"Xilu, very strong. However, it is not strong."

Shen Rong thought for a while and answered Bai Qing's question. He came to the East Land, and for the time being, he only had contact with the Orcs of the Twilight Forest, and neither the Birds of the Qinghai Plateau nor the Fish of the East Sea had contact.

However, according to the usual attitude of orcs towards birds and fish.

These two tribes are definitely not weak.

Xilu has not crossed the peace line for a long time, and most of them have scruples about Donglu.

"Shen Rong, I don't understand, please clarify." Nan Feng frowned tightly, urging Shen Rong to say something simple, strong, but not strong. What kind of answer is this.

Snake squinted and listened quietly.

Yu Guang and Bai Qing and other orcs exchanged glances vaguely and quickly.

Obviously, Nanfeng didn't understand, and they understood some things to some extent.

It is very strong, which means that the overall strength of the Tianyuan tribe is strong. The second half of the sentence is not too strong, which means that the Tianyuan tribe is not united, they are independent, they have ideas, and they calculate each other.

"The Tianyuan tribe consists of thirteen great noble families. The strength of the Yuan family is in the middle and upper reaches, and there are fourteen orc tribes under its jurisdiction, including one large tribe, three medium-sized tribes, and the rest are small tribes and tribes." Shen Rong thought about it for a while, and decided to use a concise statement to prevent Nanfeng from saying he couldn't understand it again.


The expressions of the orcs changed in unison, and their breathing became tight.

Chang Xia licked the corner of his mouth and asked, "Shen Rong, what is the size of the large tribe in the Western Continent, do you have any specific explanation?"

"A tribe with more than 10,000 people is a large-scale tribe; 5,000 people are a medium-sized tribe; a tribe with less than 1,000 people is a small tribe. In addition, the totem warriors of a large-scale tribe must reach 1,000 people, and there are no clear rules for medium-sized tribes and small tribes." As Shen Rong said, seeing that Chang Xia's expression was wrong, he hurriedly explained: "The totem warriors of the western land orcs are weaker, and the fighting strength of ordinary totem warriors is similar to that of the adult males of the Six Tribes."

This said.

Bai Qing and the other orcs breathed a sigh of relief.

I had heard that Xilu was very powerful before, but I didn't know the specifics.

Today, Shen Rong broke up and said.

They have a more specific understanding of the power of the West Land, and urgency and pressure inevitably arise in their hearts.

All the orcs in the Twilight Forest put together, the number is also the number of a large tribe in the western land. The contrast between the two sides is really amazing. If Xilu really intends to do something to Donglu, the threat is too great!

"Shen Rong, does the number you mentioned include slaves?" Chang Xia asked curiously.

The biggest difference between the west and east is slavery.

There are slaves in the Western Land, and the slave trade is also allowed.

"Inclusive." Shen Rong smiled. As expected of Chang Xia, he quickly noticed the loophole. Xilu is strong, but also weak.

The nobility enjoyed the thinning of lower-class slaves, and the number of slaves far exceeded that of the nobility.

Once the slaves gave birth to the heart of rebellion, the power of Xilu will instantly collapse. This point, the nobles of the Western Land are very clear, so they brutally cut off any path that the slaves might resist.

Not only did Nan Feng not understand these words.

Bai Qing and the others also didn't understand and didn't understand the true meaning.

Does this number have anything to do with slaves?

"You don't need to worry about what the West will do to the East. In recent years, the West will not be peaceful. They are busy with civil wars, fighting for power and profits." Shen Rong mocked. The handsome face flashed away with sarcasm and disdain, the nobles were greedy, and the big nobles were even more greedy.

Covet power, covet wealth, covet more slaves.

You are fighting for each other, conspiracy and calculation.

Shen Rong was too stupid before, so he was calculated.

After getting out of the vortex, Shen Rong turned around and couldn't help but feel fortunate to be able to leave. Those aristocratic nobles will die from their endless greed sooner or later.

If the class system in the Western Continent is not resolved one day, they will not be able to cross the line of peace one day and calculate the Eastern Continent. After all, the fish clan of the East China Sea and the bird clan of the Qinghai Plateau, Shen Rong didn't think they would agree to the greedy people in the west land to invade the east land.

One listen.

The orcs were even more confused.

However, they looked at Chang Xia and seemed to understand.

Several people looked at each other, turned their heads and pretended to understand.

After all, no one wants to believe that they are stupid.

"Forget it, don't talk about Xilu, the more you talk, the more depressed you become. Shen Rong said something funny, don't talk about these too deep topics." Chang Xia clapped his hands and woke the orcs who were distracted.

Yadong smiled and asked, "Shen Rong, what are some good wines in Xilu?"

"Apart from wine, what fun and delicious food does Xilu have?" Milu also showed a wretched laugh, echoing Yadong's topic.

"What about clothes, what clothes do you wear in the West? Animal skins, or feather clothes like the bird clan?" Nanfeng added the question, pulling Snake and leaning towards Shen Rong.

As soon as this topic was discussed, all the orcs were no longer sleepy.

"Wine, the wine often drunk in the Western Land is ale. However, ale is a cheap wine that ordinary commoners often drink. The nobles drink golden wine, white jade wine, and thirteen brewed wine. For food, the food in the Western Land is not as good as that made in Changxia. , The meat often eaten by nobles is basically matched with various spices, and the taste is indescribable..."

When he said that, Shen Rong looked disgusted.

Even, the throat slipped a few times, and it looked like he was retching.


The expectant expressions of Nan Feng and the other orcs collapsed.

"Clothes, I don't know very well~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I used to have slaves to help me arrange clothing, food, housing and transportation in the Yuan family, so I don't have to worry about these trivial matters."

After a moment.

Shen Rong answered what Nan Feng said about the clothes.

The clothes of the aristocrats in the Western Land are relatively cumbersome, layer by layer, mostly light and gorgeous, and they don't feel like wearing them.

However, than animal skins or something.

Must be more comfortable.

When he came to the Heluo tribe, the only thing Shen Rong cared about was clothes.

This animal fur coat is really stuffy and hot, even shorts and shorts are not breathable. Fortunately, the Sirius tribe will be able to spin a large amount of Kirab in a short time.

At that time, there should be no need to wear animal skins anymore.

In an instant, the orcs looked at Shen Rong with envy, jealousy and hatred in their eyes.

This bastard's previous life is really enviable!

cough cough-

Shen Rong was a little uncomfortable at the eyes of the beastmen, he coughed twice, and he didn't understand what happened.

Chang Xia chuckled lightly and said, "Okay, brother, help to move these vegetables and wild fruits to the tribe. At this moment, I think the patriarch may have some free time."

"Changxia has something to do with the patriarch?" Bai Qing asked.

"I'm not looking for the patriarch, Nanfeng and the others want to ask the patriarch something." Chang Xia shook his head, pointed at Nanfeng and the others, and said.

Bai Qing tilted his head, not knowing what Nanfeng and the others were asking the patriarch.

"What do you think?" Milu pinched Bai Qing's arm and explained: "We want to go to the Holubad Basin to exchange some wild fruits and come back to make fruit wine. We have to ask the patriarch about this, and Da Ya also wants to go."

"..." Bai Qing was silent.

The first sentence is nothing.

In the second half of the sentence, Shen Rong didn't know how to answer.

Da Ya, I was having trouble with my body some time ago, but now I have the energy to think about going out?


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