Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 149 Divine Blood Stains the Starry Sky

Yask, the drowned man, could not imagine what kind of ship would be equipped with such a crazy main gun configuration. Fortunately, it did not need to understand it.

A few seconds after seeing the huge cannon barrel, the drowned man lost consciousness, and his body fell into the vast void along with scattered star fragments, without a trace.

"It's indeed inside." After the light spear was extinguished, Gray Wind saw the ruins of the pyramid buried deep in the core of the star.

Now it is a real ruin. After the triple baptism of vortex bombs, subspace turbulence and star-shattering spears, the originally magnificent Necron pyramid group now has only the core tombstone door still intact.

"It seems that my actions were quite timely. The crack inside the star core is still in a state of chaos. Tzeentch has not yet successfully reopened the Tombstone Gate." Gray Wind was quite satisfied with his decisiveness.

You weren't decisive, you were just out of anger... Koroniai muttered secretly in her heart. It didn't express its feelings unintentionally, it just smiled and praised Gray Wind.

After all, successfully preventing the restart of the Tombstone Gate means avoiding a large-scale war with Chaos, and Koroniai can also save a lot of biomass - fighting with Chaos is purely one-sided consumption, and the insect swarm No biomass can be recovered from the demon, and it would rather deal with the orcs if it could.

Having vented his anger, Gray Wind happily recharged his light spear, preparing to smash the last tombstone door together. Koroniai also regrouped the insect swarms that dispersed to avoid the star explosion.

While they were each making their own preparations, no one noticed that the mysterious eye in the center of the flare slowly turned around.

The Lord of Changes no longer stared far away in the direction of Faya, but instead stared at the broken crystalline planet at the edge of the nearby galaxy. There was some doubt in the eyes of the Eye of Mystery. It seemed that even Tzeentch, who claimed to be all-knowing, had not expected that the Gray Gu mothership, which seemed to be a few times larger than the Queen of Glory, could actually possess the destructive power to destroy a planet. force.

But soon, the doubts in the eyes of mystery disappeared. Now is not the time to satisfy the desire for knowledge.

Although Yask, the Drowned Man, has disappeared, the deal with the Lord of Skulls has been reached and the price has been paid. Even the Orb of True Knowledge has fallen into the hands of the Star-Buster. The Lord of Changes' plan cannot be abandoned midway.

Then, the mysterious eye blinked.

So Gray Wind, who was charging the light spear, and Koroniai, who was integrating the insect swarm, both saw a scene that could be called a miracle... No, this was a "miracle".

The corner of the Eye of Mystery suddenly cracked, and the broken planet on the edge of the flare was also included in Tzeentch's eyes. The boundary between reality and illusion became blurred at this time, and the fragments of the star shattered by the gray wind were in a greater world. The traceback started under the influence of existence.

No, saying "backdated" might not be accurate enough.

If the time retrieval of The Principle of the Circle is to reverse a piece of film from the end to the beginning, then what is happening at this moment is:

The God of Chaos unfolded the film that recorded the shattering process of the planet one by one, spread out every frame recorded in the film like playing cards, and then pulled out the one he wanted.

The Lord of Changes selected the frame that recorded the complete planet and used the power of the gods to forcibly fix it into reality.

Faced with the direct consequences of the gods who forcibly interfered with reality, both the Gray Gu Mothership and the Lifeshaper Queen could only feel deeply powerless. At this moment, they truly understood what "gods" were.

The so-called gods are existences that cannot be resisted even with all the mortal power. That is completely another level, a level that cannot be touched, understood or even approached - that is how it should be.

This seemingly smooth process encountered obstacles at the beginning. When the Lord of Changes had just rolled out the "film", another will like a god came.

That is the end of all things, that is the abyss of despair, that is the ultimate unspeakable terror. Once any intelligent creature feels its arrival, it means that it has glimpsed the true meaning of the most essential destruction of all matter and spirit.

Koroniai was all too familiar with this kind of fear that can drive people to the point of insanity, madness, and collapse of the will.


Tears kept rolling down its eyes, and it hugged its shoulders with both hands and kept stroking and pinching the blood marks. Koroniai trembled and knelt on the ground with an intoxicated expression, and the sticky body fluids slid down his legs. The long tail trembled twitchingly, and the connection with the spine kept spasming.

The mysterious eye visible to the naked eye suddenly wrinkled up, as if the owner of this eye also realized that something was wrong and tried to withdraw his intervention into the real universe, but it was already too late.

A frame of "film" recording the last complete scene of the crystalline planet before it was detonated was spread out into the real universe, covering the corpse of the planet that was shattered by the Gray Gu mothership. Immediately afterwards, the cracked corner of the Eye of Mystery quickly retracted.

The subspace turbulence rushing in the flare quickly dissipated at a speed that ordinary people could not react. The huge pupils overlapped with the crystal clear star corpse in the center of the galaxy also quickly broke away from the real universe and tried to escape back to the vast subspace. .

But... it's too late.

"If you want to leave, just leave something behind."

Around the pupil of the gradually fading Mysterious Eye, a dazzling ring suddenly appeared. It was a projection projected from the subspace and spread out in both virtual and real dimensions.

In a sense, the properties of this ring will be closer to the accretion disk of a black hole object.

The hollow itself does not have any spiritual properties, but as the volume of the hollow increases, the contact area with the subspace increases, and a large amount of spiritual properties that are about to fall but have not yet fallen into the void are formed around the hollow. This ring is more dazzling than a supernova.

The psychic energy that Russell usually uses comes from this accretion disk of psychic nature.

At the moment before the Eye of Mystery was about to dissipate, Russell unreservedly poured out all the spiritual power he could use. The dazzling white ring firmly enveloped the god's eyeball, and then - turned slightly.

"Star flicker——!!!"

The pain that hit the soul was accompanied by the vicious screams of the Lord of Changes. The blood of the Chaos God sputtered out around the light white ring, dyeing the entire flare a strange blue-purple color.

Immediately afterwards, a hole appeared in the sky above the flare, and Tzeentch's cut-off eyeball spun and fell into the rootless and bottomless abyss of despair, ending up in a pure blue sky.

"It's a pity that he couldn't keep his true form. He only cut out one eye, which gave the bird man an advantage."

Russell sighed, gently rubbed the Orb of True Knowledge in his hand, and said half-jokingly: "Magnus, how do you feel now? Like you, Tzeentch now has one eye."

His joking question went unanswered, because the Thousand Sons wizards such as Magnus and Ahriman standing behind him had already fallen into an indescribable deep shock.

The image of the Raven God Tzeentch is ever-changing and has no fixed form. Some forms even have more than 10,000 eyeballs. However, as the Demon Prince of Tzeentch, Magnus knows that the star bomber has caused the Lord of Changes. The damage is by no means a simple "cutting out an eye", but a deeper, essential concept——

Losing half of his sight...

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