Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 692: What witches and tribes hide

Chapter 692 The Witch and the Tribe Concealed

"Mother Su Ye, Shen Rong?"

Early in the morning, Chang Xia got up and moved his limbs.

After walking around in his own yard, stretched his muscles and bones, and went to wash by the water tank. He went into the kitchen to stew the bone broth, and planned to go to the shooting range to practice archery. He looked around, but he didn't see Shen Rong.

"He went out early in the morning." Su Ye said.

Changxia Chao looked at Bai Qing and asked, "Bai Qing, do you know where Shen Rong went?"

"Kongshan asked him to go to Woye to play Cuju early in the morning, but Shen Rong seemed to have refused. He took a group of orcs from Kongshan to the fence of the White Lake, saying that they would dig and build an underground warehouse together." Bai Qing explained, his face full of expressions. regret.

He got up early in the morning and originally wanted to go to Woye to play Cuju with Shen Rong.

Who knew that Shen Rong would pull someone to dig and build an underground warehouse, but fortunately, Bai Qing hid quickly, or else Shen Rong would be dragged to the fence of Baihu Lake to help dig and build an underground warehouse.

"This..." Chang Xia chuckled lightly.

She understood why Shen Rong was in a hurry to dig and build an underground warehouse.

Mostly because he was worried that he would go to the Erdos Swamp and leave himself to live in the cave, and Nanfeng and the others also went to the Holubad Basin, and the White Lake cave was naturally empty. With Chang Xia's lazy temperament, if he lacks something, he naturally won't take the initiative to speak.

So, Shen Rong planned to build the underground warehouse.

The tribe will definitely fill the underground warehouse with various materials.

This way, you don't have to worry about missing something.

After all, this underground warehouse will be connected to the Changxia family cave, and the location of entry and exit has not yet been determined. Shen Rong intends to locate the location in his own cellar. In this way, the underground warehouse is equivalent to the cellar within the cellar.

"Shen Rong, you have a lot of heart." Su Ye said.

Obviously, she also wanted to understand why Shen Rong was anxious.

It's nice to be remembered like this.

Su Ye smiled and looked up at the blue sky above his head.

Once upon a time, there was such a male who always put her first. Unfortunately, she lost the man. If you lose it, you will never have the chance to find it again.

"He, very good." The corners of Chang Xia's mouth were slightly raised, and there was a smile in her eyes. All the compliments finally condensed into two simple words, very good.

"Mother Su Ye, bone soup is boiling in the kitchen. I went to the shooting range to practice archery with Elder Senda. When the practice is over, I will come back to prepare breakfast."

After a while, Chang Xia tied her hair and said goodbye to Su Ye and planned to go to the shooting range.

Su Ye waved his hand and said casually, "Go and do it."

She pondered a few more medicinal meals in the Sorcerer's Hall of the Sacred Mountain of Karna, and planned to cook a few pots for Chang Xia Daya to try. It just so happened that Da Ya went to the Holubad Basin tomorrow. The time was not very tight, and Su Ye was not in a hurry to stew the medicinal food.

Slow work and meticulous work, one day is enough for Su Ye to think about it.

"Chang Xia, what's going on with Shen Rong?" Nan Feng yawned, crouching in front of the shooting range, watching Chang Xia's arrow after arrow.

Holding the bow, Chang Xia glanced at the direction of the underground warehouse, and explained: "What else can you do, dig and build the underground warehouse! If you are bored and have nothing to do, go over and help, and strive to build the underground warehouse as soon as possible."

"Chang Xia, something is wrong with you." Nan Feng tilted his head and squinted at Chang Xia.

Maple Leaf, who came from a distance, rolled his eyes twice, thinking about what Nanfeng said. Shen Rong suddenly asked someone to dig and build an underground warehouse. There was no movement from the tribe. Obviously, it was Shen Rong's intention to dig and build an underground warehouse.

However, why was Shen Rong anxious to dig and build an underground warehouse?

He didn't have to go to the Holubad Basin.

