019.M40, in the miniature Milky Way, the Heilongjiang Galaxy.

Gray Wind is preparing to debug the Sentinel antenna.

The delivery date for the completion of the Overlord is expected to be in 2020, but the construction progress of the Sentinel Array that started later is faster than that of the Overlord carrying the Stargate.

The structure of the sentinel array is not too complicated and is mainly divided into three parts.

[Sentinel Antenna], this huge static antenna is the core of the entire Sentinel array, enough to extend the monitoring range to the entire galaxy

[Oscillating fin], an extremely precise structure similar to fish gills, can separate the weakest useful signals from the ubiquitous cosmic background radiation interference.

[Data processing center] is responsible for filtering, separating, and decoding the required information from the massive data monitored by the sentinel antenna.

The oscillation fins have not yet been installed, and the data processing center has not yet been put in place. There is only one Sentinel Antenna of the Polish Commander standing alone in the orbit of a dead planet in the Xihe Galaxy, and Gray Wind is debugging the power for it.

After all, the Xihe Galaxy is inside a miniature Milky Way. Although there are star gates to communicate with the inside and outside, it is still unknown whether the sentinel antenna can detect information from the outside large universe inside the small universe. This has broken away from the realm of physics and extended to the realm of metaphysics.

Every plan proposed by Russell had to be implemented by the woman standing behind him. Gray Feng felt like he was almost becoming a mother.

"Okay, the main antenna has been successfully put into orbit, the power debugging is completed, and we are ready to pump in energy..."

After stabilizing the sentinel antenna, the Gray Gu mothership spread out and disintegrated over the dead planet, connected the antenna to itself, and used the sensors in its own hull to temporarily serve as oscillating fins. The Gestalt consciousness took on the work of the data processing center. Using this method to test-run antennas to verify the feasibility of building sentinels inside a miniature galaxy is a unique advantage of nanomachine clusters.

However, considering that the monitoring range of the Sentinel Array is the entire galaxy, the risk of the data processing center being contaminated by harmful information is also present to Gray Wind, and preventive measures need to be taken.

For example, place the Zero Soul Stone in the cabin of the gray goo mothership to refresh the electronic brain.

"The nerve cord connection is completed, energy is pumped into the sentinel antenna, and the first trial operation begins."

The cold electronic sound sounded deep in Gray Feng's consciousness. She closed her eyes in the miniature galaxy and opened her eyes to see the world at the same time.

The first thing that appeared in front of Hui Feng's eyes was a meaningless white noise. That is the microwave background radiation that has been transmitted since the beginning of the Big Bang. It echoes eternally in the infinite extension of space and time, and is everywhere.

"Signal received successfully~"

Gray Feng blinked while holding the Zeluo Soul Stone, and countless nano-robots began to move, inserting the oscillating fin spare parts in the cabin into his body piece by piece.

With the intervention of oscillating fins to reduce noise, soon the white noise that fills the entire universe will no longer be monotonous. Pieces of oscillating fins are connected to the antenna, just like a paintbrush that leaves soft strokes on the white paper. The boring world deep in the Gestalt consciousness begins to gain color and flowers appear.

Gray Wind's expression was slightly dazed. Massive data from the entire galaxy was loaded into her consciousness at once. Even a micro-mechanical gestalt of Gray Wind's level was a little overwhelming. She felt that her thinking seemed to be stuck.

The white noise has disappeared, replaced by a pitch-black empty space, with a few stars gradually lighting up in the sky. That was Gray Wind using his own computing power to render a complete star map of the entire galaxy in real time based on the information collected by the Sentinel antenna.

"It's so hot! My head is going to explode..."

Gray Feng hugged the Zeluo Soul Stone, his whole body curled up, and white steam floated out of his head.

This was the first time since the birth of her self-awareness that she had to undertake such a heavy computing task. Every thought process was completely exhausted, causing her to briefly lose the ability to think. Every minute, more nanobots overheat and die, and the starlight in the galaxy becomes denser.

"Galaxy Star Map.019.M40.09.10 version, rendering completed, took 2 hours, 1 minute and 37 seconds."

After waking up, Gray Feng quickly checked his condition and found that about 2% of the nanorobots that made up his consciousness circuit were dead.

"It seems that I have to multiply myself after a long time to replenish my consumption." Gray Feng touched his hot head, breathed a long sigh of relief and began to examine the galaxy star map that had been stored in his mind.

Sentinel's reliability has been proven.

The starry sky rendered by the gray wind was not beautiful. It was full of various large and small potholes, and looked very shabby. There are also many fuzzy hazy areas, like a mosaic on the Milky Way, which makes people inexplicably irritated.

