Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 695: The Secret of Snowflake Pendants

Chapter 695 The Secret of the Snowflake Pendant

"Is it okay?" Da Ya said excitedly.

Da Ya thinks the jade carvings placed in Nuan Chun's house are very beautiful. However, Chang Xia had said before that jade ornaments would be exchanged for materials with the bird or fish tribe. Playing and playing, no one of the tribe wears jade ornaments, and no one takes it as their own.

"Yes." Chang Xia said.

When the words fell, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Da Ya.

"Da Ya, do you like jade ornaments?"


"However, I see Nuan Chun and the clansmen carved so many jade ornaments, why haven't I seen anyone wearing one or two?"

Chang Xia looked at a loss, the snowflake pendant was very important.

Without figuring out the secret on the snowflake pendant, Chang Xia didn't dare to wear jade ornaments for fear of messing up things. However, in Nuanchun, they carved jade, and the tribe hoarded a batch of jade ornaments. She has never seen any clan wearing the same jade ornament?

Today, if it wasn't for Da Ya to speak.

Chang Xia couldn't remember this.

Da Ya looked at Chang Xia carefully and said, "Chang Xia, didn't you say that these jade ornaments are to be exchanged with the bird clan and fish clan?"

"..." Chang Xia was numb, blaming her for not explaining things clearly.

She raised her head and patted her forehead, explaining: "I want to use jade ornaments to exchange supplies with the bird and fish tribes, but the tribesmen are not prohibited from wearing jade ornaments. You don't wear them, I thought everyone didn't like them."

Chang Xia likes jade.

However, the attitude of the orcs towards jade is different from her.

In the eyes of the orcs, jade is no different from stone.

"Chang Xia, can we wear jade ornaments?" Da Ya was very excited.

Chang Xia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and nodded heavily: "Yes, of course."

"Wu, I'll come over to eat herbal meals later." Da Ya clapped her hands, dropped a sentence, and hurried straight towards the courtyard gate. It can be seen that she really likes warm spring and jade ornaments carved by tribes.

Chang Xia stretched out his hand, intending to call Da Ya.

However, when the time came, she remembered the snowflake pendant.

So, take it back.

Turning around, Chang Xia looked directly at Su Ye, and said softly, "Mother Su Ye, I went to Wuzhi Mountain of the Heavenly Wolf Tribe before, and the snowflake pendant was shining brightly."

"I've been busy recently, but I forgot about it." Su Ye said.

She rubbed the snowflake pendant, her expression lost in memory. Obviously, this snowflake pendant is not simple.

"Mother Su Ye, is this snowflake pendant really related to the legend?" Chang Xia asked curiously.

Su Ye was silent and did not speak for a long time.

"Chang Xia, are you sure that when you were in Wuzhi Mountain, this snowflake pendant was shining brightly, are you sure you read it right?"

Chang Xia nodded earnestly and affirmed: "There's no mistake. At the beginning, Shen Rong saw it too. We also asked Elder Tiantai about the snowflake pendant, and he told us about Shen Rong's Amu..."

"This snowflake pendant is the key." Su Ye said slowly.

Saying that, she put the snowflake pendant on Chang Xia's neck and tied it tightly. The look is inexplicable, with a faintly complex look.

Chang Xia tilted his head, the key.

This snowflake pendant is the key, the key to which door?

"Mother Su Ye, where's the key to this snowflake pendant?"

"Ancestral Land."


Chang Xia was directly knocked unconscious.

Ancestral land, is this ancestral land serious, is it the ancestral land she thought?

"You guessed right, it's the ancestral land you thought." Su Ye said: "There are three snowflake pendants in total, which are controlled by the three tribes of the Twilight Forest Orcs, the Qinghai Plateau Bird Clan, and the East China Sea Fish Clan. Thousands of years ago , the two continents in the east and west were fighting, and three keys were mysteriously lost."

Oh wow!

Things are pushed back thousands of years.

