Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 283 Gray Gu Rebellion

"Huh... would the marshal actually be entangled in such a thing?" Gray Feng looked surprised.

"Humans are very vulgar creatures, and I am also a human being." Russell looked at the blush slowly disappearing on Gray Feng's face, and said openly: "So I am also very vulgar."

There is nothing to avoid, being a man, a real man, being vulgar is vulgar.

What's wrong with a man being vulgar? On the contrary, it's the gentleman who gets ridiculed.

"That's right. When male characters in novels encounter life and death crises, they often say lines like 'I don't want to die, I'm still a virgin.'"

Gray Feng touched his chin and showed an expression of "I understand everything": "Both mechanical ascension and micro-mechanical ascension require the abandonment of the original body. The reason why the marshal is unwilling to choose these two ascension routes is because Do you think it would be a pity to just throw away your virgin body?"

"You can say that..."

Although this was the truth, Russell always felt that it was a bit strange for Gray Feng to say such words.

"That's very simple." Gray Feng confidently slapped his chest, making it tremble: "Let me help the marshal get rid of his virginity!"

"Uh..." Russell was stunned: "Do you have such a thing as physical pleasure?"

"No! Yes!" Hui Feng held his head high, his face full of confidence.

"Doesn't that mean you are just playing tricks on me?" Russell said sarcastically.

"Isn't it possible?" Gray Feng's eyes were bright, and he was obviously very interested in playing with the marshal.

Russell was speechless for a moment, and he realized that there seemed to be a huge discrepancy between his and Gray Feng's brain circuits.

He had no choice but to find a reason and evade: "The social structure of human beings is monogamy, and they are relatively cautious in choosing a mate. Handing over my body too casually is disrespectful to myself... and to you too."

"But the humans I observed are not what you said?" Gray Wind clasped his hands together with a motherly smile on his face: "When I went to Ultramar to annihilate the ether giant worms, I completely scanned the naval fleet parked in Macragge. I found that even on the verge of war, many people on the Imperial Navy ships were still having sex in a hurry. They seemed to call this behavior the 'last shot before going to the battlefield.'"

"...Maybe they are a couple?" Russell resisted.

"Can three male humans also get married?" Gray Feng blinked.

"Ah, here are three males..."

Russell did not expect that the atmosphere of the Imperial Navy would be open to this point, nor did he expect that one day he would be tricked by navy sailors from this angle.

"Okay, don't be shy." Gray Wind saw through the secretion of human hormones that Russell's well-founded quibbles were just out of personal shame, and pulled him towards the No. 3 dock where the Gray Goo mothership was docked: "Come on, come into the house with me."

But Russell was still reluctant, as if he was a young daughter-in-law who was reluctant to consummate the marriage after being forced to marry a bully.

Considering that he probably couldn't defeat the marshal seriously, Gray Feng had no choice but to give up using force and continued to ask: "As expected, are you still unwilling to have a relationship with an individual other than your wife?"

"That's right." Russell admitted.

"Then I'll be the marshal's wife." Gray Feng crossed his arms with a look on his face.

Russell cast a suspicious look at her: "Do you know what humans define as a wife?"

"What are you talking about? Although I don't have the physical pleasure of organic life, I do have clear personal feelings." Gray Feng was quite dissatisfied with Russell's reaction: "Do you regard me as a machine without a soul?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant." Russell waved his hands repeatedly, a little embarrassed: "But the relationship between human husband and wife is not only a legal contract, but also a reflection of social responsibility and personal feelings..."

"So I have feelings, don't think of me as a soulless mechanical AI, okay?" Gray Wind interrupted Russell's dry explanation, picked up his palm with both hands and put it on his chest, his eyes filled with emotion: "Feelings Is it here yet, my heart is beating.”

"That's the lungs over there."

"Mistake! It's a mistake!" Gray Feng quickly moved his palm to his left chest, and the heartbeat coming from his palm was gentle and rhythmic: "What now? Can you feel my heartbeat?"

Russell looked at Hui Feng's plain and angry face, and then noticed that she seemed a little different from usual. Not only was the relative position of the heart and lungs wrong, but the simulation of the human body was also wrong - in the current mood, the heart should beat faster. Normally Hui Feng would never have made such a detail mistake.

Speaking of which, asking the hero to feel the heartbeat with his palms is also a very old novel plot... Did Xiao Hui read the ancient Terra Jinjiang online article?

Russell thought of some unpleasant memories and took his hand out of Gray Feng's fingers: "I don't know what interesting plot you saw in the book, but please don't practice it on me. Maybe it's for the detached individual. It’s just a game to you, but I’m a mediocre person and my ridiculous mind is still stuck in emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, love and hatred based on basic chemical reactions, so don’t play with my feelings, okay?”

"It sucks."


"I said Marshal, you are so bad." Gray Feng wiped the red corners of her eyes with the back of her hand, as if Russell was pretending to be rational and calm and finally broke the necklace called emotion, and pearls rolled down her cheeks. Come on, it clattered on the floor of the starport.

I even forgot to simulate tears... It seems that he is really angry.

Gray Feng sobbed and cried. The boundary between his body and the air became blurred, like a dust cloud that was forcibly gathered together and easily blown away by the wind.

"You never believed me."

"You've been treating me like a self-operating, self-maintaining tool."

"You don't think that I am a self-aware, intellectual being, nor do you believe that a swarm of nanorobots has feelings of its own."

Gray Feng wiped away the hard tears from the corner of his eyes and looked at Russell with eyes full of grievance: "What on earth should I do to make you believe that I love you?"

Seeing her crying like a human being, Russell was a little at a loss: "Don't do this... I will get into trouble."

"What does it mean to enter the show?" Hui Feng asked softly, barely keeping his facial features intact.

"It means choosing to invest in true feelings even though you know things are false."

"Just say it's not a lie!" Gray Feng, who had just cried in anger, almost laughed out loud: "I don't believe this and I don't believe it either! Marshal, you can't get a girlfriend like this!"

"The average girl would give me a slap in the face and run away crying when I say, 'Don't play with my feelings.'" Russell said, "You spoil me too much, Gray Wind."

"But I just want to spoil you." The outline of Hui Feng's body gradually became clearer, and his face was full of helplessness: "Who asked me to love you."

Emotions are such irrational things, or the word emotion itself is the opposite of rationality.

Russell stretched out his hand and touched the head that Gray Feng was leaning towards. He felt that if he bullied Xiao Hui again, he might start a Gray Gu rebellion: "Should I say that I like you?"

"When I say 'love', I mean love! Not like!"

"Yes, I love you too."

"'s still so bad." Gray Feng took Russell's hand on his head and put his re-formed cheek against his palm: "The marshal is the worst."

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