Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 649: A smile in a sunny day is rewarded and added

"Chang Xia, will this be too much trouble?" Da Ya hesitated and said.

Nuan Chun smiled, patted the back of Da Ya's hand, and said warmly: "Da Ya, how can this be troublesome, the clansmen are happy to help. The beast cubs represent the hope of the tribe, just helping to catch black fish and white fish, this is not a problem. trouble."

"Listen to Nuanchun, after dinner, I will tell Yadong." Chang Xia said neatly.

Da Ya has just come to the tribe and has a thin skin.

Chang Xia Nuanchun saw her look embarrassed, and decided to make a decision directly.

"Thank you!" Da Ya took a few deep breaths, and finally spit out two words, and a layer of water vapor appeared in her eyes. In terms of being careful, even if her grandfather, Eminem, is not as good as Changxia and the others, it is her blessing to be able to marry Yadong.

Chang Xia chuckled lightly and said nothing.

My own family is too polite and seems unfamiliar.

"Shen Rong, build the stove!" Chang Xia said.

Shen Rong put the clay pot with the fried meat in the kitchen.

Soon, Shen Rong Nuanchun cleaned out the wooden shed, and Chang Xia helped pass stones to build the stove. Looking at the corner of the wall where the rattan trees were planted, he sighed: "When the rattan trees grow up and the big trees provide shade, we will be able to barbecue on the stove in the courtyard of the cave..."

"I regret cutting down the big tree next to the cave." Nuan Chun said.

"Don't worry, when I explore the bloodline ability, maybe I can find the ability to spawn." Chang Xia calmly said. At present, her ability is healing and communication, and birth should be a derivative of healing.

Changxia wants to plant, why not want to exercise his bloodline ability.

"Really?" Nuan Chun was excited.

Da Ya and Shen Rong looked at Chang Xia with a shocked expression.

Chang Xia said: "Theoretically, it is feasible. However, if you want to implement it, you need to work hard."

After all, Changxia couldn't produce plants right now.

"Chang Xia, take your time." Shen Rong said warmly. Afraid that Chang Xia would be eager for quick success, Shen Rong asked her to reassure her not to be too hasty, they had time to experiment.

"Shen Rong is right, we have time to wait, don't worry." Nuan Chun agreed.

Immediately afterwards, Da Ya nodded.

The hearts of each other are full of hope, and the future is infinitely bright.

half an hour.

Nanfeng and his party of orcs have returned.

In the basket, there is a heavy prey.

They had planned to slaughter chickens, ducks and hares by the White Lake.

However, Chang Xia told them to keep the feathers of chickens and ducks. The Heluo tribe hoarded a batch of chicken and duck feathers and waited for Chang Xia to make chicken feather dusters, as well as duck down clothes and duck down quilts.

"Chang Xia, what are these chicken and duck feathers for?" Da Ya blinked and asked curiously.

The rabbit skin is kept, which is excusable.

But what can these poultry do with their feathers on?

"Chicken feathers, to make chicken feather dusters, to clean the dust from furniture. Duck feathers, to make duck down quilts and duck down clothes." Nanfeng said to Changxiannunuzui, "Changxia asked the tribe to keep it, and said it was of great use. The tribe has hoarded a large number of them, and recently they were busy building houses and roads for other orc tribes, so they didn't care for a while."

"I have time recently to arrange the feather duster. Duck down clothes and eiderdown quilts should wait for the opportunity to exchange Kirab with the wolf clan. Animal skins are not suitable." Chang Xia took the words and said.

If this really messes up eiderdown quilts and eiderdown clothes.

From now on, don't be afraid of the severe cold of winter.

"I'll help you—" Nanfeng said quickly.

Maple Leaf asked: "In the long summer, do eiderdown quilts and eiderdown clothes need Kirab?"

"Duck down quilts and duck down clothes need cloth, this cloth...not necessarily Kirab." Chang Xia thought about it and explained that the animal skin is too thick and airtight, and the cloth is more breathable and more comfortable to cover.

"Let Shen Rong talk to the wolf clan—" Nan Feng winked and gave Chang Xia advice.

This time.

Chang Xia rarely refused directly.

"I will discuss this with the wolf clan in person. Let them exchange a batch of Kirab for me, and I will try to sew duck down quilts and duck down clothes." Chang Xia said.

She declined Nanfeng to let Shen Rong find the wolf clan and chose to come forward in person.

The animal skin is good for keeping out the cold, but it is more suitable for making coats.

If you can really make duck down clothes, the orcs can also have another way to keep out the cold in the severe cold season. Compared with hunting large prey, catching small prey such as chickens and ducks can easily be done by even weak people.

I heard Chang Xia say that he should take the initiative to discuss with the wolf clan.

The orcs immediately understood that this duck down quilt and duck down clothes must be good things.

"The water on the stove is boiled, and the chickens, ducks and hares are slaughtered."

Shen Rong shouted softly, motioning Chang Xia and the others not to stand still and start slaughtering chickens, ducks and hares. After a while, Bai Qing and the others should return from Baihu.

A lot of people can still eat.

Preparing a lunch is not an easy task.

After the words fell, the orcs got busy.

very quickly.

Bai Qing and the others came back with the slaughtered fish and shrimp.

Join the hustle and bustle.

"Nanfeng, you go to the tribe and call the **** over--" Chang Xia wiped the hot sweat from his forehead, stirred the rabbit in the pot again and again, and shouted to Nanfeng to go to the tribe to call someone.

Nan Feng pouted and muttered, "Chang Xia, you dote on those beast cubs too much!"

"Don't talk nonsense, come and pick them up." Chang Xia stared at Nan Feng, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, such a big man is not afraid of losing face even if he competes with Titty and the others for jealousy.

"Nanfeng go quickly." Maple Leaf urged.

Tits and the others probably wanted to come to Chang Xia for a long time, and most of them were so restrained by the Chang Xia asked Nanfeng to pick him up, and it should be clear why.

"Okay, I'll eat another piece of rabbit meat and go." Nanfeng said.

He reached out and quickly picked up a piece of rabbit meat from the pot, which was hot and whimpering. While running towards the courtyard gate, you must go early and return early.

Back late, who knows if Yadong will steal it?

"The older you get, the more like a beast cub—" Maple Leaf spat.

Chang Xia chuckled lightly and said, "Isn't this good?"

Only when you are pampered are you qualified to laugh and scold. She didn't think there was anything wrong with Nanfeng, man! It is rare to be able to live unrestrainedly.

"Chang Xia, don't we notify the patriarch and the elders?" Da Ya said softly.

Chang Xia waved his hand and said casually: "When our young people get together, we won't call them the patriarch. When they come, everyone will feel uncomfortable."

Later, the tribe will grow a little more.

The number of beast cubs has increased, and Chang Xia will not deliberately call the beast cubs over.

Now, there are not many tribal cubs.

Called over, also lively.

"Chang Xia is right, I really called the patriarch and the others over, maybe they will ask something." Maple Ye said with a dark face and speechless.

When the marriage is over, it will inevitably lead to birth.

In particular, there are two lessons from Nuanchun and Daya.

Chang Xia, the patriarch they will not rush. After all, she had just recovered, and the Shen Rong race had a strong bloodline, so she couldn't be in a hurry to give birth to a cub.

However, they are different.

Not to mention Maple Leaf, I'm afraid even Bai Qingnanfeng can't escape the fear of being spawned.

"..." Da Ya was confused, she didn't seem to understand what Maple Leaf said.

Milu understood, the corners of her mouth twitched lightly, quiet, and Mo Mo remained silent. It would be terrifying to be afraid of the flames of war burning on him.


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