Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 938: Sudden drowsiness in Changxia

the next day.

Patriarch Gen used Yinbei to contact Su Ye and asked about Death Canyon.

Su Ye learned about the painting, and after careful consideration, asked Patriarch Gen to settle the deer tribe to the Heluo tribe, and then pushed back the matter of exploring the ruins of the Snow Mountain Palace.

Death Canyon is too dangerous.

Even Su Ye would not dare to risk the life of an orc.


The words left on the painting of the deer tribe, like a prophecy, cut off Su Ye's mind to explore. The death canyon is full of flowers, and the black lake is clear and clear. This unreliable prediction cannot be confirmed true or false.


Su Ye chose to trust.

The Twilight Forest Orcs have no shortage of inheritance skills.

There is no need to risk the life of the orcs. Besides, if he wants to explore someday, Su Ye intends to contact the bird and fish clan together.

Eat alone, no good results.

Su Ye always knows how to choose.

Gen Patriarch twisted the necks of Tian Qili and Meng Leng, which was equivalent to forming a deadly feud with Tian Qi's family and Meng's family. The Orcs are not afraid of the Tianyuan Tribe, but if they can win over the Birds and Fishes to form an alliance, who would be willing to fight alone? !

The deer tribe is moving.

The whole family moved to the Baihe Basin.

Patriarch Gen conveyed what Su Ye meant, and Lu Qi and the Lu tribe orcs smiled happily, and nodded directly without asking more.

The other elders opened their mouths to speak.

Obviously, they want to win the deer tribe to their own tribe.

However, Su Ye spoke clearly and let the Lu tribe settle in the Baihe River Basin.

This made other elders look at the eyes of the two elders of Sendapcon, full of killing intent.

Who are the two elders of Sendapcon—

Killing intent, not at all.

If it weren't for the need to send the deer tribe back to Yinchuan Forest to sort things out.

They can't wait to find other elders to exchange ideas.

Two days later.

The other elders left one after another.

The Lu tribe was ready to go, and the patriarch Lu Qi looked back at the place where the tribe lived, and turned away without hesitation.

In the future, the deer tribe will live with the Heluo tribe.

The deer tribe exists in name only.

A trace of regret flashed in the heart of the patriarch Luqi.

However, when I saw the happy smiles of the clansmen.

He felt that the existence of the deer tribe might not matter anymore.

The important thing is that everyone is alive and well.

"Departure, the destination is the Heluo tribe." Gen shouted, without taming the livestock, he could only use manpower to pull the cart.

After the deer tribe has been lycanthropized, it is quite appropriate to pull a sled.

The root patriarchs are responsible for opening and breaking the trail and ensuring the safety of the team.

Yuan Yi Hou San'er was mixed in the team, with neither sad nor happy expressions on their faces. In a short period of time, they don't even want to leave the Heluo tribe, let alone walk out of the Twilight Forest.

Unless the Snow Mountain Palace ruins are developed by the orcs.

Before that, Yuanyi Housan'er was locked with the Heluo tribe, and no one wanted to unlock it.

If it's really unlocked, Yuan Yi Hou San'er can only be gone.

Days go by slowly.

Hearing that Shen Rong and the others started their journey back to the tribe.

The worries that Chang Xia had raised so tightly were completely relaxed.

The main concern is that Su Ye proposed to explore the Canyon of Death, which is too evil, and even the most experienced elders can't guarantee that they can survive from the Canyon of Death with all their tails.

Su Ye made it clear that he would temporarily cancel the exploration of Death Canyon.

All the orcs of the Heluo tribe were relieved.

"Amu, Chang Xia is sleeping on the kang again?"

Today is a sunny day.

The most rare good weather in the cold season.

Nanfeng thought about calling Changxia to go to Woye to let the wind out.

After solving the troubles caused by Tian Qili, the Heluo tribe gradually relaxed its vigilance. The tribe is no longer restricting the daily activities of the tribe, and the Woye Cuju Field is very lively again.

