Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 170 Helm of the Blood God

After the fog of chaos that shrouded Aurora dissipated, the rebellion launched by the cultists in the base system Trodom finally subsided.

But the Far Eastern frontier did not usher in peace. It would be better to say the opposite.

The Inquisition excommunicated the entire group of Death Stalkers for treason, and in the name of punishing heretics set off a war in the chapter's home system, the Trodhom system where the cultists' rebellion had just broken out. A massive cleansing campaign.

While erasing all the glorious records of this chapter, all the local nobles, internal affairs officials, senior military officers and almost everyone who had collaborated with the Death Stalkers were subjected to inhumane torture without exception. and brutal massacre, basically completely changing the ruling class of Trodom.

The Imperial Navy and several Astra Militarum regiments that once fought side by side with the Deathstalkers were also marginalized, either sent to fill in the border areas of the sector to fight against the Greenskins in the increasingly corrupted sector, or disappeared silently.

The Adeptus Mechanicus took advantage of the power vacuum created by the Inquisition to fully take over Trodom. Musbel's Deputy Foundry Superintendent was able to use more cruel methods to unscrupulously squeeze the resources of the base system, supporting the expeditionary force's huge logistics and Construction work on the remaining 4 Valkyries.

Due to the elimination of the Death Stalkers, one of the original 13 expedition fleets lost its leading Astartes chapter, and this vacancy cannot be filled for the time being. All Space Marines from the entire Far Eastern Frontier have gathered in Nirvana, and no more troops can be squeezed out.

The star base shipyard of the critical base is operating at full capacity under the control of anti-entropy. While the Valkyrie is being built, many of the original flagships of the Astartes Chapters are being upgraded and refitted. In order to improve efficiency as much as possible, the Gray Goo mothership also turned on the nano deformer and participated in this upcoming engineering task.


It is now February 14, year 996 of the 39th millennium, four years before the expeditionary force sets off.

In this year, the Star Slinger returned to his loyal Falla carrying a blood-stained black helmet.

Russell's return began with a subspace rift that suddenly appeared above Falla. Thanks to the long-term operation and massive resource investment of the Order of Truth, Falla's complete subspace detection system immediately discovered the emergence of the rift. The two space cities transformed from two satellites and the orbital defense system of Falla were awakened one after another, and countless sensors locked onto the strange warship that slowly sailed out of the sudden crack.

The weirdness of this battleship is two-fold. First, since the L Star Gate network covered the Esbanese sector, almost no imperial ships have come to Falla through regular subspace navigation, let alone this one. The subspace rift torn open by a battleship is still directly above the planet Falla - not close to the Mandeville Point.

Secondly, the flags and chapter emblems draped on this battleship all resemble those of the Astartes Chapter, but few people can recognize which chapter the emblem belongs to, and the few senior officials who know the inside story are also not sure. I avoid mentioning this.

Because that is the source of disaster, the ship of sin, the flagship of the heretical group "Death Stalkers", the "Eumenides".

The biological sages of the Musbel Mechanicus once claimed that the ship had long been swallowed up by Chaos and disappeared, and may have been destroyed, but now, it has ended its endless drifting in the sea of ​​souls and returned to reality.

Different from the state when it was dominated by the Lord of Change, the Eumenides at this time can't see any hull mutation caused by Chaos pollution, but the hull is dilapidated everywhere, with potholes and pits like a crumbling dangerous building. .

When this dangerous building appeared in the sky above Falla, the life-shaping insects that stayed here understood:

"The master is back!"

The familiar psychic signal made Koroniai excited, and the Order of Truth quickly released the orbital defense system from the war-ready state, and drove the Ring of Destruction and the Bio Ark to welcome the leader's return.

——The Colossus of the Ring of Destruction was destroyed in the melee in Aurora. After the war, Gray Wind salvaged and recovered the remains of the Colossus, repaired them well, and reinstalled them into Earthblast Stars to continue using them as mining machines.

Koroniai excitedly boarded the bridge of the Eumenides, wanting to show off his newly fabricated beautiful body to his master immediately, but he didn't get close enough to the black-robed figure standing on the bow of the ship. It instinctively felt threatened, a fatal threat.

There are at least 3 different types of terrorist threats that are enough to endanger the queen's life.

A strong sense of crisis came from the direction where Russell was standing, but what frightened Koroniai was not him himself, but what Russell was holding in his hand.

"Master...master?" Koroniai asked tentatively in a low voice.

Russell, who had been motionless, finally came to his senses, wiped off the psychic mist covering his face and smiled at it: "I'm back, where is Gray Wind? Where is it?"

The familiar voice calmed Koroniai's heart. It swayed with deft steps and Shi Shiran approached Russell and said: "The main body of Gray Wind's mothership is in the star base dock, working with Anti-Entropy to work on the last few female ships. God of War. What is that in your hand? I, I am so scared..."

It refers to a helmet carried by Russell in his left hand.

The shape of this helmet is very rough, with 4 pairs of eight exaggerated long horns in total. The fully enclosed visor is covered with ferocious tear scars and traces of blood that will never dry up. There was a roar of rage that seemed to come from the deepest part of the purgatory of war, exuding chilling murderous intent all the time.

"This is a souvenir. Didn't I go to the Brass Fortress as a guest before? This is the helmet of the Blood God, the owner of the Brass Fortress. The other three gods blocked it, and I couldn't kill the Blood God, so I had to bring it back. Yes." Russell said this with a very comfortable expression and a smile, but the bulging veins on the back of his right hand holding the helmet betrayed him.

Even he needed to put some effort into suppressing the helmet that had been removed from the Blood God's head.

This is one of the three factors that scares Koroniai.

The other two factors are the "Orb of True Knowledge" clutched in Russell's left hand, and a shackled red giant sitting silently on the side of the ship. scared.

But when he thought that these terrible things were now under his master's control, Koroniai's weak legs gradually became less weak. It always felt good to have someone supporting him.

Russell didn't mind Koroniai, who was clinging to his side like a frightened little animal, and said loudly from a distance to the members of the Order of Truth who then boarded the Eumenides: "There are no names under my name yet." The preachers of important research projects will gather immediately, and there is a task for you. In addition, I will inform Gray Wind to go to Nirvana with me. There are some things that need to be discussed with the prophetess now."

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