Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 291 Collapse of Faith

"Why the judgment of the gods?"

"Then let's start with the gods that the orcs believe in - Brother Go and Brother Mao."

Brother Gomao is to the orcs, just like the Emperor is to humans, and Slaanesh is to the Eldar. It belongs to the collective belief of a powerful race. Although the Eldar will probably not admit their religious relationship with Slaanesh. As for humans, humans will immediately call the Inquisition and summon a group of crazy inquisitors to chop into pieces the heretics who dare to compare the dirty orc gods with the God-Emperor.

"So why are there two gods that the orcs believe in?" Gray Wind said with his fingers: "Brother Go is cruel and cunning, Brother Mao is cunning and cruel... Unlike Slaanesh and Death, the two gods of the orcs exist. The concepts are highly overlapping, and it would not be an exaggeration to say they are the same god."

In fact, many greenskins don't know whether they believe in Brother Gor or Brother Mao. In battlefields where orcs are infested, there are often scenes of psychic boys shouting Brother Mao's name, praying for Brother Gor to appear, and then their brains explode.

So why do orcs believe in two same gods at the same time, instead of just worshiping the biggest and most waaagh!!! emperor like humans?

This is so strange.

"Because orcs are a race born for war." Russell said: "War is a necessity for orcs to survive. Without war, orcs are like humans without water and elves without feelings. When an orc tribe has no external enemies, civil strife will often break out. Fight yourself."

Only oneself means that no one can fight with oneself, so there are two gods representing the concept of orcs, or they are split into two. Brother Go and Brother Mao are fighting endlessly in a non-existent dimension. , that is the meaning of the existence of orcs.

Russell put down Gray Feng who was sitting on his lap, stood up and looked at the beautiful planet Gaia projected in front of him, and said: "No one knows what Brother Go and Brother Mao are, or where they come from. All in all, all greenskins believe that Brother Go and Brother Mao are the most waaagh!!! existences in the universe, and they have the highest respect for them..."

Gray Feng sat down on the chair with Russell's body temperature, and followed his example and propped his chin with one hand: "So, what do you mean...?"

"I said, Brother Go and Brother Mao are not waaagh!!!." Russell smiled faintly: "I said, the emperor is the most waaagh!!!, He is more waaagh!!! than Brother Gomao!!!"

"I understand." Gray Wind nodded: "I will make them believe it."

No wonder they don't believe it.

All four large thrusters of the Dominator remained closed, and only some auxiliary thrusters pushed the heavy hull, approaching the planet Ophelia 7, which was far away from the central star in the galaxy - I didn't dare to say too much. If it is too close, the huge gravitational pull may cause the orbit of celestial bodies to be disturbed, thereby triggering some astronomical disasters.

Thick nano clouds floated out from the body of the master, and after floating to a safe distance, they reorganized into the form of the gray goo mothership. A full fleet of destroyers flew out from the left wing, followed behind the gray goo mothership, and came to Austria. Above the planet Philia 7.

There are still a large number of churches, statues, and monuments standing on this former ecclesiastical planet, so large that they can be clearly seen even from orbit. These man-made wonders are now covered with green vegetation and crumbled due to lack of maintenance. Cracked and collapsed, looking desolate.

Planet Ophelia 7 is a planet that exists entirely for religious purposes. There are no decent industries or livelihood facilities on it. Even the residents on it are mainly priests of the state religion. In a word, the interstellar version Vatican.

But the green Vatican.

Hovering over the beautiful emerald planet, the destroyer captains following the Gray Gu mothership were a little confused. They did not receive any further combat orders. The only order given was to escort, nothing more.

"Aren't you going to send ground troops to destroy the greenskins entrenched on the surface of the planet?"

"We have completely occupied the sea power of this galaxy. Even if we are worried about the number of orcs, we can still use naval guns to carry out low-cost orbital bombing..."

Some people said that they felt uncomfortable when they saw aliens playing on the human planet. Some people thought that the planet had been contaminated by green-skinned spores and could no longer be taken away... Everyone had their own doubts, but their bodies honestly performed the only escort. Task.

While they were discussing, the Gray Gu mothership, which was surrounded by the destroyer formation, lit up.

It was a piece of golden light, spurting out from the hastily expanding barrel. The churning ocean of light coated half of the planet's atmosphere with a transparent golden glow, bringing an indescribable sense of holiness. Shining like fine gold, dazzling like stars.

In the dazzling golden light, there is a hint of abyss-like bottomless darkness, just like...a black sun.

The dark sun rises slowly on the horizon of planet Ophelia 7.

On the destroyer closest to the Gray Goo mothership, the somewhat dazed captain patted the adjutant beside him on the shoulder: "Do you still remember the content of the citizenship oath we said when we joined the Human Federation?"

The adjutant was also a little nervous: "Well... I swear that from this moment on I will completely give up my belief in the Golden Throne and the Emperor of Mankind, and dedicate the rest of my life to the liberation of all mankind, and to the ideal of conquering the stars and the sea for human civilization. And burning... or something like that?"

"Yes, yes... we turned our backs on the glory of the Emperor from the day we surrendered to the Federation, but... but..." The captain's mouth was dry, and the dark stars in his field of vision were getting bigger and bigger.

"If we don't believe in the Emperor, what is this...?"

As the captain of the destroyer slowly put down the cufflinks in his hands, the two orc boys who were struggling with each other on the surface also invariably put down the sticks in their hands.

In the vast universe, the bright golden light flooded the entire planet Ophelia 7.

In the green boy's narrow head, Brother Go and Brother Mao, who were always fighting, stopped their eternal battle.

A dark sun covered the sky, and golden flames spread across the earth.

Colossus Weapon: Judgment of the Gods.

Russell stood in the Overlord's master control room and poured out a glass of grape juice. The fragrant liquid had not yet touched his lips, and the faith of the greenskins on Ophelia 7 collapsed.

"I want to drink too~" Gray Feng ran to Russell's side and stood on tiptoe, drinking one third of the grape juice in his glass in one gulp.

Russell glanced at her helplessly: "Can't you pour yourself a drink?"

Hui Fengquan pretended not to hear: "I just like to drink what I've had."

"But I haven't drunk this cup yet."

"Ah, here." Gray Feng had no choice but to pour the grape juice he just drank back into the cup: "Then drink first."

"Don't let people drink your saliva, it's disgusting." Russell frowned and looked at the unchanged orange-red liquid in the cup with a look of disgust.

Gray Feng was very puzzled: "But Marshal, you have obviously drank a lot."

"Ah this... this, this is not the same thing." Russell was speechless for a moment.

Forget it, just treat the juice as passing away in another cup...

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