The Far Eastern Frontier is a narrow north-south star belt located on the extreme eastern border of the Extreme Star Domain, consisting of multiple star sectors such as Esbanese, Karalam, and Astoria.

The Human Empire's standard definition of a star sector is "a cubic space area with a side length of about 200 light years." However, due to the low governance capabilities of the imperial bureaucrats, the Terran government's control of the Far East region has always been very loose. There are A large number of newly opened colonies or planets captured from aliens were not reported to the upper level.

...Actually, it has been reported, but the local district governor is not sure whether the new colony registration information reported by his grandfather 1,500 years ago has been transmitted to Terra for registration.

Therefore, the actual volume of the multiple human star sectors that make up the Far Eastern Frontier Region will always be much larger than the regular star sectors according to the Empire's standards, and their shapes are often narrow and north-south. This is the result of natural expansion.

At the same time, due to the thin density of starlight at the edge of the Milky Way, the actual number of exploitable planets in the vast space of the Far Eastern Frontier is even less than that of some secondary star regions located in the inner reaches of the Milky Way.

Big and empty, this is the current situation on the Far Eastern frontier.

At the same time, due to the collapse of the Lost Dream Nebula caused by the Worm of Time, an empty area called the "Nightmare Void" was born, tearing the entire Far Eastern Star Belt into two sections: the north and the south:

The southern star belt consists of the Esbanese, Akanea, Iris... and other star areas.

The northern star belt consists of Astoria, Karalam, Erincia, Odina, Lucion... and other star areas.

After 13 fleets set out for the Milky Way to fight for the supreme glory of delivering the Stargate to the God-Emperor and the expedition to Terra, the defenses on the Far Eastern frontier were completely empty. A large number of elite nobles and ruling classes abandoned the worlds they ruled and set out with the army. A large number of empires colonized The planet fell into unregulated chaos.

The emptiness of defense allowed green-skinned orcs, alien pirates and other forces to invade aggressively, dragging the northern and southern star belts into the bottomless abyss.

The Dark Eldar are killing and killing unarmed civilians for pleasure on abandoned imperial colonial planets; the alien pirates are plundering and plundering everywhere in tattered airships that can be easily defeated with just one shot of a small macro cannon, seizing resources without paying any attention. Forgot to capture a large number of young and healthy imperial population and raise them as meat livestock.

A few stubborn officers and governors who upheld their noble honor and refused to leave with the expedition collected the remaining arms on their respective planets, and gathered the citizens of the empire who did not want to sink under their command to fight to the death against the greenskin invasion, vowing to share the common destiny with their hometown. Survival or death.

However, their stubborn resistance will only make the green boys even more waaagh!!!

Year 001 of the 40th millennium, this is a desperate era.

The remaining resistance of mankind is so insignificant compared to the green tide and the rampant alien pirates and Dark Eldar. It is like the candles lit during the tsunami, which are extinguished in an instant.

The wailing of countless souls converged in the starry sky to form an endless Shura purgatory - it was in such a purgatory that scarlet shadows shrouded silently, and deadly insect tentacles stretched out from the large void of the Nightmare Seat, wrapping He chose the "Astoria" star sector in the northern star belt that is closest to him.

The arrival of the swarm brought a subspace shadow that blocked all astrological communications. However, the remaining armies in the Astoria sector that stubbornly resisted the ravages of the aliens did not have much awareness of this, because the astrological communication in the sector was The communication system had completely collapsed with the departure of the expeditionary force, and they had been fighting alone.

They didn't even have a decent battleship, and even the orbital defense artillery was dismantled and taken away by the Adeptus Mechanicus. The great and noble expedition emptied Astoria of all its military power, and the abandoned people could only despair. Hiding underground in the hive city, allowing the alien ships in orbit to bombard them wantonly.

Therefore, they cannot see what is happening in space.

"Orbital bombing...why did it stop?"

In the capital of the Astoria sector, on the historic main star "Favna", the newly appointed sector governor looked out of the fortifications in disgrace and looked at the ignited sky above his head.

The pirate strike boat that was originally hanging high had disappeared without knowing it, and the haze that shrouded the sky was gradually dissipating.

Above the haze, something vaguely emerged.

She opened her eyes wide and tried to see what it was, but was dragged back into the pit by the guard behind her.

On the ground, the fierce offensive of the green-skinned orcs against this fortification gradually became sparse, but the mortal guards guarding the fortification still did not relax at all, because the "Baroness" was here.

The second daughter of the Governor of the Astoria Sector, Dame Henriette, is also the newly appointed Lord of Fafnir.

"There is no need to be so nervous, soldier, I am the commander, and I need to know the situation on the battlefield." Henriette said with a frown.

The guard wiped the blood on his cheekbones with his sleeve and shook his head: "No matter what happens outside, your first priority is to ensure your own safety. As for battlefield intelligence... there is no auspicious device that can be used anymore, but We can go collect it.”

Finally, he stared into the Baroness's eyes and emphasized: "Duke Favna has abandoned us. Among the nobles and officials on the entire planet, you are the only one who did not board your father's battleship and stayed here secretly. I praise your nobility, Lady. Your Excellency, we have gathered this resistance army in the name of Countess Henriette. So I request again that you must cherish your life."

After saying that, the guard carefully climbed out of the fortification together with the other two soldiers to investigate the reason for the slowdown of the green-skinned orc offensive.

"I just... just don't want to run away." Henriette sighed in distress.

She didn't know anything about battlefield command. She had just enrolled in Favna Military Academy last year, and had only been in class for half a year. She had just learned that "dying for the God-Emperor is a supreme honor."

Even if he stands here with such awareness, he can only serve as a mascot to inspire military morale. Even the title of Baroness is temporarily self-proclaimed.

Watching the soldiers who went out to investigate gradually go away, Henriette poked his head out of the bunker again and stared at the sky of Favna.

Due to the expeditionary force leaving with a large number of technical personnel, the factories on Valrhona's main planet have been shut down for a long time. The pollution clouds that have shrouded the hive city all year round have also been reduced. Now you can see the haze above your head shining with the naked eye. The visible trend is slowly dissipating.

The dense sound of gunfire in the ruins of the city somehow subsided, leaving a desolate silence.

Through the gradually dissipating haze, Dame Henriette saw a bright mechanical giant ring, hanging quietly above Favna's orbit.

The clouds had dispersed, and something cold fell on the countess' dusty white face, making her frown.

"It's raining?"

Henriette stretched out his palm with some confusion to catch a few strands of falling rain. It was so light that it quickly melted into flesh and disappeared as soon as it fell into his palm.

The giant mechanical ring above the head was still turning silently, and the silver rain was getting heavier and heavier, covering the entire Favna.

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