702 battleships, 100 Titan ships, hundreds of focused arcs and nearly a hundred purgatory rays sniped at one point, leaving the body tissue of the ether giant scorched inside.

By the way, a large piece of his own frigate was burned.

But this thing was cheap. It was basically just a phase cracking cannon welded to the engine. The cost was much lower than that of a stealth frigate with complete accessories, so Gray Wind didn't take it seriously.

What attracted Gray Wind's attention was a strange thing.

"It's strange. The giant ether worm obviously has no vital signs. Why are they still fighting on the surface of Parmenio? Why don't the ground troops of the swarm fall into the chaos of a leaderless swarm of worms?"

Gray Wind summoned a row of sensors and looked at the ground through the scarlet clouds filled with poisonous spores. The endless swarm of insects in the picture were still attacking the municipal rotunda of the planet's capital without fear of death. The coordination of the dispatch and the unity of the offensive, They are completely inconsistent with what Gray Wind knew about the Gestalt creatures that would fall into beast-like madness once they lose the control of node creatures and collective will.

She has the right to speak on this point. Gray Feng knows that if his consciousness dies, then the countless nano-robots that make up him will run wild and turn into a storm of gray goo that sweeps the galaxy and attacks everything they see indiscriminately.

But now the insect swarm on Parmenio still retains a very high degree of organization, which is too unscientific.

Gray Feng looked at the scorched corpse of the giant ether insect floating in space with a faint gaze.

The nearly 10,000 frigates that had survived the previous sniper attack quickly gathered and regrouped under Gray Wind's silent dispatch, and parked above the corpse of the giant insect into a neat fleet formation, which was only much smaller than the initial scale.

Gray Wind looked at Parmenio, whose atmosphere was dyed red by poisonous spores in the distance, and then at the mighty fleet at his feet, lost in thought.

She could now directly ask the fleet to drag the scorched corpse of the giant insect to the center of the galaxy, throw it into the star and burn it completely, but after careful consideration, Gray Wind finally did not do that.

She had an intuition that if this war ended without swords, there would be endless troubles.

"...Sure enough, I still have to use the gang to have the final say?"

She felt as if she had vaguely grasped some supreme rule that was above the laws of physics. It seemed that a war would not be a complete war without the part where a macho man stabbed someone with a knife, even if it was a pure space war. In the naval battle, the tough men could not even see each other from the moment they entered the battlefield until they died gloriously.

Gray Wind suspected that even if the Milky Way and the Fairy Galaxy collided one day, these two celestial systems spanning hundreds of thousands of light-years would still have to rely on fists, kicks, swords and guns to decide each other's fate.

What's going on? This is called...

So Gray Wind casually took off one of his arms and turned it into a sharp blade, then jumped onto the carrier-based aircraft that landed on the corpse of the giant insect.

Large ships gathered from the edge of the galaxy, and the snipers hiding in the darkness finally came to the surface. The hangars located in the belly of the battleship were opened in rows, revealing a formation of giant battle bodies neatly displayed inside. The heavily armed steel giant descended from the sky with heavy firepower, but instead of landing on the surface of the planet Parmenio, which was in urgent need of ground force assistance, it followed Gray Wind and began to clean up the body that had been destroyed by high-energy strikes and had a large number of tissues. It was already too dead to die. of giant insect corpses.

Gray Wind has no intention of caring about the raging insect wave on Parmenio and the civilians being slaughtered by the insect wave. She actually doesn't care how many humans survive on this planet. This is Ultramar. Not the Far East Star Territory.


"As long as the giant ether insect is completely eliminated, the insect tide on the planet's surface will naturally collapse."

Gray Feng held the knife with one hand, and the dragon scales under her feet vibrated violently. The giant battle body behind her used the plasma destroyer to blast open the flesh and blood clots in the blood vessels of the insect corpse, opening the way to the giant insect's body.

The body of the giant ether worm is larger than that of ordinary planets. The arteries located behind the worm's head are more than hundreds of meters wide, and are almost as thick as the gun barrels of some large ships of the Human Empire. Even if the body size is equivalent to The warrior-class Titan's Cerberus body does not feel cramped at all when walking inside.

Gray Feng turned over and jumped onto the shoulder of a combat body equipped with flamethrowers and hydraulic shears. The combat formation composed of 109 combat bodies followed the blood vessels with heavy steps and continued deep into the corpse, like a wall made of steel. The barrier is slowly advancing.

The body structure of the ether giant worm is very strange, or in other words, the structure of all giant tyranids is very strange.

Because as the battle formation progressed, Gray Wind suddenly remembered that every organ in the body of the giant etheric insect was a complete organism that was independent but interdependent: the liquid flowing in its blood vessels was countless tiny, wriggling parasites; The baleen-like layered structure in the mouth is densely packed with bugs like a honeycomb; the various organs in the chest are insect hive motherships that have not been completely alienated, and even the lymph embedded in the blood vessel walls can jump. Come down and bite people... A giant insect is a complete ecological circle, uniting the entire Hive Fleet within its body.

If humans and Eldar are multi-celled organisms, then the Zerg should probably be called 'multi-organisms'.

Along the way, Gray Feng suddenly felt a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn't hold anything back. He directly entangled hundreds of ship-based units above the battleship to fire their main guns at the same time. In an instant, they completely sniped and roasted the giant ether bugs, leaving no trace of the insect nest. The will leaves no room for change.

If not, after Gray Wind penetrates the dragon scale armor, he will see a huge swarm of insects pouring out of the body of the giant etheric insect like a flood, which is as dumbfounding as poking a hornet's nest.

"The last time I went deep into a giant Zerg creature like this, I was with the Marshal."

The dark cavity filled with the pungent sour smell echoed with the dull sound of metal colliding with bones. Gray Feng sat on the shoulders of the giant battle body, his thoughts drifting back to the time when he first came to this universe.

That time, she detonated a star and burned an entire hive fleet to death. Later, she and Russell found the surviving life-shaping insect queen-Coroniai in the hive mothership.

"It should have been burned to death at that time..." Gray Feng felt a little regretful.

Then again, after the Hive Fleet-Behemoth turned into an ether giant insect, did it still retain the unit of 'Life-Shaping Insect Queen'? If you keep it...

Gray Feng was inexplicably excited, and even the heavy steps of the giant battle body became faster. She couldn't wait any longer.

At this time, the surface of Parmenio was still in the midst of a fierce battle. Because the giant ether insect was sniped and the ground insect swarm lost its backup, the pressure on the Ultramarines defending the administrative rotunda had eased, but the situation was still not optimistic.

"Will reinforcements really come? Can our distress astrological message really be sent through the shadow of subspace?" Some people have begun to waver.

"I will definitely... But even if there are no reinforcements, I will protect this planet in the name of the Ultramarines and fight until the last moment of my life." Some people are still determined.

The new recruits of the war group who have not yet been formally awarded armor are still resisting tenaciously in the sea of ​​​​insects. They vowed never to let their genetic ancestors be humiliated.

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