The Webway system is perhaps the oldest civilization relic in the galaxy.

If humans use the Geller force field to navigate subspace, it is like driving a shabby submarine with air leakage from all sides through an ocean full of deadly radiation.

Then the Webway system built by the Ancient Saints is a complete network of tunnels buried deep under the sea, extending in all directions and covering the entire galaxy. It surpasses the inferior subspace engine by several orders of magnitude in terms of safety and ease of use.

After the death of the Old Sage, the Eldar who took over the Webway failed to inherit the mantle of the Old Sage. They could only use the Webway knowingly but not knowing why, but they did not know how to maintain it.

The lack of maintenance of the Webway system has fallen into disrepair. Some sections have aged and collapsed. They have been submerged and assimilated by the leaked subspace currents. Some sections have been invaded by the tombstone gates of the Necron and forced by the self-protection mechanism of the Webway system. cut off.

Nowadays, the Webway system, which once extended in all directions and could go anywhere in the galaxy, has only some dead branches and leaves that can barely maintain its own existence, because some sections have been eroded by the subspace. The inside of the network tunnel is no longer safe.

Bringing time back to the present, at this time, in a small branch branched off from the thick main road of Ophelia, two Eldar rangers wearing cloaks hid their figures under the invisibility effect of psychic spells. Underneath, lurking quietly.

Their skin is translucent, a characteristic of the Dark Eldar.

"Thanks to the grace of the God, even if we use spiritual energy like this, we don't have to worry about being targeted by the Prince of Joy." One of the rangers used a spiritual link to sigh to his companions: "Now sleeping in the secret vault of Commorragh The ancient relics have also begun to be unsealed. With the help of that venerable god, given time, we will be able to revive the glory of the ancient Eldar empire, and our race can also reproduce the grand occasion of dominating the galaxy."

There is light in its eyes, which is the hope for the future.

"The premise is that we can get through this difficulty first."

The companion's voice was calm, revealing a calm sense: "The Star Destroyer is a disaster befallen by fate to our race. The God and He are incompatible with each other. Even if the Star Destroyer does not launch a war against us this time, the God's will will force us to fight with him. He is hostile...the war with the Star Destroyer is unavoidable. Only by overcoming this difficulty can the revival of the Eldar Race truly have hope."

"It's just a human monkey. Even if he is an immortal who has lived from the Dark Ages to the present as rumored, we still have powerful ancient relics left by our ancestors and the blessings of the gods. A mere star bomber is not enough. For concern." The Dark Eldar Ranger didn't care.

"Be cautious, you're right." My companion advised helplessly.

The two rangers conversed quietly under the cover of psychic invisibility spells, while also being alert to all movements in the Webway.

They are scouts sent by the large Eldar forces at the rear, and they are distributed in groups of two in various branches of the Ophelia Network node. According to the prophecies of the Cabal's prophets, the seal on the Ophelia Node would render the Starbuster helpless, forcing him to send troops into the webway from the branch.

Their goal is to hunt these armies and consume the power of the star bombers.

"...Coming, there is movement ahead, and I feel the psychic reaction of human psykers."

"They should be carrying well-trained psykers. Our disguise may be seen through. We need to retreat first and don't alert the enemy."

"Inform the Archon and prepare to ambush them."

The two Dark Eldar rangers hurriedly communicated for a while before reaching a consensus and hurriedly retreated away from this branch.

They surged all the way back to where several branches converged, where the troops of Archon 'Flask' were stationed.

In order to guard the Ophelia Webway node and protect the safety of Commorragh, the Dark Eldar used a lot of their wealth. There were thousands of elite Incubus troops stationed around the Mobile Wraithbone Fortress alone. The Wraith Bone Hunter fighter jets awakened in the ancient warehouse were neatly parked on the top of the Wraith Bone Fortress. Ghost Titans stood majestically beside them, like towering trees grown from white bones, pieced together into a pale forest.

In the forest, the savage war beasts tamed by the trainers growled uneasily, and the flesh and blood monsters created by the Haemonculi people lived under the city walls, hungry for blood.

The two rangers hurried through the bone jungle composed of ghost titans and came to Flask's fortress to ask for an audience.

The wizard waiter outside the door had a surprised look on his face: "You are also here to report the enemy's situation?"

"Yes?" The ranger was stunned for a moment: "Miss, are you saying that in addition to the branch we are responsible for, the scouts from other branches have also detected the enemy's situation?"

The Wuling guard nodded: "You are the 5th group of scouts who came back to report...The 6th group has also returned."

The two rangers turned around and saw that two scout partners like them had just passed through the Bone Forest and hurried to the fortress of Archon Flask.

"You guys also..."

As time passed, groups of scouts hurried back to the Bone Fortress to report the enemy's situation. The commander-in-chief of this operation, the Archon of Comoros's second largest conspiracy group, 'Flask', had a keen sense of smell. Unusual taste.

"They actually launched an attack on all the branches of the Ophelia node at the same time. Star-shooter, what a spirit."

Even the consul, who thought highly of himself, couldn't help but have some admiration for the star bomber's generosity, but soon, these admirations turned into contempt.

"It's a pity that this is just the courage of an ordinary man." Flask smiled slightly: "Pass the order, we will take the initiative to attack."

Since you dare to divide your troops to fight, you must be prepared to be defeated one by one.

Hunter fighter planes took off from the top of the fortress, and the ghost titans, which were as silent as death, also moved. Roaring war beasts and twisted flesh monsters ran and jumped at the feet of the spirit bone giants, driven by elite ranger warriors and shaman warriors. Poison Scourge fighter jets and Raider motorcycles shuttled among the beasts, followed by groups of Devastator chariots, with blood dripping from the ferocious sharp corners, and the flags were embroidered with rings with missing corners.

That is a sign of respect for God.

The Dark Eldar moved on an unprecedented scale, and the mighty army rushed thousands of miles. They cheered and jumped to annihilate the Star Bomber army in the first branch of the Webway.

Only Archon Vlask's luxurious Wraithbone Fortress remains in place, an ancient creation from the days of the Eldar Empire that maintains the seal on the Ophelia Webway node.

As Flask's army continued to advance in the branch, the diameter of the branch began to slowly narrow. The elders in the team began to push heavy units such as Talos Reapers in front. Towering towers like skyscrapers The Ghost Titan clenched his weapon and prepared for an attack. They were already close, and they could already smell the alluring scent of human souls.

The distance narrowed, and the blurry afterimages in the field of vision finally became clear, and what greeted them was a sea of ​​steel. and fiery melta bombs.

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