It is not too late to start after the exchange activities in the White Lake Business District are over.

within a day.

what happened?

"Changxia, is the underground warehouse urgently needed?" Maple Leaf asked.

Chang Xia lifted his eyelids and said calmly, "It's a little urgent."

"Nanfeng, let's go." Maple Ye didn't ask any more, grabbed Nanfeng and ran towards the underground warehouse. At the same time, Honeydew also followed. Da Ya hadn't woken up yet, so she slept late on the bunk bed in her own cave.

I've been sleeping a lot lately, can't wake up, can't get up.

"Changxia, are you willing to let Shen Rong leave the tribe?" Dalai asked lightly.

The bird tribe spied on the swamp of Erdos, and the elder Dalai was the insider. At the same time, he also knew that the witch and the tribe planned to form a team of totem warriors to go to the swamp of Erdos. If the bird tribe really has any plans, the mallard tribe can hardly stop it.

At this time, it is natural for the six tribes to dispatch totem warriors.

Chang Xia put down the arrow, looked back at Elder Dalai, smiled lightly, and said, "Elder Dalai knows about the Erdos Swamp?"

"When Yufu arrived in the Baihu commercial area, he informed the tribe about the Qinghai Plateau Bird Clan. After he informed the elders of the tribe, he directly contacted the Kana Holy Mountain Wizard Hall." Dalai explained.

As elders, the tribe knows everything they do before they do.

"Elder Dalai, there is Yinbei in the Fu tribe, why did the Yufu Patriarch not use Yinbei to contact the Karna Sacred Mountain Wizard Hall?" Chang Xia nodded, understanding Elder Dalai's explanation. Then, she asked about her curiosity.

Yufu Patriarch has Yinbei and can contact Su Ye directly.

However, he chose a more complicated way, which made Chang Xia unable to understand.

"He was afraid of disturbing the bird clan." Dalai said.

The bird tribe sees the swamp of Erdos, and the fish mallard is worried about the accident.

Naturally, he did not dare to use Yinbei to contact the Karna Holy Mountain Wizard Hall at will.

After all, once the news is leaked, the mallard tribe is likely to be wiped out.

After listening, Chang Xia still seemed to understand.

"Birds are good at flying, before stepping into the Baihe River Basin. Yu Fu can't be sure whether their group of orcs are being watched by Birds, and naturally they dare not use Yinbei at will."

Seeing Chang Xia's dazed expression, Elder Dalai spoke again.

The bird tribe dare not step into the territory of the six major tribes, but if they are not afraid of ten thousand, they are afraid of the unexpected. The most important thing to do now is to determine the motives of the bird race to monitor the Erdos Swamp.


This time to the totem warriors of the swamp of Erdos.

It must be the elite of the six tribes.


After Chang Xia heard it clearly, he gasped.

"The bird tribe dares to forcibly break into the Twilight Forest?" Chang Xia's eyes widened and he was furious.

Elder Dalai looked calm and said calmly: "A hundred years ago, the bird clan flew unscrupulously over the Twilight Forest, and the fish clan entered and exited the river waters of the Twilight Forest at will. However, since the great witch Su Ye came to the throne, he decided to re-divide the territory of the orc clan, and After the Sorcerer's Hall moved into the sacred mountain of Karna, and after the friendly consultation with the bird and fish, the bird and the fish never stepped into the twilight forest for no reason. However, under the sunlight, there will always be dark areas, right? "

In other words.

Birds and fishes dare not step into the Twilight Forest However, it is difficult to guarantee in private.

Otherwise, the six major tribes will not organize the elders to regularly patrol the Dusk Forest. Each orc tribe patrols their own territory at intervals of three or five, guarding not only the wandering orcs, but also the bird and fish tribes.

It's just that Chang Xia doesn't know about these things!

"..." Chang Xia looked inexplicable and sighed with emotion.

She seems to be living in a fake Heluo tribe, and she doesn't know much about it.

(End of this chapter)

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