"Occasionally, there are such mosaics in the picture files that Marshal usually looks at?" Gray Feng whispered, the starry sky in front of him was mottled, and he could see it at a glance.

The ‘pothole’ is a wound in the real universe, an ambiguous area that merges with subspace. Such potholes are randomly scattered throughout the galaxy, like patches of ringworm on skin disease patients. The largest one is called the Eye of Terror, and the second largest is the 'Maelstrom'.

The 'fuzzy' areas are some special galaxies that cannot even be detected by sentinel antennas. Some of these galaxies hide important tomb worlds of the Necron Dynasty, or they may be the relics left by some extinct aliens. There are not many of them. But it's very scattered.

Gray Wind turned his main perspective to the center of the galaxy and discovered the 'Pot of Greed' sailing along the Eye of Terror.

"It turns out we are really investigating the Eye of Terror. I thought I was secretly dating a female general..." Gray Wind felt deeply ashamed because of his misunderstanding about the marshal.

Then moving the perspective to the Far East Star Territory, there are a lot of subspace fluctuations and energy signals that light up frequently on the western border of the north. Those are the black traders smuggling between the Extreme Star Territory and the Far East Star Territory, and the influx into the federal jurisdiction area. of imperial refugees.

With the powerful monitoring capabilities of the Sentinel Array, underground transactions that were originally difficult to manage can also be controlled.

Satisfied, Gray Wind shifted his perspective from the Far Eastern Star Region and then to the southeastern corner of the Milky Way. The north side of the astronomical trench named 'Damocles Bay' by the empire was the star region where the Vidal Star Sector was located.

The energy signals in the Vidal Star Sector are very dense and complex, as if the audio signal lights are changing frequently. The migrating armies of Necrons and Green-skinned Orcs are fighting fiercely in this star field, and the sky is dark.

Gray Wind turned his eyes and marked the psychic signal of the green-skinned orcs as green. In an instant, the entire galaxy turned green.

"Wow, wow..." Gray Feng was greatly shocked.

When she listened to the Marshal telling stories before, she often heard Russell say that there were many greenskins, many, many, many, many, and they were one of the number one dangers in the galaxy. It was only now, on the Milky Way star map detected by the Sentinel Array, that Gray Wind truly understood what Russell meant by "a lot of greenskins".

——Greenskins exist in about 2/3 of the entire galaxy. They have spread like a virus to most areas of the galaxy, multiplying crazily in every imaginable nook and corner, and fighting desperately.

In comparison, the orcs currently fighting the Necrons in the Vidal sector are just a drop in the bucket of the total number of orcs.

"Oh?" Gray Feng was a little surprised.

She suddenly noticed that the green patches that filled the whole picture in front of her were moving in real time, and they were moving in the same direction.

The green tide spreading throughout the galaxy is rushing in the same direction. Although it is slow and tortuous, it is indeed moving forward.

"That's...the Sun Star Territory."

Greenskins across the galaxy are migrating towards the solar star field where Terra is located.

"Yes, that planet called 'Armageddon' is in the Sun Star Domain." Gray Feng remembered that Russell told her that the relic 'Khan's Throne' was suspected to be on Armageddon.

The predecessor of Armageddon was called ‘Ulanor’, which was the spiritual home planet of the greenskins. This planet was conquered by the Emperor's Son Horus during the Great Crusade. After the Beast Wars, it was secretly reshaped by the Grenadier and turned into the current human colony, Armageddon. A relic called the 'Khan's Throne' also fell to this planet.

The supreme gods of the orcs, Gorge and Maoge, once issued an oracle, ordering all the greenskins in the galaxy to go to the Sun Star Territory.

The big green-skinned guy who successfully captures Armageddon, recaptures his home planet, and sits on the throne of the Khan will become the supreme green-skinned Great Khan. Has the ultimate authority to command all greenskins in the galaxy.

Gray Wind put a towel on his forehead and thought: "The Sun Star Territory is the core of the human empire, they should be able to hold it, right?"

Next, she did not continue to observe the movements of the green skins, but moved her perspective back to the Far Eastern Star Territory and looked at the garrison situation of Coroniai's insect swarms in the southern star belt.

The signal of the insect swarm was marked as rust red by Gray Wind, and evenly covered the entire star belt in the southern part of the Great Hollow in the Nightmare Constellation. This shows that Coroniai's garrison work has been done fairly well, and each major galaxy has deployed Biological outposts and mobile hive fleets guard against the orks and necrons to the southwest.

Satisfied, Gray Feng was about to turn off the star map and continue the installation of the sentinel array. Suddenly, a striking red dot attracted her attention.

