Although Russell does not care about the life and death of any race other than humans, the disappearance of the Eldar within the galaxy is neither good news nor good news to him. Because he came to Cadia this time to find the entrance to the Webway so that he could invade the dark city of Commorragh.

"Nowadays, the Eldar are dying and hiding. Where should I find the entrance to the Webway?" Russell was a little troubled.

Fortunately, the prophetess left the transcription device in Cadia waiting for her to get it, otherwise her trip to Cadia would have been in vain.

Russell drove the Pot of Greed to an unmanned galaxy near Cadia, parked the giant ship in the hot exosphere of the aging star in the center of the galaxy, and entered an invisible state. Then, he and several banshee guards in full armor took a small escort ship to Cadia, and officially arrived at the imperial fortress that had stood in the Eye of Terror for thousands of years.

The arrival of the Star Bomber did not cause any stir in Poland in Cadia. It could even be said that few people knew that he was coming, and there were no welcome ceremonies and social banquets. Like a thief, Russell quietly entered a heavily guarded steel fortress through a secret door under the leadership of the lord's henchmen, and thus began his secret meeting with the lord of the planet Cardia.

"Where is the transcription device?" Russell's attitude was straight to the point as he stared at the mechanical eye on the left side of Lord Cadia's cheek.

Lord Cadia smiled coquettishly: "You are indeed as straightforward as the rumors say."

He was so blunt that he didn't even bother to ask his name.

"I'm in a hurry, and I have a little trouble that I need to find a way to deal with." Russell said nonchalantly: "If you can help me solve this trouble, I wouldn't mind drinking and chatting with you all night while holding a woman in your arms."

"I would like to hear the details." Lord Cadia maintained a polite smile.

"What should I call you?" Russell asked.

"Primus, Your Excellency, Lord Primus of Cadia."

"Okay..." Russell probably understood the other party's attitude.

Primus is not a name, nor a family name, but a position, similar to 'Lord Guilliman' or something like that.

The Lord of Cadia did not state his name but called himself Primus. What he conveyed was a business-like attitude. He did not want to have any personal relationship or deeper relationship with the star bomber. Everything was a matter of procedure and etiquette. , nothing more.

This was probably the reason why I didn't bring up the transcriber immediately.

"I'm looking for traces of the Eldar." Russell picked up a glass of juice handed by the waiter next to him and said faintly: "But the Eldar in the Cadia sector has almost disappeared, and it seems that my trip will be in vain... But I can Understand, after all, even regular Imperial forces such as the Cadian Assault Force and the Space Marine Chapters stationed in the Cadia sector are involved in the hunt for the Eldar."

The individual quality of the Eldar is actually much stronger than that of the Imperial Army. The Eldar kill Kashe Zin with the same difficulty as the Adeptus Marshal killing the Fart. However, when the Terran Expeditionary Force and the dignitaries of the Human Empire used their abundant financial resources to lay the groundwork, By opening up a market for the Eldar population filled with gold, the situation will be reversed.

When enough desperadoes are driven by enough interests to turn into life-threatening mad dogs, facing the human lunatics who come one after another like carps crossing the river, even the most self-respecting upper-level Eldar will feel dizzy. .

It is no exaggeration to say that the group of bounty hunters chasing the Eldar would not fight back at all even if they all stayed put and stood there cutting them down. By the time the people are finished beheading, the Eldar who beheaded them should probably be upgraded to the Daemon Prince of Khorne.

This is the case in other star regions, let alone Cadia where the regular army participates in the hunt.

"Do you need the Eldar? Ah... yes, of course the servants of the Star Bomber will need the Eldar." Lord Primus of Cadia nodded thoughtfully.

Then he clapped his hands gently, and the waiter in the room walked over and closed the window with understanding, and then activated the signal shielding circuit on the desk to cover the entire room.

The next moment, Lord Primus smiled: "Ark Eldar, Dark Eldar, Wild Eldar... all product categories are available in my house. Customers can be supported to pick up goods on site or have them delivered urgently through the fleet star gate, and there are also options for bulk purchases. 13% off discount, additional discount for Dark Eldar."

"Ah this..." Russell was stunned: "The biggest soul dealer in the Cadia sector turns out to be You."

No wonder no wonder…

"But, Stargate Express?" Russell frowned: "As far as I know, Cadia's Stargate should be 2-3 years away from completion."

Due to the suppression by local officials in other star regions, the construction of star gates cannot receive enough resources, resulting in varying speeds of construction progress, or in other words, relatively slow progress. But Russell was a little surprised that Cardia was so fast.

"The Cadian Star Gate was actually built three years ago, but I blocked the news. Currently, only a few ships of the Cadia Fleet and the Adeptus Mechanicus are using it secretly. It is not open to civilian use." Prim Lord Si said: "Cardia is a fortress planet that permanently maintains military martial law. Things like star gates naturally need to be strictly controlled."

In the past few years, he has made a lot of money relying on the Lingkou trade. He even thought about investing money and commissioning the Mechanicus to secretly build a private star gate just for his own use. The original star gate was open to the merchant fleet and Rogue Traders. .

Russell smiled bitterly and shook his head. People have inertia of thinking, and even he is no exception. Until now, he had just come out of his usual misunderstandings.

——It is true that most of the planetary governors across the galaxy reject star gates, but it would be a big mistake to think that all lord governors reject the star gate network.

A military location like Cadia has always been closely watched by the Terran Council. The important status of the Imperial Fortress does not allow it to stand on its own like other colonies. For Lord Primus of Cadia, the card will be Dia's connection to the Stargate Network will not allow its own power to be diluted by Terra's authority, because Cadia has been a planet deeply affected by Terra from the beginning.

After understanding this, it is not surprising to see Lord Primus' attitude towards the Star Gate.

"I need a group of Dark Eldar, preferably those related to the Haemonculi organization." Russell pressed his hands on the table, a friendly smile appeared on his handsome face: "How much do you have, how much do I want, please make an offer. ."

Lord Primus was slightly startled. For a moment, he felt that Russell's back seemed to be emitting a beautiful golden halo.

This man, who is more handsome than a woman, has no facial features, and only four words are written on his fair and delicate skin:

Rich and wealthy.

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