"This is--"

"Jerky boa snake meat, not much. You take it. When you want to eat, eat a piece. Use it as a snack. After eating, ask me to get it."

Qing He was holding the animal bag, and his expression was warm.

There was a mist of water that could not be dissolved in the bottom of his eyes. The jerky of the anaconda snake was very important. It seemed that it was involved with Da Ya. The jerky of the anaconda snake of the Heluo tribe were all closely related to Da Ya. Qinghe lives in the Heluo tribe, and he has heard a few words about this.

"Chang Xia, I'm fine. Let Da Ya leave this jerky snake meat!" Qing He pushed back, not wanting to take this animal bag.

Anaconda snake, the snake spirit believed in by the snake tribe.

The Sheyue tribe takes anaconda very seriously, and Qinghe does not know where the Heluo tribe hunted and killed an anaconda. However, she never thought to explore the secret.

"Give it to you, you can take it. Da Ya is not short of these pieces of jerky, and there are a lot of jerky in the cellar." Chang Xia laughed, forced Qinghe to receive the animal bag, and said sincerely: " I invite you to come to the Heluo tribe to help. You have been conscientious and conscientious, eating a few pieces of anaconda and snake jerky, this is what you deserve. I think the witch is here, she will say the same. Listen to me, put away the animal bag , after eating, tell me."

"Okay." Qing He was moved and took the animal bag.

The bottom of my heart is more identification and belonging to Chang Xia and Heluo tribe.

"Xylophone, how much Kirab did the wolf clan bring this time?" Liu Shan asked lightly.

From the moment the Sirius Tribe stepped into the White Lake business district, all the orcs stared at the wolf clan's rattan basket. Kirab, everyone wants it.

Xylophone said: "Fifty."

"Fifty, not much! I'm afraid my clan won't be able to share much." Tianluo said regretfully.

"Well! It won't be much exchanged this time. After all, the wolves have just learned to spin thread and weave." Xylophone acquiesced to the snail. They tacitly agreed not to mention Chang Xia, even though they understood that the wolf clan would definitely give Chang Xia Kirab. However, no one mentioned it.


No orc wanted to take advantage of Chang Xia.

"I'm really interested in the mallard tribe—"

"The taste root and fish sauce grass of the mallard tribe are very good, I hope to exchange some."

"I like the stone pots made by Chang Xia's grindstone. I wonder if the mallard tribe would like to exchange them?"

Soon, the tribe automatically changed the subject.

From the wolf tribe Kirab, talk to the mallard tribe.

"The skin color of the orcs of the mallard tribe is somewhat similar to that of the fish tribe. Do the orcs of the mallard tribe have the fish tribe blood?" Honey dew whispered.

Xylophone shook his head lightly, and said, "The Orcs of the Mallard tribe are authentic orcs, and have nothing to do with the fish. They like diving and live in the water all year round. Over time, the skin color of this clan becomes different from that of ordinary orcs."

"Do you think the fish clan and bird clan will come to the Baihu commercial area to participate in exchange activities?" Otherwise, Nuan Chunmeng mentioned the fish clan and bird clan, and directly suppressed all the orcs in the cave courtyard.

a time.

All the orcs stared blankly at the warm spring.

"Warm Spring is ambitious!" Chang Xia applauded and said happily: "We will try our best to make the Baihu Business District bigger and stronger, and strive to let both the Fish Clan and the Bird Clan come to the Twilight Forest and participate in the exchange activities held by the Orc Clan."

The Grand Bazaar of Normandy.

More like an orc blind date.

It was a blind date meeting, but as a result, no orc blind date would be successful.

Chang Xia really didn't understand the significance of the Normandy Grand Bazaar.

"is it possible?"

"Nothing is impossible."

"What are you saying may not be possible—"

Nanfeng and the others came back after catching the fish, and they just heard the last sentence.

"We are talking about whether the fish clan and bird clan will come to participate in the exchange activities in the white lake business district..."

"The fish clan and the bird clan came to participate in the exchange activities in the Baihu business district, is it true or false?"

"I hope Phyllis and Seiran can come over, hehe!"

Immediately, Nan Feng threw the fish to Snake, and chatted with Honey Dew about Ferris and Qing Lan. The more we chatted, the more excited it became, how wretched it was to describe it.

"Fake, don't listen to their nonsense." Chang Xia said with a dark face and speechless.

However, in the bottom of my heart, curiosity arose for the two of them, Phyllis and Seiran. Without him, listen more.

"Qing He, you are good at painting. Can you help me with two paintings?" Milu whispered.

Qing He asked, "Okay, what do you want to paint?"


"Clear Lan."

Suddenly, Honeydew Nanfeng said a name.

In the distance, all the orcs stared at the two of them speechlessly.

Bai Qing and Snake looked at each other and felt a headache. It's annoying that your partner is thinking about other males.

"..." Qing He was silent and said, "I haven't seen them before, so I can't draw them."

Qing He's previous life was to travel to and from the sacred tree of Kanaya and Wuzhi Mountain in Totamuyue Meadow, Phyllis and Qinglan, etc. She had never seen them before, but the names were mentioned by tribal people.


Two sighs sounded.

Nanfeng Honeydew wilted directly.

"Don't sigh, kill the fish to make fish balls. Later, I will also have fried radish meat **** and sweet potato balls, and the pastries need to be steamed. These things need to be prepared before evening, after all, they will be sent to other tribes/tribes. It's too late for the orcs to taste it, but it won't work."

Chang Xia raised her hand and tapped Nanfeng Milu's head twice.

These two love to play tricks.

It's not that I really miss Phyllis and Qinglan~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I really do, so I won't fool around in front of Bai Qing and Snake.

increasingly westward.

The sky above the Baihu cave is gradually filled with various fragrances.

Tit and other beast cubs, craned their necks and looked towards the stone stove, their saliva was almost dry. A lovely round face, full of longing.

"Give the **** a few pieces of each and let them eat first." Chang Xia lifted the wooden lid, and a strong sweet smell came out. This cage is rice cake, next to it are carrot cake and mung bean cake.

Not enough oil, croquettes need oil.

So, you can only steam the pastry first.

Wait until the pastry is steamed, then fry the balls. Shen Rong boiled fat meat in the kitchen, and after boiling the fat meat, there were fried balls.

"Sister Changxia, it's the best!"

Lu You and the others immediately cheered when they heard what Chang Xia said.

Nanfeng brought the dishes and let the xylophone load the cakes. Pieces of sliced ​​pastries were placed on the dishes by the xylophone. Nan Feng swallowed and stretched out his hand...


Without any hesitation, Xylophone tapped the back of Nanfeng's hand with chopsticks.

"This is for the tits, don't mess around." Xylophone scolded.

Nan Feng withdrew his hand, looking aggrieved.

Can see, can't eat.

"Nanfeng, it's not the same if you send the cakes to Titty and the others." Chang Xia sighed, how much time can be spent in just a few steps. Nan Feng really went back as he grew older, and became more childish.

Maple Leaf said: "Forget it, I'll deliver it."

Here Chang Xia is holding a piece of rice cake, with his back to the xylophone, and quickly stuffing the rice cake into Nanfeng's mouth. Looking back, he smiled at Xylophone.

"Go, let's go." Xylophone waved.

One by one, the pestles are here, an eyesore. To delay her work, the first pot is steamed, and then the steaming has to be continued.


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