Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 281 Pure Dust, Dirty Dust, Miscellaneous Dust, Embers

After some deliberation with Wagner Civitas, Russell drove the Pot of Greed, which was full of black slaves and specialties from the Emerald Star, to leave Kerentalina and prepare to return to Falla.

It was unexpectedly pleasant to get along with Marshal Wagner. Is he worthy of being the superior noble of Ultramar? This person is very knowledgeable about the enjoyment of various aspects of life, such as food and entertainment. Russell also learned a lot like "You cannot use inferior industrial fuels to make black tea, you must use charcoal fire, and it must be fully cooked and of high quality." The high-quality date core charcoal made from the date cores of blood agate candied dates is carefully fired in a mithril furnace, so that the aroma of black tea can be boiled out to the greatest extent. It seems useless, but it seems very stylish. Be particular about it.

Russell took a sip of the black tea brewed by Revatien with an alcohol lamp, thinking that the nobles of the Second Empire of Old Macragge's Zhenglan Banner were really particular about drinking tea.

He is much more particular than a mere federal dictator like him.

Arriving at Yanming Star, the ship-borne sensors of the Kettle of Greed detected a large number of flying object signals in this galaxy from a distance. There were three more magnificent orbital star ports in the orbit of the giant planet closest to the Yanming Star Gate. , I didn’t notice it last time I came here. It should be a new building that was completed in recent years.

There are many civilian ships docked in the three giant orbital ports waiting to pass through the star gates to other star regions. The large ships are like floating islands in space. Small speedboats and homemade aircraft are constantly coming and going between the islands made of steel. , doing some private transactions with barter.

Yes, even in the interstellar age, humans are still bartering.

Due to the vast territory and inconvenient transportation, the economic system of the Human Empire is very chaotic. Even the Throne Coin issued by Terra, which represents the authority of the Emperor, cannot circulate smoothly in all star regions. The lack of a unified currency means that some items often There is no truly authoritative pricing, so private transactions between different stars have the magical scene of barter.

However, this kind of transaction method is limited to the private activities of small businessmen and hawkers. Real material transactions on the table are generally settled using throne coins and 'spiritual dust'.

'Spirit Dust' is the abbreviation of the Human Empire for psionic dust. In many cases, psionic dust is far more popular than throne coins. No businessman will refuse a transaction settled with psionic dust. This is a common currency among hard goods. Hard goods.

The only problem is that the fertility rate of the Eldar is too low, and psionic dust is considered half a non-renewable resource. Otherwise, it may one day completely replace the Terran Throne Coin.

"The port is very lively. Looking from a distance, it looks like a rural market." Russell looked at the ships coming and going in the port, got off the ship in a good mood, and went to the priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus who was in charge of the Star Gate. There was a queue to get a number.

This time he did not use the privilege of priority for those who bombed the stars. The purpose was to observe the situation of the star gate after it was opened to the public for everyone to use.

There were more people on board in the orbital port, and there was a mix of fish and dragons. Russell could notice that the parking spaces with the best lighting and the closest location to the star gate were all occupied by gorgeous ships with provenance. Some civilian ships that looked dilapidated and lacked maintenance could only It is anchored at the edge of the star port and close to the space, barely able to avoid being driven out.

Some low-status low-level mechanics of the Adeptus Mechanicus move among these civilian ships, providing them with paid equipment repair services.

Russell simply walked around and met many scalpers waiting in line.

"Your Excellency Russell, you are so happy to be here to understand the sentiments of the untouchables."

A slightly hoarse electronic voice interrupted Russell's walking pace. He turned his head and spoke to a middle-aged man wearing a brown loose robe. He looked about 4 to 50 years old. As for his appearance... I don't know him. .

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"I'm just a humble rogue, not worth mentioning in front of you." The other party smiled in a friendly manner and announced his name: "My name is Talletal, not a nickname. My real name is Talletal. "

"Oh." Russell was not interested in this somewhat funny name.

"It's my honor to meet you." Talletale said hurriedly.

