Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 647: The twins' teeth replacement period, early

"At noon, let's all stay for dinner!"

After finishing talking, Chang Xia asked to keep someone, and asked Bai Qing and other orcs to stay for lunch.

It is rare to not have to hurry, and do not need to plan this plan for other tribes, Chang Xia has time to think about food.

"What to eat?"

"I want to eat fish balls, make fish balls!"

"Vegetable barbecue, have a barbecue meal."

Immediately, all the orcs spoke up and made suggestions.

"Soy sauce meat, fried meat, raw rice noodles..." Nanfeng swallowed and muttered words in her mouth. It was too uncomfortable to eat in the Sheyue tribe recently, and she wanted to eat all the delicacies she had eaten before.

Snake smiled and said nothing.

After staying in the Heluo tribe for a while, he suddenly felt that hot dishes were more delicious than cold dishes, but unfortunately his mouth was not strong enough to eat too hot food.

Thinking about it, Snake couldn't help showing regret.

In the farthest distance, Qing He sat quietly. She heard a lot of cruel news just now, she needs to digest it well, and after digesting it, she must forget all. However, wait for Chang Xia to propose that everyone stay for lunch.

Qing He woke up instantly.

Especially Nanfeng and the others were talking about one name after another without food.

Qing He felt even more hungry!

She wants to apply to live in the Heluo tribe, is this okay?

"It's all right." Chang Xia waved his hand and replied, "You can eat whatever you want. Go to the cellar and kitchen to check the ingredients to see if there are any?"

The words fall.

Chang Xia looked up at Yadong.

"Shen Rong, take Yadong to the cellar and give her the dried boa and snake meat."

She remembered that there were still a lot of jerky in the cellar, and the clansmen gave her a lot. After all, there should be a lot left in the cellar.

"Okay, Yadong, come with me." Shen Rong nodded and called to Yadong to head towards the cellar. Boa jerky is delicious jerky for them. However, it could be a life saver for Yutaya.

"Wait, I'll be with you too." Nan Feng smiled wickedly and said, "I have to go and see what good things are stored in the Changxia family's cellar?"

They left the tribe for more than two months.

The Tiger Clan and the Bear Clan have been to the tribe one after another, and they will definitely bring gifts to Chang Xia.

At the same time, in the past two months, the tribe repaired the road to the Sorcerer's Hall in the Holy Mountain of Karna. In terms of wealth, the sacred mountain of Kana is definitely the proudest in the Twilight Forest.

Yi Wu's love for Chang Xia.

The clansmen will definitely bring something to Chang Xia.

think about.

Nanfeng's footsteps became more and more brisk, catching up with Shen Rong Yadong.

"south wind--"

"She's mostly thinking about what's in the Changxia family's cellar."

"What will be in the Changxia family's cellar?"

The last person I asked was Qing He. She just came to the Heluo tribe, and she didn't know enough about some things. Seeing Nanfeng chasing to the cellar, he couldn't help but ask one more question.

"Changxia's cellar is richer than the tribe's warehouse. In addition to the things sent by the tribe, there are also gifts from the tribes." Nuan Chun explained with a smile.

The Dusk Mist Forest is richer than the Changxia family's cellar, only the warehouse of the Sacred Mountain Wizard's Hall in Karna, which has the most abundant materials in the Dusk Mist Forest.

"Can I go and have a look?" Qinghe asked.

Chang Xia laughed, pointed at Honey Dew next to her, and said, "Honey Dew, take Qing He to the cellar for a stroll, while watching Nanfeng, don't let her empty the cellar."

Ha ha!

The orcs laughed.

"Nuanchun, your animal cub fell into the pool." Chang Xia covered her eyes, and the pool in the cave courtyard suddenly splashed with water droplets. Chang Xia stood up and looked at the pool.

Immediately, the head was full of black lines.

I saw the twins fluttering in the pool.

There are several brightly colored fish in the pool.

