Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 681: Tonight, the grilled chicken is enough

"Wait a minute, I'll finish what Wu explained, and then go to the Baihu Commercial District." Qing He reached out and scratched his hair, buried his head, waved the pen again, and sketched something on the white paper.


Chang Xia was busy talking.

"Qing He, don't be too busy, how many copies of the food illustrations and animal and plant illustrations I asked you to prepare before?" Chang Xia asked.

She was busy farming, and occasionally cared about raising chickens and ducks in the wild mountains and forests in the south of Baihu Lake. Changxia entrusted Qinghe with the help of copying the food illustrations and preparing the animal and plant illustrations.

"I didn't do the calculations. Those things were put in the wooden box at the end of the kang. When I was in the cave, I copied a copy, and put it in the wooden box after copying it. The exact number will only be clear after reading it." Qing He Road.

Saying that, she put down the pen and paper and walked towards the room.

"Qing He, what else do you do in the cave every day besides copying?" Chang Xia said softly. Qing He's situation made her a little worried.

Three meals a day, has Qinghe eaten?

Thinking about it, Chang Xia looked up at Qing He.

Fat and thin, but you can't see it.

However, Chang Xia decided to wait and let Shen Rong bring some vegetables and fruits to Qing He. Invite Qinghe to come to the Heluo tribe to help, but you can't starve people and lose weight.

Maple Leaf's house is near here, so I have to explain to Maple Leaf.

Let her take more care of Qinghe and pay attention to three meals a day.

"I also helped Wu to sort out some information about the Twilight Forest. Wu said that he would need my help next time he comes over. There is quite a lot of information in that pile, and I have only sorted out a third of it now." Looking at the light, Chang Xia was sighed.

This kid is going crazy.

There are several rooms in the Sorcerer's Hall of the Sacred Mountain of Karna, which specially store the information of the tribes of the Twilight Forest. These materials are important and important, but they are not important.

Before, Chang Xia helped Su Ye sort it out once.

To tell the truth, those materials gave me a headache for a long time.

However, Chang Xia seemed to enjoy seeing Qing He in it. Su Ye asked Qing He to help sort out the information of the orcs in the Twilight Forest. Does he plan to take Qing He to the Sacred Mountain Wizard Hall of Karna?

This thought.

Chang Xia suddenly changed his face.

She rarely finds a talent.

Just kidnapped the people to the Heluo tribe, and haven't been trained yet, is it going to be poached by Su Ye?

This can't be done!

Chang Xia was thinking about how to act like a spoiled child with Su Ye, and he must keep Qinghe in the Heluo tribe. She also needs Qing He's help for farming chickens and ducks. Without Qing He, Chang Xia would be exhausted all by herself.

In the vegetable field in the Wilderness of Xiaohe River, Chang Xia specially bound a record.

In the same way, the wilderness mountain forest in the south of Baihu also prepared a copy.

However, Chang Xia, who raised chickens and ducks, was handed over to Nanfeng to record. At the same time, Chang Xia also informed Xylophone about the matter, hoping to discover one or two available talents in his tribe.

So far, over a month has passed.

Chang Xia didn't find any talent in this area, and of course, he couldn't say that he didn't.

She found half of it.

The reason why I say half of it is because this person is Lu You.

Lu You was still a beast cub, and Chang Xia was reluctant to oppress minors.

"Qinghe, you have to combine work and rest. You can't stay in the cave every day, and occasionally go out hunting or picking with Maple Leaf. It's okay. The information Wu gave you is not urgent, you don't have to rush to transcribe it." Chang Xia urged.

Qing He grinned and said with a smile, "Chang Xia, I don't feel tired."

Enter the room and open the wooden box.

Qing He held out a thick stack of white paper, she didn't hand it to Chang Xia, she turned and walked to the living room.

Chang Xia withdrew her embarrassed hands.

After obtaining the mark of the beast god, Chang Xia's physique was enhanced.

However, other orcs always treat her like a cub.

Heavy, heavy work.

Basically, he didn't let Chang Xia touch his hands, because he was afraid of tiring her.

This gave Chang Xiakong all the strength, but he had nowhere to work hard, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Qing He, it's just a stack of white paper." Chang Xia chased after him and explained, trying to tell Qing He that she was not the weak chicken she used to be.

Qinghe said: "It's okay, the white paper is very light. I take it the same way. This pile is the food illustration book I copied. The animal and plant illustrations are still in the wooden box. I will go back and get it."


Chang Xia's eyes widened.

She thought that this stack of white paper contained food illustrations and animal and plant illustrations.

Who knew Qing He gave such a big surprise.

This stack, I'm afraid there are hundreds of copies?

Qinghe, this baby is too porcelain. Ask her to help copy several food illustrations and organize animal and plant illustrations, Qinghe actually copied nearly 100 copies.

When Chang Xia came over just now.

I am also worried that there are not enough things. After all, there are a lot of orc tribes/tribes coming to the White Lake business area this time, there are dozens. In the last exchange activity, the food illustrated book written by Chang Xia Scroll was relatively simple. Recently, she checked and filled the gaps and organized another copy.

Chang Xia wants to give back this food guide to other orc tribes/tribes.

She has received so many gifts, and she has to return something or two.

"Qing He, you've worked hard!" Chang Xia said, "Later, I'll bring you some dried anaconda and snake meat, and I'll cook a pot of medicinal food at night, you must come and eat it."

No wonder Qing He looked bad.

This kid has been staying up late recently.

Fortunately, people did not look thin.

Otherwise, Chang Xia really doesn't know how to face the Sirius Tribe.

"Medicated food? Good! I think the stewed yam with ribs tastes Can I make another request, roast chicken, I want to eat roast chicken." Qing He swallowed his saliva and held the white paper in his hand. Carefully place on a long table.

This stack is one-third higher than the stack just now.

"Okay, enough roast chicken tonight." Chang Xia patted his chest and promised.

What a good tool person, let alone roast chicken, even roast dragon, Chang Xia wants to satisfy Qing He.

Got Chang Xia's promise.

Qinghe happily helped Chang Xia to separate the food illustrations from the animal and plant illustrations and put them together. These materials are going to be given back to other orc tribes/tribes in the long summer, so naturally they need to be sorted out in advance.

dong dong——

At this time, there was a knock on the door again.

Chang Xia looked up at the courtyard door and asked, "Qing He, who is looking for you?"

"No, it should be looking for you." Qing He denied it without thinking. Except for Fengye Nanfeng, where she lives, almost no leopard orcs would come to disturb her.

Before, there were male leopard orcs who were not married to find Qing He.

Qing He bluntly said that she already has a partner, and no male has bothered her anymore.

"Qing He, are you at home?" Aomori's voice suddenly sounded from outside the door.

Qing He's face changed suddenly, and a dirty word came out of his mouth, saying: "Wow, why did Aomori come here?"

Saying that, Qing He raised his hand and wiped his face.

Oil in one hand.

At the same time, she pulled her hair, and the ending was the same.

"Chang Xia—" Qing He looked at Chang Xia for help, how could she see Aomori like this?

The corners of Chang Xia's mouth twitched, and she said, "Go wash your face first, and I'll explain it to you."

When the words fell, Qing He quickly rushed to the water tank and washed his face with water.

Chang Xia clapped his hands and got up to pick him up.

"Aomori, push the door and come in." Chang Xia replied.


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