It was a psychic signal with the same rust-red color as the insect swarm in Koroniai, but the signal lit up not in the Far Eastern Star Region, but on the south side of the Gulf of Damocles, on the entire Milky Way star map. The southeasternmost corner.

"It seems like, 'The Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar'?"

Gray Feng frowned slightly. Koroniai secretly divided a hive fleet to go to the territory of the Ultramarines? What does it want to do?

She quickly zoomed in on the red dot in the Ultramar star field, and the thought process that had just cooled down began to operate at full power. She used the detection capabilities of the sentinel antenna to remotely and accurately lock the signal, and communicated with the signal in the single star system. Live rendering.

Soon, an incredible picture appeared in front of Gray Feng.

It was a colonial galaxy of the human empire, but there was no signal response from any human spacecraft or space station in the galaxy. There were only a large number of irregular metal fragments floating in space, refracting electromagnetic waves.

Immediately afterwards, the sentry locked onto the eye-catching red psychic signal.

Then, Gray Wind saw a giant starry beast swimming in the star system.

The surveillance picture hastily obtained by relying on the incomplete sentry antenna was not clear. Because Gray Wind was busy cooling itself and did not use all the computing power, the turning action of the giant beast still had some frame drops, but it did not prevent Gray Wind from recognizing it. Show what this big guy looks like.

"...The Ether Dragon? No, it just looks similar. This monster does not have the high-energy core of the Ether Dragon in its body, so it should not be able to spit out the deadly tachyon breath. In addition, the rest of the body structure also has many subtleties The difference is not like a giant dragon, but more like...an insect wearing dragon skin."

Gray Feng was a little troubled, she couldn't figure it out.

The Ether Dragon is a Leviathan creature from her home universe. The treasure obtained after killing the Ether Dragon is the head of this dragon.

"If the relic 'The Head of the Ether Dragon' is fed to the insect swarm and Coroniai analyzes its genetic sequence, it is indeed possible for it to successfully create a giant life form similar to the Ether Dragon." Gray. Feng frowned.

But the problem is that Russell does not have the head of the ether dragon in his hands. The former human federation failed to kill the ether dragon and obtain its treasure. This unlucky guy was killed by the insane "military isolate".

Could it be that Koroniai accidentally picked up the head of the etheric dragon when he was setting up defenses in the southern star belt, and then secretly produced this giant insect covered in dragon skin and sent it to the Ultramar star field?

…That’s nonsense.

However, the psychic signals of the giant etheric insects were so similar to those of the insect swarms in Coroniai that even the sentry antenna controlled by Gray Wind could not tell the difference between the two for a while.

Maybe it was because his brain was overheated and overloaded and hadn't cooled down yet. Gray Feng thought about it and still couldn't figure it out, and his head hurt a little from thinking about it. In the end, he had to give up thinking, sail the Gray Goo Mothership out of the Miniature Galaxy, and ask for help from the Pot of Greed in the Eye of Terror.

At this time, Russell was sailing along the outline of the Eye of Terror, on his way to the Cadia sector.

"If you want to enter Commorragh, you must pass through the Webway. There should be the Eldar Webway entrance in the Cadia sector, but the problem is how to find it."

Russell was lying lazily on the soft seat, while sisters Reva Galen and Reva Tien were rubbing his shoulders and the other was massaging his calves.

"After the killing of members of the Phoenix School on Krentalina, the Dark Eldar must have been wary of me. It's probably not going to be easy to get the coordinates of the Webway entrance from them...+"

"The whereabouts of the Ark Spirit Clan are too unpredictable. We can't catch them anytime soon. We can't count on them."

The sisters' increasingly proficient skills could only make his body relax, but the difficult situation could not be broken away by hand.

"Are we going to use the old method again..." Russell was a little distressed.

At this time, a message suddenly came from a communication channel that had been silent for a long time. Russell, who was bored, immediately stood up and checked. The sender was Gray Feng, and the content was very brief:

[When I was debugging the sentinel array, I detected a psychic signal that was suspected to be an insect swarm. After a closer look, I found that the source of the signal was a giant insect hive creature that was highly similar to the 'Ether Dragon', but the specific information is unknown. , I temporarily named it 'Ether Giant Worm'. 】

[The signal of the ether giant worm is located in the Ultramar star field in the extreme star field, in a star system called 'Pamenio'. It is reported that the Ultramarines Chapter is mobilizing a fleet to rescue Parmenio. 】

[That, that... Koroniai said that it has no idea where this guy came from. What about you, Marshal? Do you know what this etheric giant worm is? 】

After reading the content of the message, Russell was stunned on the spot.

"What the hell... giant ether worm?"

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