No wonder few orcs know about the Snowflake Pendant.

However, the elder Tiantai clearly stated that the snowflake pendant was obtained by Xingya unintentionally. Does this snowflake pendant know how to choose the owner? !

"Thousands of years ago, there were orcs, fish, birds, hill people, and dens living in the Eastern Land. The five clans coexisted harmoniously in the Eastern Land and lived a life of worry-free food and clothing."

"But this peaceful and quiet life was disrupted by a conspiracy."

The descendants don't know what kind of conspiracy it was, turning the five great clans against each other. I only know that after the melee ended, one after another races left the Eastern Continent and went to the new continent, the Western Continent. Likewise, the ancestral land mysteriously disappeared in that melee.

The current Twilight Forest Orcs, Qinghai Plateau Bird Clan, and East Sea Fish Clan are descendants of the three major races that chose to stay in the East Land.

"What conspiracy-"

"I don't know, no orcs know."

Ancestors, did not leave any reason for the melee a thousand years ago. Su Ye naturally had no way of knowing what kind of conspiracy caused the five major races to split.

"The snowflake pendant can restart the ancestral land. I learned about this from the previous witch. I was very happy when Xingya got this snowflake pendant. Unfortunately, no matter how I tried, the snowflake pendant never responded." Su Ye was very calm. When she learned about the Snowflake Pendant, she was very excited.

It's a pity, no matter how excited she is.

The snowflake pendant did not show any reaction or movement.

In addition, Xingya and Yuanhou mixed together and decided to marry Yuanhou. At that time, Su Ye was extremely angry, and even murdered Yuanhou.

Snowflake pendants are about the ancestral land.

Su Ye believed that Yuanhou's approach to Xingya was for the sake of his ancestral land.

So when Xingya decided to marry Yuanhou and give up her identity as a witch. Su Ye was very disappointed with Xingya and drove her out of the Sacred Mountain Wizard Hall of Karna.

"Xingya's death—"

"It has nothing to do with the snowflake pendant. I was very angry at the time. I was angry that she only cared about love and forgot her identity as a witch, and expelled her from the holy mountain of Karna."

Chang Xia calmly listened to Su Ye's story about Xingya, without expressing any opinion.

"...She gave birth to Shen Rong, and it was too late by the time I arrived. Xingya said sorry to me and said that Shen Rong would fulfill my wish on her behalf."

Hearing this, Chang Xia couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Su Ye accepts Shen Rong to return to the Orcs of the Twilight Forest. Besides the relationship between Xingya and the Wolf Clan, is it also related to the Snowflake Pendant?

This is a lot of peace of mind for a long summer.

There is no love for no reason in this world.

No hate for no reason.

It's normal to have a picture.

"Chang Xia, don't you blame me for being too realistic?" Su Ye retracted his thoughts and whispered.

Chang Xia said calmly: "Mr. Su Ye did the right thing. You shoulder the future of the Orcs in the Twilight Forest. You can't make any decisions as you like, I understand."

Besides, Su Ye never hurt Shen Rong.

He also saved Shen Rong's life.

Based on this alone, Chang Xia couldn't blame Su Ye for plotting against Shen Rong.

"You also said that there are three snowflake pendants in total. Maybe if you find the other two, the snowflake pendant may have more reactions..." Chang Xia said.

"Last time I went to the Qinghai Plateau Bird to test the flamingo clan." Su Ye shook his head, obviously the ending was not that good. The reappearance of the snowflake pendant is bound to attract the attention of all races, and the snooping of the bird race may be just a prelude.

"Then what do I do now—" Chang Xia said blankly, holding the snowflake pendant on his neck.

Su Ye said calmly, "Nothing to do."

More than 20 years ago, Su Ye was excited.

Looking at the snowflake pendant now, Su Ye has calmed down.

"Join the clan, build a city. Let the orcs unite and make us invincible no matter what happens in the future." Su Ye said.

(End of this chapter)

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