The dance is over.

Su Ye didn't say anything else.

Let the root patriarch remove the offerings and announce the official start of the harvest celebration.

The words fell, and the orcs gave a deafening cheer. They all started to help carry tables, chairs, tableware, pots of barbecue, and baskets of noodles.

Hearty food, put on the table.

The orcs, familiar or unfamiliar, invited each other to take a seat.

Su Ye and the chiefs of the tribes sat at the long table closest to the altar, and scattered around were the orcs from the tribes who came to participate in the red carp feast.

Old man, female, animal cub.

Excited one by one, they looked at the food on the table.

It's just that the red carp herbal soup has not been served yet.

Su Ye didn't open the banquet, waiting for the red carp medicinal soup from Elder Ximu.

Soon, Nan Feng and other females were holding the dining table, and there were ceramic bowls on the small dining table. The pottery bowl contains red carp medicinal soup, and a spoon.

Nanfeng and the others brought the red carp medicinal soup to the table and shared the food with the orcs with spoons.

A bowl of red carp medicinal soup was placed in front of Su Ye. The red carp medicinal soup was pale gold, clear and clear. If it weren't for the smell of medicinal herbs lingering in his nostrils, it would be difficult to distinguish the bowl in front of him. The soup that is not like soup is actually a red carp herbal soup.

"Nanfeng, have you left it for Chang Xia?" Su Ye asked.

this table.

The root patriarch and the others are not qualified to share the red carp medicinal soup.

Only Su Ye got a bowl.

Gen Patriarch, they are young and strong, and they are not old enough to drink red carp herbal soup.

"There is a stay." Nanfeng said.

Just listen.

Su Ye nodded in satisfaction.

At the dinner table, the other orc patriarchs did not feel jealous.

The fact that Chang Xia is weak is well known to the Orcs of the Twilight Forest.

"This red carp was caught by the fat brother, the fat brother is a pug, and has an excellent relationship with the nest tribe Talia. Currently, both Talia and the fat brother live in the Heluo tribe. If you want to thank the fat brother, Don't leave Thalia."

Su Ye sipped the red carp herbal soup.

At the same time, it was announced that the harvest celebration had officially begun.

While repeating the origin of the red carp, he reminded the orcs to be grateful.

"I brought Pijilab for Thalia and Fat Brother, and some specialties from the Forest of the Clear Moon, and I'll send them to Thalia later."

"...My clan brought along a lot of chili peppers and chili products."

In an instant, the clan chiefs of all tribes spoke up one after another.

The patriarchs of several small clans also expressed that they brought gifts to Thalia and Fat Brother.

Su Ye will speak, nothing else.

The main reminder is that the orcs cannibalistically short-mouthed, and will take care of Thalia and Fat Guy in the future. In the future, Talia Fat Brother will live in the Heluo tribe.

After that.

The two Nest Clan in the egg will also be born.

However, for Orcs.

Thalia they are aliens.

Su Ye uses red carp to help Thalia and Fat Brother in exchange for a peaceful life in the future.

After all, they eat red carp, and they eat when they eat.

For the Orcs, the situation is completely different.

The orc tribes benefited, and they would naturally be grateful.

"Chang Xia, your red carp medicinal soup. Da Ya, you can only drink half a bowl."

a while.

Nan Feng came over with two bowls of red carp herbal soup.

Put one more bowl in front of Chang Xia, and hand the other bowl to Da Ya.

Chang Xia paused and said softly, "I drink too?"

"Yeah!" Nan Feng nodded and sat down beside him.

This table is full of acquaintances.

"I'm in great shape, don't drink it!" Chang Xia hesitated, the smell of medicine in her nose gave her a headache.

Nan Feng: "Wu specially told you to drink it."

Hearing this, Chang Xia picked up the red carp herbal soup and raised his head and sighed.

After drinking it, I felt a sense of warmth, which emerged from under my chest, and my limbs quickly emerged. It was warm and very comfortable.


Chang Xia groaned softly.

The porcelain-white face was quickly stained with a blush.

Da Ya took a sip, quickly picked up the bowl, and dried it directly.

"Delicious!" Da Ya said.

After drinking, he hugged his stomach with a full face.

Beside, Bai Qing and other orcs looked at the expressions of the two and looked at each other.

Then they all swallowed.

Unfortunately, the fat brother caught a red carp.


Next time, go to the sea of ​​fog. Go to the dark river to look for it, maybe you will catch it. However, you can only think about it.

The fat brother caught the red carp in the dark river.

With what they know about Patriarch Gen, it is impossible for him to do nothing.

In the end, only one red carp was brought back. It can be seen that the red carp in the dark river is not so easy to catch. The fat brother can catch the red carp, it can only be said that it is unlucky.

"The celebration is over, is there any activity?" Chang Xia asked.

Bai Qing: "Woye Cuju Field, everyone wants to play Cuju."

It seems that the activities of the orcs are still a little less. Little Cuju, they will be fascinated by them.

Like basketball, volleyball, badminton, etc., do you want to make them all?

After all, it's almost cold season.

During the cold season, the Dusk Forest will be covered in snow.

At that time, the orcs had no activities and could only stay in the tribal cat winter.

The cat winters for a few months, which is not a short time.

It snows early in the Twilight Forest. The cooling is fast. Once it snows, all the snow must melt, so we can only wait for the spring season in the beginning of next year.

The meal of the harvest celebration, the beasts who ate it were satisfied.

After the meal, the male orc crossed his shoulders and ran toward the Woye Cuju Field.

That impatient look, UU reading www. made Chang Xia speechless for a while.

Helping to clean up the tribal square, Chang Xia and his group of orcs slowly returned to the Baihu cave. Those who like to join in the fun all rush to the Woye Cuju Field to watch the male orcs play Cuju. Chang Xia is too hot to go.

"Mother Su Ye, did the mallard tribe return any news?" Chang Xia said softly.

Lao Yuan did not go back to the Baihu cave with Chang Xia, and was led by the xylophone to the cave where Yuanqing Yuanbai lived. Those cave dwellings are relatively rough and suitable for Weishan apes to rest.

Like the physique of the old ape, the general cave can not accommodate him.

"Yes." Su Ye smiled and said, "I still wonder when you can't help asking? It's more calm than I guessed."

"Mother Su Ye—"

Chang Xia dragged Chang Yin and glared at Su Ye with anger.

Su Ye laughed twice, rubbing the top of Chang Xia's hair.

Nan Feng approached and asked, "Wu, is Shen Rong coming back?"

I haven't seen Maple Leaf and Empty Mountain in the past two months, so I miss them.

"Soon." Su Ye said.

Soon, has Shen Rong set off yet?

Thinking about it, Chang Xia's expression changed slightly.

The cold season is coming soon, and Shen Rong has not yet set off from the Erdos Swamp.

When Shen Rong returned to the tribe, it must have snowed in the Twilight Forest. At that time, the forest can be very scary.

"Shen Rong met a bird clan orc."

There were a lot of things to say, and in the end Su Ye gathered them into a short sentence.

Listen to it.

The orcs gasped for breath.

"Who did Shen Rong meet?"

"Bird orc, is that the bird orc we know?"

After the silence, the orcs talked a lot. Horrified looked back at Su Ye, his expression full of shock and surprise.

Therefore, the bird family really did not have good intentions, and spied on the mallard tribe in the Erdos swamp.

Thinking about it, Nan Feng and other orcs' expressions became condensed.

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