Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 262 The Fourth Batch

"Do you mean to issue an extermination order against Terra?"

"Ah... the Human Empire seems to call the Star Destroyer Weapons the Extermination Order." Gray Wind nodded repeatedly.

Upon hearing the affirmative answer, Plumelia even breathed lightly unconsciously. She thought Gray Wind was a little too extreme.

"Let's take a look at Terra's response. When we receive this kind of news from Terra at this time, it's better to handle it as carefully as possible." Plumelia quickly urged Gray Wind to calm down. The Lord can't start an army in anger. ...Ah, it seems that Gray Wind is not the master.

Then change it to 'You will not be so angry that you will fight'?

After all, it was 300 years ago that the Church of Esbanese canonized Alexei as a living saint. According to the communication efficiency of the human empire, there may still be many political affairs during the Terran Unification War piled up in internal affairs at this moment. It is waiting for processing in the department's document library.

Generally speaking, only urgent matters such as the arrival of the Battle Moon over Terra will be given priority by the Council of High Lords. The rest will be trivial matters such as the destruction of the Blood Angels home planet and the awakening of the Dark Angels original body. , maybe the gentlemen of the Terran Council will take a look when they are in a good mood?

After reading it, most of the time the document is left to gather dust. After all, it did not affect the vital interests of the gentlemen.

"...You are right, it is still a bit inappropriate to use neutrons to kill Terra." Gray Wind believed deeply in the advice of the psychic supervisor.

"Huh~" Plumelia breathed a long sigh of relief and patted her chest with her palms.

"It should be 'the mighty sky'."

"Ahem! Ahem—" Plumelia choked.

Gray Feng was seen hugging her hands, squeezing the two heavy breasts under her collarbones until they were about to come out. She looked down at the construction machinery coming and going in the dock below her feet and said:

"The available resources on Terra have long been exhausted by humans, and the ecological environment has been completely destroyed by war. This dry planet, which cannot even be self-sufficient in the most basic food, has forcibly carried trillions of excess people. We can only rely on transportation ships from other planets to survive.”

"Neutron killing can indeed deal with the huge population on Terra conveniently, but in terms of killing efficiency, Tianhong Mighty is not much different. The fish that slip through the net can also be dealt with by Koroniai... In terms of efficiency, If there is not much difference, the use of Tianhong Mighty can effectively alleviate Terra's drought problem, which is more conducive to subsequent environmental transformation and utilization."

"Well, as expected, the sky is still mighty. First, we must choose a closer gas giant planet to mine enough hydrogen..."

Plumelia was confused.

What is the mighty sky? Does this mean that Terra is going to be killed? Are you going to start a full-scale war with the human empire? Should I report this to Russell...

Plumelia looked around uneasily. The busy Serenity Black Domain Shipyard was still busy as usual, except for the Cetus Titan and the Gray Goo Mothership under her feet, which were docked next to the No. 1 Dockyard where construction work was underway. The remaining seven docks were spinning continuously, and ships were flying out of the docks one after another. This situation had not been interrupted from before she came here until now, and it was still coming out...

"You're just in time." Gray Wind raised his head from thinking about how to destroy Terra and said: "The third batch of ships produced by the giant shipyard has just been completed. These ones you see have just finished leaving the factory. Calibrate and prepare to fly to the new ship assembled on Nifl Prime."

Plumelia swallowed her saliva and looked at the countless warships that were densely packed around her, almost completely filling up all the airspace around the shipyard. She thought that the scene when the first and second batches of new ships left the factory was obviously not the same. So spectacular...

"No. How many ships are there in the third batch?"

"311 Titans, 2137 battleships, 211 battle cruisers, 229 heavy cruisers, 941 light cruisers, destroyers... I haven't finished counting the largest number of frigates, but it should exceed 80,000."

Gray Feng hugged his chest and said: "The running-in period of the Anti-Entropy and Mechanical Department has been successfully completed. They have both found the feeling. The construction of the fourth batch of battleships is being prepared."

"First set a small goal - build 100 million ships."

Plumelia was stunned, why were there more battleships than cruisers...

The number of the third batch of ships was just a restrained number from Gray Wind's mouth. Perhaps only by being personally involved in it like her could she truly appreciate the huge and suffocating sense of oppression.

The large number of these battleships is enough to block out the sky no matter which human colonial planet they dock on, but they are not very eye-catching in the black hole event horizon-the quiet black domain. There are hundreds of Titans, thousands of battleships and countless battleships. Countless frigates were marching toward the same space station at the same time. This powerful military force was enough to make any force kneel down and tremble... It just pulled out a thin line on the hopelessly wide black hole accretion disk. Thin 'steel wire'.

This steel wire starts from the giant shipyard and extends forward, passing through the Quiet Black Domain star base and ending at the star gate at the edge of the horizon.

Relying on the terrifying production capacity of the giant shipyard, the Star Bombers used countless star battleships to string a pearl necklace with only three beads in the empty space.

Struggle with military force.

After recovering her thinking, this was the first thought that popped into Plumelia's mind.

"……is it necessary?"

"What's necessary?"

Plumelia took a deep breath: "Is it necessary to build so many ships?"

"Why is it unnecessary?" Hui Feng wondered. She didn't understand why the other party would ask such an obvious question.

Plumelia organized her words and explained: "As far as I know, the production capacity of a material decompressor that mines resources from black holes far exceeds the total of the entire Klenna sector. With such sufficient resources Supply, we can actually complete the industrial recovery of the northern star belt and the integration of the southern star belt at least 5 years earlier. But the actual situation is that only 12% of the resources decompressed by the material decompressor every month are transported to all parts of the Far East Star Territory. More than 80% of the rest is shipbuilding."

She looked around, and the results of these years of crazy shipbuilding were right in front of her eyes.

"I don't understand. The insect swarm biological fleet alone actually far exceeds the self-defense needs of the Far East Star Territory. Even if the leader needs more fleets for his expedition to the galaxy in the future, he must first build a stable fleet before going on the journey. Isn’t the rear area more important?”

Gray Feng scratched his head, feeling a little troubled: "What you said makes sense, let me think about how to answer..."

After a moment, she suddenly realized: "I thought of it! Let me use the marshal's words: the fleet is the extension and execution tool of our will to power. Without strong enough violence, even if the Far Eastern Star Territory is developed and prosperous, it will be in vain. There is If resources are not used to make weapons to protect themselves, should they be hoarded in warehouses and wait for aliens to plunder them?

The marshal also said: If a war requires 100 frigates to win, then we should build 10,000 more Titans to guard against secret attacks by other aliens. "

Plumelia was confused.

What did the marshal tell you?

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