cost-effective unit, of course you should choose the one with higher cost performance.

To fight a war is to fight for the economy, and to consume is to fight for operations. This is not only the case for quality wars, but also for all types of wars. It's just that Russell showed the binding relationship between war and economy more nakedly.

"Oh?" Suddenly, Hui Feng frowned.

"What's wrong?" Russell looked at her puzzled.

Gray Wind spread his hands: "I just received a signal. The troops responsible for attacking the No. 4 branch were completely wiped out. The information sent back before the collapse of the last giant battle body showed that the Eldar who were forced into desperation used some kind of taboo weapon. The ancient relic directly detonated that section of the webway. After the webway was damaged, the entire battlefield was drawn into the etheric turbulence."

"I can't afford this group of bean sprouts."

Russell shook his head: "It seems that the number of soldiers I exploded was still too few, which actually gave the Dark Eldar time to activate the ancient relics."

The collapse of the No. 4 branch was just in time, and more troops could be invested in other fronts.

Gray Feng nodded and sat on the safety fence next to the production line, dangling his feet happily. He was happiest discussing logistics operations with the marshal.

But suddenly, her brows wrinkled again: "Eh..."

"What happened this time?" Russell wondered: "Did the Spirit Tribe use other ancient relics again?"

"No." Gray Feng shook his head: "The subspace sensor detected psychic fluctuations, and the location was near the Mandeville Point of the Ophelia System. This means that a ship came to the Ophelia System through subspace navigation. , is about to emerge from the subspace through the Mandeville Point and return to the real universe."

At this time...who could it be?

Since the Solar Star Territory is currently surrounded by the migrating green tide of Orcs, and the Ophelia Galaxy is located close to the Storm Star Territory and the Solar Star Territory, the pirates appearing here at this time may be Orc pirates. Fleet, in that case, it would take some energy to deal with it.

Then, Russell saw a golden imperial double-headed eagle peeking out from the subspace rift at Mandeville Point.

A cruiser carrying a heavy cathedral, with a sacred statue of the Emperor of Mankind standing on top, slowly sailed out of the tear torn by the warp engine and entered the Ophelia system.

"It's actually an empire ship..." Russell was a little surprised.

Judging from the style, this first ship to sail out of the subspace is an armed merchant ship belonging to the Imperial Merchant Fleet - don't underestimate the merchant ship.

The 'Merchant Marine' is an official trade organization of the Empire that was personally issued a business license by the Emperor of Mankind during the Great Crusade. In principle, only the Emperor himself is qualified to issue this level of license, but due to his old man's physical condition, he may not be able to do so. There is no way to sign a second license, so the Merchant Marine is actually the only legal organization holding a Galaxy-level trade license, and in fact monopolizes almost all trade in the entire empire.

Exceptions include rogue traders and black smugglers who carry out small-scale transportation between several planets with private permission signed by the planetary governor.

The Merchant Marine is perhaps the most wealthy organization in the Human Empire, and money represents power. Therefore, the equipment of this armed merchant ship with the Emperor's icon standing on it... is actually better than many professional warships serving in the Imperial Navy.

One after another, after the armed merchant ship at the beginning, several more ships with obvious organizational characteristics came out.

The black ships of the Inquisition, the pilgrim ships of the Ecclesiarchy, the forge ships of the Adeptus Mechanicus... and even a Space Marine battle barge. Such a lineup is not luxurious in the human empire, and it can even conquer some planets that are not too difficult to conquer.

So that Russell was a little confused: "Isn't the Sun Star Territory being besieged by the orcs? How can such a fleet be pieced together?"

Even if Planet Ophelia 7 is the state religion's version of Mars, a single state religion wouldn't have such great energy, right?

With doubts, Russell ordered his men to accept the communication request from this fleet with a strong sense of patchwork and asked them about their purpose.

Perhaps intimidated by the power of the master, Russell’s question was quickly answered:

"They are a scout fleet urgently sent by Terra. The purpose of this trip is to cross the blockade of the Orc Green Tide and go to the Great Ultramar Star Territory to seek help from the Ultramarines."

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