After a while.

The two returned to the White Lake Cave.

Nuanchun went to the kang bed and showed a comfortable smile.

Seeing this, Chang Xia shook his head with a chuckle, and said, "You still have quite a lot left. Would you like to sew a military cap for Shan Kun? You shouldn't be able to make shoes. You can try sewing a pair of leather gloves."

"Okay!" Nuan Chun replied.

He got up and poured himself a bowl of milk tea.

After drinking, I was ready to sew a military cap. This time, it was for Shan Kun, and Chang Xia was choosing fabrics, and planned to sew one for Su Ye, Chen Rong and Bai Qing each. Leather gloves and shoes must also be prepared, but Nuan Chun only has two hands, and Chang Xia has no plans to ask her to help. When Su Ye and Chen Rong return to the cave, let them help.

When Chang Xia was a child, many clothes were sewn by Su Ye.

Although Shen Rong is a male, his sewing skills are not as good as that of ordinary females.

"Chang Xia brought the fabric, Wu, Shen Rong and Bai Qing have to sew military caps, right? For shoes, you need to measure the size, so don't worry. And the leather gloves you just mentioned, let's talk about how to sew them. system?"

The warm spring bites the thread.

A large army hat, quickly sewn.

She tried wearing it on her head and felt very warm.

Chang Xia waved his hand and said, "You sew leather gloves for Shan Kun, and Chen Rong's military caps will be sewed by himself at night."

Her own craftsmanship is still not shameful.

"Okay!" Nuan Chun didn't ask anymore after thinking about it, and discussed the leather gloves with Chang Xia. While chatting, choose the right animal hide.

Unlike military cap shoes.

Leather gloves, the innermost layer is Kirab, the middle is fur, and the outer layer is leather.

In this way, it is both warm and convenient to do things.

At the same time, it can also ensure clean and tidy.

"Warm spring, you sew tighter, don't let Mao Mao run out." Chang Xia said.

She and Nuan Chun tried to sew leather gloves that covered their fingers. It was very troublesome to sew ten fingers. A little careless, the fur on the hide ran out.

Fortunately, the warm spring has solid craftsmanship.

The sewing is slow, but the sewing is tight.

This way, if you wear it hard, you don't have to worry about breaking the line, and it will split directly.

"Chang Xia try it—" Nuan Chun handed the sewn gloves to Chang Xia, and let Chang Xia wear them to test the feel. If you can, hand sew the remaining one.

Chang Xia took the gloves and put them on her hands, a little loose.

This glove was sewn for Shan Kun.

Shan Kun's hands are bigger than Chang Xia's, and it's normal for Chang Xia to wear loose clothes.

Putting the leather glove on his left hand, Chang Xia tentatively clenched his fist and tried to lift something.

"Warm spring, you can then sew another glove."

Chang Xia stroked the leather gloves, which were a bit heavy and thick, and wore a lot of weight.

This kind of animal skin gloves is very suitable for wearing in the forest.

Wearing it, I don't have to worry about frostbite at all.

Looking at it, Chang Xia felt that animal leather shoes could be put on the agenda. The animal leather shoes sewn by the tribe are single-layered, generally warm and easy to get wet.

Taking advantage of the free time in the cold season, Chang Xia felt that he should improve the "clothing" thing. There are rattan shoes in the warm season, and animal leather shoes in the cold season should also be prepared.

In the cold season for several months, I can't stay in the cave all the time.

Not to mention the cubs can't stand it, let alone the adult orcs.

"Wait a minute."

Chang Xia suddenly remembered the duck down collected in the warm season.

Animal leather gloves, if stuffed with some duck down, should be lighter.

This glove, sewn in warm spring, retains its fur. If the duck down is stuffed, the outer hide is the hide without fur. This should make sewing a little easier. However, the stitches may need to be finer to prevent running down.

"Chang Xia, what's the matter?" Nuan Chun put down the bone needle and asked.

Chang Xia: "Duck down."

duck down—

Nuan Chun was confused, not understanding what Chang Xia suddenly mentioned about duck down.

Do you sew duck down gloves?

Duck down is fluffy, how to sew it?

Nuan Chun's head was full of question marks, but he still listened to Chang Xia's wishes, stopped and didn't do anything.

Chang Xia quickly brought a bag of duck down from the cave next to Baiqing.

These duck feathers have been selected. The thick duck feathers have been thrown away, and all that is left are fine feathers.

During the warm season, Changxia used a steamer to steam it to kill the poison, and then dried it in the sun.

With this bag of duck down, she worked hard for three whole days.

"Warm spring, try using Kirab and animal skins to sew these duck down." Chang Xia picked out a soft animal skin and took another Kirab. Hand the thing to Nuanchun and let her try sewing.

Kirab is very tight, even tighter than blue cloth.

Chang Xia felt that using Kirab to sew duck down should be no problem.

However, whether it is feasible or not, it still needs to be sewn in the warm spring to determine.

Warm Spring took over the hide and Kirab and began to sew. The duck down is the last stuffing, so it's not a hassle to start sewing. Even easier than sewing the leather glove just now.

The animal hide is thick, with fine fur.

When using bone needles to sew, it takes a lot of strength.

This is also one of the reasons why long summer seams are not good.

Sewing and sewing, there may be no strength.

"Chang Xia, are you stuffing duck down now?" Nuan Chun asked.

Chang Xia took the leather gloves and started stuffing them with duck down. If it can be successful, the down jacket that Chang Xia wants can be put on soon. If it fails, for a long time in the future, Chang Xia will not even think about wearing a down jacket.

The Sirius tribe had just learned to spin and weave, and wanted to improve their skills.

This takes a long time.

Soon, Chang Xia stuffed the leather gloves with duck down.

Then he handed the leather gloves to Nuanchun, who took the bone needle and started sewing again. This time, Nuanchun's movements are much slower, and she needs to be careful in sewing to prevent duck down from running out.

"Chang Xia, have I finished sewing?"

After a while.

Nuan Chun handed the sewn leather gloves to Chang Xia for her to check.

"It seems to be pretty good." Chang Xia put it on his hand, moved his fingers, took it off, and squeezed it with his hand to see if the duck down would come out.


"You try. UU reading"

Nuan Chun took a set of leather gloves to the left.

She was stronger than Chang Xia, and when she clenched her fist, she could see that the leather gloves were slightly tight, and the seams showed signs of swelling, but the duck down was not squeezed out.

See you.

Nuan Chun and Chang Xia looked at each other.

There was obvious excitement in his eyes.

"Changxia, it seems to be possible." Nuanchun said excitedly. She felt that duck down leather gloves were lighter and more flexible than pure animal leather gloves, and the warmth was not much different.

After all, she and Chang Xia were sitting on the kang bed at this time.

"You sew another one to make a pair of gloves." Chang Xia handed out the animal skin and Kirab again, and it seemed that the down jacket could be arranged. Unfortunately, the amount of duck down collected in the warm season this year is limited. This bag of duck down can be made into two sets of down jackets at most.

In the coming year, we must let the clansmen increase their collection efforts.

At the same time, the duck shed can be appropriately expanded.

"Just wait, it'll be ready soon." Nuanchun moved his fingers and started work again. Chang Xia has been talking about down clothes, and now she sews duck down leather gloves. The next step is to sew duck down clothes.

Thinking about it, Nuanchun moved three points faster again.


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