"Anyone is really qualified to get to know me." Russell pointed to a super-heavy armed merchant ship parked in the distance and said: "I ask you a question. If you can come up, I will give you a small gift. As a reward."

"But it doesn't matter." Talletale was confident.

"That ship should belong to the Imperial Merchant Fleet. I just observed that when they traded a batch of sulfide ore, in addition to psychic dust and throne coins, they also used some light gray mixed powder as a trade Voucher, what is that?”

"Are you talking about 'turbid dust'?" Talletal said after considering it.

"Zhuochen?" Russell became a little interested: "Elaborate."

"The appearance of turbid dust is a gray powder mixed with many impurities. Like psychic dust, it contains a lot of spiritual energy, but it needs to be purified by a centrifuge and screened to remove impurities before it can be used." Talletale Said: "You must have guessed it by now, yes, the turbid dust is the final product produced by slightly modifying the psionic chain reaction formula that can only affect the spirit race, and then using it to ignite humans..."

Russell showed an expected expression and nodded slightly, indicating for him to continue.

So Talletale continued.

Under the joint promotion of the star bombers, the expedition fleet, and the imperial dignitaries, psychic dust once became an absolute hard currency that could flow unimpeded in all star regions connected by the star gate. However, the huge needs of humans and the sparse population of the Eldar race Completely disproportionate, the supply of psychic dust exceeds demand, causing its exchange rate to rise.

The high value of the Eldar has led to bounty hunter groups and nomadic tribes hunting for the Eldar to spring up in the extreme star field. However, the crazy hunting of humans regardless of life and death has made it more difficult to obtain psychic dust, further raising the level of the Eldar. value, thereby attracting more people to take up arms and join this blue ocean.

This is a spiraling cycle with no solution. By now, even the Emperor's Angels of Death and the Astartes Chapter have begun to intervene in the business of hunting Eldar. The Space Wolves alone have destroyed several Eldar planets. In the virgin world, a large number of wild spirit races were captured.

"Later, an Inquisition Psychic Master who did not want to reveal his identity modified the chain reaction formula for the Eldar so that it also had an effect on humans, and thus, 'turbid dust' was born." Talletaler for Russell Explaining today’s market conditions:

The current spiritual energy currency is divided into 4 levels.

Level 1: Use the psionic dust burned by the Ark Eldar or Wild Eldar. It is the most precious and purest. It can directly power equipment or be sucked directly without refining. It is called ‘purification of dust’.

Level 2: Use psionic dust burned by dark eldar or human beta level or above psykers. Due to individual differences, it usually contains some unusable crystalline impurities and needs to be purified by a centrifuge before it can be used normally. Therefore it is called ‘turbid dust’.

Level 3: Psychic dust produced by burning ordinary human psykers. It has lower purity and more impurities. It can barely be used after multiple purifications. It's called 'dust'.

Level 4: Using psychic dust produced by burning mortals, it has the lowest purity and sometimes has a lot of impurities, making it difficult to utilize. Known as ‘embers’.

The general exchange rate is:

1 pure dust = 11 turbid dust

1 turbid dust = 23 miscellaneous dust

1 dust = 97 embers

This exchange rate will fluctuate depending on the specific impurity content of the dust at the time of transaction.

"What a terrible exchange rate." Russell shook his head: "The inquisitor directly announced the formula for burning humans to make dust. Aren't you afraid that some people who can't catch the Eldar will give up hunting the Eldar and directly choose to massacre human civilians? ?”

Taltar smiled and said, "Why do you have the illusion that they haven't started the massacre yet?"

Russell was startled.

Yes, the number of the Spirit Race is so rare, and the combat power of the Spirit Race is so powerful. Even if there are more humans who are crazy about money, they will only find it difficult to do anything when the prey is getting fewer and fewer, and they are far stronger than themselves. Then, slowly die out.

However, in recent years, instead of disappearing, these groups have become more and more prosperous, and new armed groups are constantly emerging to join this massacre.

What are they killing?

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