Species, Changxia do not know.

Seeing the beautiful color, he asked Shen Rong to help fish it out and put it in the pool to keep it.

"I really want to strangle them sometimes, really." Nuan Chun took a deep breath, strode forward, and fished the twins out of the pool. Among them, a beast cub bit a red fish in its mouth. When Nuanchun was fished out, he kept struggling, making Nuanchun's whole body wet.

The corners of Chang Xia's mouth twitched, and she whispered, "My poor fish!"

Saying that, he got up and went to the bathroom.

After a while.

Take out a clean towel and throw it to Nuanchun.

"Warm spring, give them a wipe."

It's hot, and the temperature isn't too high at the moment. Wet and easy to catch cold.

Nuan Chun held down the struggling twins, and the fish bitten by the beast cub fell to the ground and jumped, looking at it, it should not survive.

"Chang Xia, wait for Shan Kun to come back. I'll let him go to Baihu or Baihe to catch some more beautiful fish for you. I'm afraid this one won't save you." Nuanchun said helplessly.

"A fish, it's fine." Chang Xia waved his hand and said indifferently.

Da Ya laughed and praised: "The beast cub is really powerful!"

This fish, to say the least, weighs six or seven pounds.

Directly killed by the beast cub, tsk tsk, it really deserves to be the leopard clan.

"It seems that the body of this chubby beast is not all fat." Chang Xia took over one of the beast cubs that Nuan Chun wiped clean, and he gained weight. Holding one of them would be an extravagant hope.

clap clap!

Nuan Chun slapped the twins vigorously.

"After eating so many things, you have to grow a little bit." Nuan Chun said.

"What's wrong with this fish—" Nan Feng asked curiously.

She held a clay pot and placed the pot on the square table. Looking at the red fish in front of Nuan Chun, it's a bit strange.

Nuan Chun pursed his mouth towards the beast cub in Chang Xia Daya's arms, and said angrily, "What else could have was bitten to death by them. Recently, I caught something and bit me. Shan Kun and I I have been bitten by them a lot, and my strength is strong, and I have several scars on my arms and thighs."

"Change teeth?" Nanfeng said.

She stretched out her hand, opened the mouth of the beast cub in Chang Xia's arms, and touched it twice.

Nuan Chun said: "Well! I should be changing my baby teeth recently."

Orc cubs will replace their milk teeth before they are a year old, and they can eat meat when they change shape.

At the same time, once the orc cubs have finished changing their deciduous teeth, they will be trained by the tribe elders to exercise their hunting skills. Usually the cubs will change their teeth between June and August, and the warm spring cubs are half earlier. It can be seen that they eat really well and have sufficient nutrition, which allows them to enter the period of teeth changing ahead of schedule.

"Change your teeth so early?" Da Ya was shocked.

Qing He asked, "How old are the twins?"

"When Chang Xia went out, they were born not long ago, more than three months." Nanfeng said.

"Generally, the cubs change their teeth in 6-8 months. It is indeed a bit early for them to change their teeth." Honey dew came to Nanfeng and touched the cub's gums with curiosity.

It's sharp enough to pierce your fingers with just a little bit of force. This is definitely not a baby tooth, the twins are indeed entering the period of changing teeth.

"Eat well and mix meat and vegetables properly." Chang Xia said lightly.

The forest is very dangerous. If the orcs want to develop, they will naturally try their best to become stronger. This point is rooted in the blood of all orcs.

Chang Xia is not surprised that the twins can enter the teeth changing period ahead of schedule.

She even felt that the twins were likely to change shape in advance.

"Chang Xia, do you mean that the animal cubs will change their teeth earlier in the future?" Maple Leaf stared at Chang Xia and said nervously. The tooth replacement period is earlier, and the transformation may also be earlier. When Maple Leaf asked, all the orcs immediately responded.

Staring at Chang Xia one by one, excitement and shock flashed in his eyes.


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