On the ground below the crack in the central pyramid, nearly a thousand people had gathered.

The various Astartes teams that had previously sneaked into the pyramid among the armored forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus completed the assembly with extremely high efficiency. A total of 514 Deathstalker warriors wearing bronze power armor were divided into 5 tactical styles and divisions of labor. A company of hundreds of people, all different from each other, worked together to kill the underworld structures that had slipped out of the torrent of steel from the Mechanical Society forcefully and efficiently.

It also bought enough time for Alphonse and others to take Mirak out of the pyramid for treatment.

Miraak fainted immediately when he saw Alphonse. After being taken outside the pyramid, the preachers removed Miraak's battered power armor and injected him with an excessive dose of catalyst that can activate the body's regeneration ability. He was able to stabilize his vital signs, release a large number of nano-robots into his wounds and blood vessels, and repair the seriously injured body that was about to fall apart at the atomic level.

Seeing Miraak's two hearts beating powerfully, his vital signs gradually stabilized, and his wounds were quickly being closed... The company commander "Samuel Canion" who led this death stalker was somewhat agitated. Unable to calm down.

The army pharmacist silently came behind Captain Cannon and whispered: "Suffering such a heavy injury, even Ogryn would have no chance of surviving, but the followers of the Star Bomber obviously have a much higher level of medical treatment than we do." technology……"

This was unplanned.

Captain Canion took off his helmet without saying a word, revealing a face pierced by two scars: "If we had known this earlier, we should have taken action immediately when we found the psychic cybernetic man. "

As for Miraak, who was suspected of collaborating with the fallen angels, the Unforgiven should have captured him alive and brought him back to the boulder for interrogation - if the situation limited the possibility of capturing him alive, then they would have tried their best to kill him.

However, due to the reputation of the Star Bomber and the pharmacist's judgment of Miraak's injuries, the Death Stalkers, who believed that Miraak would definitely die, postponed the arrest. Otherwise, they would have already started taking action when they found Miraak in the pyramid, and Alphonse who was present would also be silenced.

But now, things have changed.

Milak came to life, which was both a good thing and a bad thing.

Fortunately, Captain Kanion felt that he might be able to find a way to bring Milak back to the boulder for interrogation, asking him where the Fallen Angel was and the secret of why he came here with the remaining veterans of the Fire of Penance.

The bad thing was that he actually had no confidence that he could take Mirak away from the Order of Truth.

With a heavy heart, Captain Cannon led 21 elite guards outside the temporary shelter built by the missionaries, and bluntly stated his intention:

The Fire of Repentance is a sub-group of the Dark Angels. As a brother war group, they have the obligation and the right to take away Miraak. Whether it is interrogation or trial, it is a family matter among the heirs of Lion.

Alphonse was a little embarrassed about this.

Star Bomber is a very subtle existence in the empire. He has given a lot of help to the Far Eastern frontier, but he has always stayed away from various political affairs and has never truly integrated into the human empire.

The Empire has always maintained appropriate vigilance against the Star Destroyers and those who follow them.

The death stalkers, the Astartes war group belonging to the empire, were more justified in taking away Mirak than the "external force" of the Order of Truth.

Intellectually, Alphonse knew that it would be more appropriate to hand over Miraak to Captain Canion, but emotionally, he could vaguely predict through his psychic powers that if he agreed at this moment, Miraak would probably die.

"I don't advocate bringing personal feelings into formal work." Behind him, the scientific research director said in a hoarse voice: "But you are lucky, Alphonse. This time, your personal tendencies happen to be consistent with our goals. of."

Alphonse immediately understood the hint.

"Yes, there is some connection between Milak's sudden disappearance and the emergence of this tomb world. He probably knows something about this awakened Necron dynasty..."

They needed the information Miraak had.

"Still, I don't want you to bring your personal feelings into work. There will be no next time."

The scientific research director came to Captain Kanion, shook his head and said: "I'm very sorry, but we can't hand him over to you just yet. Captain Miraak's injury is too serious and he needs further treatment. Please give We'll wait for some time until his injury is completely stabilized, and you can take him away at any time."

By that time, they had dug out the needed information from Milak's brain.

But why doesn’t Captain Cannon know the fishy nature of it? On the contrary, this is what they are afraid of.

"I think I didn't express what we meant clearly, Your Excellency, we need to take Chapter Commander Milak away—immediately." Captain Kanion emphasized.

"Even that would endanger his life?" the scientific research director frowned.

"Even if it's life-threatening, Your Excellency." Captain Cannon emphasized again: "We can't delay it any longer."

"In that case, please forgive me for not being able to give a definite answer." The scientific research director shook his head: "This goes against our long-standing code of conduct and is not in the interests of our leaders. So, I'm sorry, please come back -"

Before the scientific research director finished speaking, a power sword wrapped in a decomposition field penetrated his chest.

The 21 elite guards waiting outside broke into the temporary shelter fully armed, and the guns in their hands pulled the trigger on everyone inside.

The conflict only occurred in an instant. Apart from Mirak, who was lying in the life-saving cabin, there were only mortal doctors and a few preachers, including Alphonse, in this makeshift shelter.

After being transformed by integrated prosthetics, they have quantum neural connections and superhuman bodies that give them reaction speeds that truly reach physiological limits. Even if they are attacked by the firepower of an elite team of Death Stalkers in such a small space, they can still survive.

But as a mortal scientific research director and a medical nurse next to the life-support module, death is the only fate when faced with the massacre of the Astartes.

In just a moment, the flying blood and scattered internal organs dyed the entire shelter red. The strong smell of blood mixed with the smell of stomach acid and burnt flesh became an indescribable and weird smell that was nauseating.

Alphonse leaned against the life-saving cabin and pressed his hands on the wound on his left shoulder, breathing heavily.

——The space in the temporary shelter was too small. Even with the physiological limit of reaction speed and agility, he could only barely protect his core organs from being destroyed under such a density of firepower.

As for the less important limbs and shoulder blades, there is no time to take care of them and they can only be allowed to be injured.

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