Likewise, the wrestling venue was noisy.

"Yes." Xylophone put down the bone needle and nodded.

Nan Feng frowned and asked, "Amu, has Chang Xia been a little sleepy lately?"

Snooze, more than Miles and Noah.

This said.

Xylophone also frowned tightly.

Chang Xia has been sleeping too many times recently.

"You go to the elder Ximu's house to invite Wu back and let her take a look." Muqin said.

Yesterday, the tribe took two pregnant females, and they vomited frequently. Elder Ximu couldn't handle it, and asked the tribe to call Su Ye over early in the morning.

this time.

Things should be pretty busy over there.

Xylophone just wanted Nanfeng to come over to remind him.

"Okay, I'll call someone right now." Nanfeng said neatly.

Sending Nanfeng off, Xylophone confirms that Miles and Noah are asleep. Put down the Kirab and bone needles in his hands, turned around and walked towards the cave where Chang Xia lived.

Gently opening the door, he saw Chang Xia's sleeping face.

His cheeks were slightly flushed, and he looked very well-behaved.

Going forward, Xylophone nudged Chang Xia twice, and said warmly, "Chang Xia wake up, wake up."

"Xyon Mu, I'm sleepy." Chang Xia mumbled without opening his eyes.

As soon as he turned over, he fell asleep again.



Really worried.

This kid can fall asleep while talking.

Look, it's a bit like when I was a kid.

At that time, Changxia was frail and could only promote growth through sleep.


Chang Xia's body returned to health and suddenly lethargic.

How can this not make people anxious?

Xylophone stretched out her hand, ignoring Chang Xia, who was sleeping soundly, and went straight to check Chang Xia's body to make sure she was not injured or bitten by poisonous snakes and insects.

"Don't be noisy! I'm sleepy and want to sleep." Chang Xia said, rolled up the quilt, and turned the whole person into the innermost of the kang bed.

Not long.

Made a slight snoring sound.

At this moment, the xylophone is really useless.

Just had breakfast not long ago.

In other words, Changxia was more than two hours away from getting up. Last night, she remembered that Chang Xia slept very early. At that time, Xylophone and Su Ye were still feeding Miles and Noah the fruit powder.

There are no wounds on the body.

Not injured.

suddenly became drowsy.

Xylophone thought about it carefully, it seemed that Chang Xia had been lethargic for two or three days.

It's just that she lives here recently.

Did not find it wrong.

Su Ye didn't notice either.

Today, if it weren't for the South Wind's talkativeness.

Xylophone may still be in the dark, thinking that Chang Xia is just sleepy and needs to sleep more.

Forget, Chang Xia slept too long.

In a hurry.

Xylophone could not help pacing back and forth.

However, he was worried about waking up Chang Xia.

So, he could only walk out of the cave and stand on the corridor looking towards the courtyard gate, hoping that Su Ye would come back soon.

Shen Rong goes out, if something happens to Chang Xia in the tribe.

They were embarrassed to explain to Shen Rong.

"Xylophone, what did Nanfeng say about Chang Xia's sleepiness?" Before Su Ye entered the room, the voice came in.

Xylophone in three steps and two steps, walking down the steps quickly.

"Wu, something has really been wrong in Chang Xia recently." Xylophone explained, elaborating on what he recalled just now, and then added: "Fortunately, Nanfeng reminded me in time, and I didn't notice anything wrong."

"Don't talk about you, I didn't notice it." Su Ye said seriously.

In the bottom of my heart, I can't help but complain that Chang Xia is unreliable.

There is a problem with the body, and I don't know how to tell them.

Fortunately, she has been living in the Heluo tribe recently, otherwise she would have been more worried.

"Xylophone, where is Changxia?"

"I fell asleep on the kang bed. I just went in and called a few times, but she said she was sleepy. Please don't disturb her. She wants to sleep."

"This unlucky boy!"

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