After the swarm's offensive retreated, the Divinity fleet, composed of a mixture of the Thousand Sons Legion and other Tzeentch warbands, remained deathly silent.

The Eumenides, surrounded by them, was still in a paralyzed state. The ancient machine soul was still struggling painfully, trying its best to reject the persistent corruption of the devil in her body. This is largely due to Tzeentch. For some unknown reason, the Lord of Change did not personally corrupt the battleship soul of the Eumenides, which gave her room to struggle.

Under the unnaturally aging rusty hull, the maze-like cabins and corridors extending in all directions are still constantly changing, with each corridor and each branch leading to a different place at every moment.

The Thousand Sons warriors who entered the cabin clutched their magic weapons and thermal weapons and walked in the dark corridor, each of them following their original body attentively.

Only the Demon Prince of the Lord of Changes can discern the direction in the endlessly changing maze. If left behind in this place, even the Thousand Sons wizards who are proficient in subspace witchcraft will be lost, not to mention that most of them still have no self. The Scarlet Letter Warrior.

Compared to the Thousand Sons led by the Gene Father, the Astartes of the Death Stalkers Chapter have much more points to bear.

Except for a few Space Marines who were summoned by 3rd Company Commander Gonzalez due to the close distance, they went to find Warehouse No. 8, hoping to regain control of the battleship by unsealing the forbidden item in the warehouse that the Emperor personally gave to the Dark Angels. Most of the other Deathstalker warriors were lost in the maze due to Tzeentch's interference.

These unforgivable people who have lost their way are in small groups, walking in the ever-changing maze under the guidance of the weak battleship machine soul, trying their best to hunt down the fallen mortals and the demons who broke into the cabin, for the sake of the deep. Provide whatever help you can to the corrupted Eumenides.

The descendants of the Dark Angel are undoubtedly powerful. Even without the command of their superiors, the scattered small combat groups still show extremely high individual soldier quality and tactical coordination. Ordinary demons and chaotic evil creatures are not one of them. The enemy of unity.

The weak Chaos Evil appears so weak in front of the well-equipped Astartes.

And in front of the Ascension Primarch, the Astartes were also so weak.

"Red Magnus" didn't even take action in the general sense. His tall body stood like a blazing fire in front of the corner. The scene in front of him changed. A cautious team of death stalkers cautiously just started. As soon as the tactical formation walked out of the corridor, death had already arrived.

The moment he saw the Red Devil, Magnus' powerful psychic energy mashed the flesh and blood in their armor into a paste mixed with bone fragments. All this happened in just one thought of the Red Devil. The three of them His life was taken away without even being able to utter a scream.

The gap between the Astartes and the original body is even greater than the gap between the single-celled Chlamydomonas and the Astartes.

Expresslessly stepping over the hollow armor that had lost its wearer, Magnus continued to walk forward without saying a word. No one among the Thousand Sons wizards behind him expressed any opinions about this. Although they were not concerned about the Dark Angels, He hates the Space Wolves so much, but he has absolutely no good feelings at all.

After briefly cleaning up the relics of the three dead warriors, the Thousand Sons hurriedly followed the original body forward.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up. The most precious thing in a Space Marine is their gene seed, and Magnus' brutal killing method directly crushed the entire human body completely, so there is no reason for the gene seed to survive.

Slaughtering the scattered Death Stalker warriors along the way, under the leadership of the Ascension Primarch, the Thousand Sons Legion quickly found the hidden warehouse No. 8.

Although it is called No. 8, this warehouse is actually the 9th. It is hidden by a special invisibility field in the wall mezzanine between the real Warehouse 8 and Warehouse 9. Only the Death Stalker Chapter Master holds it. Only a precious key can wake up and open the door.

When Magnus led the Thousand Sons to "Warehouse No. 8", a group of Astartes led by Gonzalez were guarding the door of the warehouse, and the 3rd Company Commander himself happened to have just taken out his armor. The key awakens the warehouse door, ready to open.

"I see. No wonder Magnus led us to kill the scattered Dark Angels in the maze. It turned out that he was waiting for them who had the key to find the location of the warehouse..." Ahriman suddenly realized.

In Ahriman's impression, although Magnus was stupid and unreasonable, and he himself had fallen hopelessly into chaos, even he would not do such a meaningless act of venting at this juncture. yes. Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

Without any communication, the moment Magnus and the Thousand Sons were discovered, the armed conflict between the Death Stalkers and the Chaos loyalists began.

However, at the beginning of the conflict, the death stalkers seriously underestimated their opponents.

Because a considerable number of them did not know Magnus, and out of some evil taste, the Emperor's fifteenth son did not show his unparalleled courage as a Primarch, which made most of the Space Marines confused. Mistaking him for the Chaos Demon summoned by the Thousand Sons Wizard.

As Astartes, they naturally would not be like the ignorant people of the Empire who thought that the Emperor only had 9 loyal sons, but that was the limit; most of the Death Stalkers except for the senior veterans. He had no idea about the appearance of the fallen primarch, not to mention that after ascending to demon, Magnus was already a completely different demon than he was before.

Of all the loyal warriors present, only 3rd Captain Gonzalez had ever read the portrait of the fallen Primarch provided by the Inquisition, and therefore, he was the most desperate of all.

Gonzalez watched in despair as the battle brothers outside the porch bravely rushed towards the Red Devil. He wanted to shout, but before he could spit out the "Run!" Died on the spot.

"It will be your lifetime honor to be killed by me." Magnus said, walking past the hollow armor dripping with blood, flesh and pus towards the warehouse door.

There were still loyal Space Marines charging at him without fear of death. At this time, without the Sorcerer King personally taking action, the Thousand Sons Sorcerers and Scarlet Warriors guarding him easily killed all the attackers who dared to offend the Primarch's dignity. ——Within the sight of the Eye of Mystery, their psychic powers have been greatly enhanced.

Each soldier died generously to buy time for the 3rd Company Commander to open the warehouse and use the forbidden weapons left by the Emperor to the Dark Angels. But only Gonzalez himself knows now that he can no longer move a finger at this time. The spiritual energy of the original body has imprisoned his body, and no matter how strong his will is, he cannot break free.

The soldiers following the 3rd company commander fell one after another like rice harvested by a scythe, turning into lifeless hollow armor.

Facing the Primarch who was promoted to the Daemon Prince, they had no chance of winning from the beginning.

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